
  • 网络full frame
  1. 如果你拥有全画幅佳能EOS5D模型,您将需要保函-E4类电池手柄。

    If you have a full frame Canon EOS5D model , you will need to guarantee-E4 battery grip type .

  2. 全画幅用户没有这样的选择。

    Full frame users don 't have such a choice .

  3. 在14-24mm的是优秀的业余霉素喜欢D300的摄像头,但并没有真正开始抽水,直到您使用胶片或全画幅外汇数码相机。

    The14-24mm is excellent on amateur DX cameras like the D300 , but doesn 't really start pumping until you use it on film or a full-frame FX digital camera .

  4. 更大的感光元件通常也意味着更好的表现质量&全画幅在低照度、高感光度时会有更好的表现。

    The larger sensor also means that-all other things being equal-full frame cameras will produce the best results in very low light and at higher sensitivities .