
  1. 认真落实全国卫生工作会议精神切实抓好医疗卫生机构评审工作

    Develop Hospital Accreditation Work in the Spirit of the National Conference on Health Service

  2. 张文康部长在2003年全国卫生工作会议上的讲话摘要

    Abstract of speech of Minister Zhang Wenkang to the National Conference on Health Service 2003

  3. 全国卫生工作会议构筑了与我国社会主义市场经济体制相适应的卫生体系的大体框架。

    The national public health work meeting formulated a fundamental structure of the public health care system in line with our country 's socialist market economy .

  4. 全国卫生工作会议提出中国的医疗事业运行适应市场经济发展但不能市场化。

    The2nd National Health Conlerence put it forward that the operation of Chinese medical industry should be adapted to the development of market economy but not marketized .

  5. 2003年全国卫生工作会议明确提出要深化医疗卫生体制改革,打破条块分割,合理配置卫生资源;

    National health working conference clearly outlined that medical and health system transformation should be deepened , vertical and horizontal separation should be stopped , health resources should be allocated properly ;

  6. 在2006年全国卫生工作会议上首次明确提出公立医院要建立医疗救助基金。

    The foundation of medical aid should be set up in public hospital has been specific mentioned the very first time at the National Hygienical Conference in 2006.The building of medical charity aid foundation has very important practical and immediate significance .

  7. 以预防为先导,以社区定向为基础的全科医学教育模式在我国现阶段对于实现全国卫生工作会议加快全科医学教育,培养全科医师这一目标具有现实重要的意义。

    In China , the general practice education model which oriented by prevention and oriented for community has importantly actual meaning for realizing the goal " accelerating general practice education and training general practitioners ", which had been put forward in the National Health Meeting .

  8. 2002年10月29日,全国农村卫生工作会议在北京召开以后,建立新型农村合作医疗体制、完善农村社会保障成为三农问题研究的热点。

    The National Rural Health Conference held in Beijing after the establishment of new rural cooperative medical care system , improve the rural social security to become the " three rural " issue of research .