
  1. 汉语叙词表微机编制管理系统的开发

    Development of a Microcomputer-based Management System for the Establishment of Chinese Thesaurus

  2. 地质调查项目预算编制管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of MIS on automatic budgets-making of Chinese geologic survey project

  3. 地方政府机构编制管理制度化路径探析

    Analysis of the means for institutionalization of the establishment management of local governments

  4. 神经网络模型在环境监测机构编制管理中的应用研究

    Study on artificial neural network model of environment inspecting units ' personnel establishment management

  5. 事业单位编制管理改革研究

    Research on Establishment Management of Public Service Unit

  6. 计算机在市政工程概预算编制管理上的应用

    Computer Application in Estimating of Municipal Engineering

  7. 对编制管理改革的思考

    On the Reform of the Establishment Management

  8. 结合水电厂的自身特点编制管理手册和程序文件。

    It authorizes management handbooks and procedure files with the self - characteristic in hydropower plant .

  9. 辽宁省县级义务教育类事业单位机构编制管理问题研究

    Liaoning Province , at the County Level Agencies and Institutions of Compulsory Education Category Management Research

  10. 本文阐述了高校编制管理的目的、原则。

    This paper expounds the purpose and principle of the establishment management in colleges and universities .

  11. 岗位编制管理,企业可根据需要决定是否启用岗位编制管理。

    Post staffing management : the enterprise can determine whether to enable the post staffing management as needed .

  12. 浅谈房产公司的项目工程量清单编制管理策略对工程量清单编制及应注意事项的探讨

    Discussion about Management Measures of BOQ Establishment for Real Estate Company Discussion on the Engineering Quantity List Complication

  13. 富士康的优势在于编制管理那些为全球知名公司制造产品的工人。

    Foxconn 's expertise has been in running well-regimented armies of people making goods for highly visible global companies .

  14. 这些现象的出现,无不与公务员编制管理环节存在的种种问题有关。

    These phenomena appear , all with the establishment of the civil service management link there are various problems .

  15. 使用此页面以确认您希望将此网站永久地配置为高级内容索引编制管理模式。

    Use this page to confirm that you wish to permanently configure this site for advanced content indexing administration mode .

  16. 警力资源是开展警务活动的第一资源,警察编制管理是警力资源管理的基础。

    Policeman resource is the most important resource for policing . The base of policeman resource management is policeman establishment management .

  17. 全国性地图、军用地图的编制管理,依照有关法律、法规规定执行。

    The drawing-up administration on nationwide maps and military maps shall be implemented according to the stipulations of related laws and regulations .

  18. 随着路网逐步完善,面对更高的要求,现有运行图编制管理体制中存在的问题逐渐凸现出来。

    Due to the gradual improvement and the higher demand of railway network , the problems existing in the management system protrude gradually .

  19. 本文主要探讨高校编制管理的原则、基本思路和改革对策。

    In this paper , the principles , main approaches and countermeasures of reform of personnel structure management at colleges and universities are explored .

  20. 系统主要划分为单位管理、人员管理、编制管理、减员管理和统计查询五个模块。

    System is mainly divided into units of management , personnel management , preparation of management , attrition management and statistical inquiry five modules .

  21. 高等学校人力资源配置与编制管理研究应该结合中国特色的社会主义市场经济体制。

    Research in higher education institutions ' human resource placement and position setting should be adaptive to the state 's characteristics and socialist market economy .

  22. 部门预算改革与高校部门预算编制管理高职院校专门用途英语教学现状研究

    On Departmental Budget Renovation and Its Specific Application to Departmental Budgeting Management in Higher Institutions ; A Survey Study of ESP Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

  23. 军用地图和海图的编制管理,按照国务院、中央军事委员会的规定执行。

    The administration and drawing up of military maps and sea charts shall be carried out according to the regulations of the State Council and the Central Military Commission .

  24. 我国政府机构设置和编制管理立法探析非政府组织参与公共危机管理的法律制度构建

    Research on China 's Government Agencies to Set up and Manage the Preparation of a Number of Legislative Construction of Legal System on NGO 's Participation in Public Crisis Management

  25. 长期以来,我国政府公务员实行根据一定的人口比例和业务量配备的编制管理。

    For a very long time , our governmental civil service is implemented with the establishment management , based on a certain proportion of the population and volume of business .

  26. 论文首先分析了列车运行图编制管理模式相关因素,分别从运行图的性质、铁路管理体制、行车组织要求和铁路营销工作的角度,提出了对列车运行图编制、管理工作的要求。

    It proposed request for train diagram establishment and the supervisory work , separately from the point of railway administration system , the driving organization request and the railroad marketing operating .

  27. 首先,简单阐述编制管理的基础理论、传统的管理模式及其存在的问题。

    First of all , having a preliminary statement of establishment management theory and traditional management model in S.M.P.S.B , the author tries to tell us the problems in policeman establishment management .

  28. 岗位空缺管理,在启用岗位编制管理以后,当出现员工调配,离职等异动情况,系统可自动发现岗位空缺,并进行预警。

    Job vacancy management : after enabling post staffing management , once there are staffs deployed or leaving office , the system can automatically find the job vacancy and carry out advance warning .

  29. 在较为系统地分析了新时期加强高校编制管理的必要性,现行编制管理存在不足的基础上,对高校编制管理创新思路进行了初步探讨。

    This paper gives a systematic analysis of the necessity of strengthening college organization management and the defects present in current management practices and offers some innovative ideas for the improvement of the work .

  30. 解决医院编制管理中这些问题的基本思路是从实际出发,着眼未来,适应发展,精简高效。

    To solve these problems , we must proceed from actual conditions , have our eyes on the future , keep up with social development , simplify the administrative structure and strive for efficiency .