
biān jù
  • Scriptwriter;playwright;scenarist;dramatist;write a play (scenario);dramaturgy;write a play, scenario, etc
编剧 [biān jù]
  • [palywright;scenarist] 编定撰写剧本的人

  • [write a play (scenario)] 编定撰写剧本的过程

编剧[biān jù]
  1. 编剧帮助他将其所著小说改编成电影。

    The scriptwriter helped him to adapt his novel for the screen

  2. 他划掉了“编剧”二字,改为“作者”。

    He crossed out ' Screenplay ' and put ' Written by ' instead .

  3. 他将诗人与编剧作了角色换位的短篇小说

    a short story in which he transposes the roles of poets and screenwriters .

  4. 音乐总体来说很棒,但编剧和表演就有点平淡无奇。

    The music is generally terrific but the scripting and acting are a bit ho-hum .

  5. 剧终之后他们请求编剧和大家见面。

    After the play they called for the author to show himself .

  6. Summerof85《85年盛夏》弗朗索瓦·欧容是一位作品类型多样又多产的法国编剧兼导演,他的新片改编自艾登·钱伯斯的开拓性同性恋成长小说《在我坟上起舞》,这部电影回到了欧容的起点,或许也是对他自己青春期的回顾。

    Fran ç ois Ozon , the prolific14 , genre-hopping French writer-director , gets back to his roots – and , perhaps , his own adolescence15 – with an adaptation of Aidan Chambers16 ' ground-breaking gay coming-of-age novel , Dance On My Grave .

  7. 高满堂,编剧、全国政协委员

    Gao Mantang , screenwriter and member of the CPPCC National Committee

  8. 片中的反派由杰森·贝特曼和鲍比·坎纳瓦尔饰演,编剧兼导演则是麦卡西的丈夫本·法尔科内。

    The supervillains are played by Jason Bateman and Bobby Cannavale , and the writer-director is McCarthy 's husband , Ben Falcone .

  9. 斯坦·李(注:漫威编剧、漫画家)的葬礼将会是一个反转过来的配角群戏,所有的超级英雄都会成为他的人生故事的背景。-4-

    Stan Lee 's funeral is going to be a reverse cameo where all the superheroes appear in the background of his story .

  10. 《地表惊旅》的编剧和拍摄均在去年封锁期间完成,故事背景设定在被类似新冠的病毒摧毁的英国。

    Written and shot during last year 's lockdowns , In the Earth is set in a Britain which has been devastated11 by a Covid-like virus .

  11. 该片改编自帕特里克·德威特的讽刺小说,由德威特亲自担任编剧。在这部离奇又心酸的喜剧电影中,菲佛饰演了丧偶的纽约社交名媛弗朗西斯。

    In this quirky but poignant12 comedy , adapted by Patrick DeWitt from his own satirical novel , Pfeiffer plays Frances , a widowed New York socialite .

  12. 现在,他将出演《美国队长4》,该片由斯佩尔曼与迪斯尼+漫威系列编剧达兰·穆森共同撰写剧本。

    Now he 's set to board Captain America 4 , with Spellman to pen the script with Dalan Musson , a staff writer on the Disney + Marvel series .

  13. 影片由女性电影制作人贾玲担任编剧、导演和主演,是春节7部电影中口碑最好的一部。

    Written , directed by and co-starring female filmmaker Jia Ling , Hi , Mom has received the best user review ratings by far of the seven tentpoles currently on release .

  14. 在这部由玛丽亚·施拉德担任导演并参与编剧的科幻爱情片中,一位离异的人类学家(玛伦·艾格特饰演)同意试用一个被编程设定为完美伴侣的机器人。

    Directed and co-written by Maria Schrader , this sci-fi romance features Maren Eggert as a divorced anthropologist14 who agrees to test-drive an android that is programmed to be her perfect partner .

  15. 这部电影现在的烂番茄评分高达100%,一部分要归功于编剧兼导演佛罗莱恩·泽勒构思巧妙的电影拍摄技巧,另一部分要归功于演员精湛的表演。

    Florian Zeller 's film currently has a 100 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes , partly due to the writer-director 's ingenious cinematic trickery , and partly due to the extraordinary acting13 .

  16. 斯佩尔曼为该剧组建了一个几乎全是黑人的编剧团队。这部剧因注重黑人群体感受而备受赞誉,这与之前的任何超级英雄电影或电视剧都不一样。

    Spellman assembled a nearly all-Black writers room for the series , which has been praised for bringing the Black experience to the forefront quite unlike any other superhero film or TV show before it .

  17. 大卫·洛维(执导过《老人与枪》、《鬼魅浮生》和《彼得的龙》)编剧和执导的《绿衣骑士》比典型的好莱坞奇幻电影更离奇更怪异,但却更人性化。

    Written and directed by David Lowery ( The Old Man & The Gun , A Ghost Story , Pete 's Dragon ) , The Green Knight promises to be eerier9 , weirder10 but more personal than the average Hollywood fantasy .

  18. H:你刚提到了庞大的编剧团队。

    You mention the large writing staff .

  19. 后来约翰·奥森(JohnOishei)又进行了尝试。他是一位有抱负的编剧,在水牛城经营一个轻歌舞剧院。

    Unto the breach stepped John Oishei , an aspiring playwright who operated a vaudeville theater in Buffalo .

  20. 现在,华纳兄弟公司已征召Friends的编剧大卫克兰和玛尔塔考夫曼来编写和制作《老友记》电影版,并准备在2011年夏天上映。

    But now Warner Brothers have drafted in Friends creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman to write and produce the film , due in cinemas in the summer of 2011 .

  21. 在日剧一路下滑之时,《FirstClass》的导演与编剧无疑都成功的打破了定式,为人们留下了一部印象深刻的作品,同时也给日剧爱好者和日剧行业带来新的希望。

    In a time of Japanese TV dramas going downhill , the creators and writers of First Class certainly have done impressive job thinking outside the box , bringing hope to both fans and the industry .

  22. 与此同时,美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)现在开设了一个名为“科学与娱乐交流”(SciencesandEntertainmentExchange)的项目,编剧和制片人可借助这一平台免费咨询各类科学家的意见。

    Meanwhile , the National Academy of Sciences now offers a program called the Sciencesand Entertainment Exchange that gives writers and producers free consultation with all kinds of scientists .

  23. 编剧协会希望协会成员能从在线播放或者DVD中获取更多的利益。

    The Writers Guild of America wants its members to receive more money for work distributed online or on DVDs .

  24. 亚历山大·佩恩和吉姆·泰勒凭借《杯酒人生》(SIDEWAYS)获得最佳编剧奖;

    " Sideways " director Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor accepted the award for best screenplay .

  25. 影片发行方为BHTilt,《银河护卫队》导演詹姆斯?刚担任该片编剧,克瑞格?麦克林恩担任导演。

    Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn penned the BH Tilt release , directed by Greg McLean .

  26. 他现居马萨诸塞州的波士顿,当前的节目是FX系列,在这节目当中他也担任了编剧,导演和编辑。

    He currently stars in the FX comedy series Louie , which he also writes , directs , and edits .

  27. 电视连续剧《CSI犯罪现场》的编剧们有一个挑战:他们的探案人员得在一小时的节目中破案。

    The writers of the TV series CSI have a challenge : Their investigators need to solve crimes on a one-hour program .

  28. 近日,朗格利亚和《绝望主妇》的编剧大卫·斯故奈(DavidSchulner)、导演妮莎·加纳塔(NishaGanatra)共同合作了移民剧《LuckyBoy》。

    Longoria recently teamed with another former Desperate Housewives writer , David Schulner , for immigrant drama Lucky Boy , with Nisha Ganatra directing .

  29. 在接受《卫报》(TheGuardian)采访时,编剧之一大卫·克拉尼表示,两位主演在表演瑞秋和乔伊亲密的时候都很无语。

    In an interview with The Guardian , co-creator David Crane spoke of the costars " reticence in taking on a Rachel / Joey coupling .

  30. 影片编剧杰森·霍尔(JasonHall)说,安排这样一个场景是为了说明凯尔在复原中,同时也预示了即将在画外发生的暴力。

    Jason Hall , who wrote the movie screenplay , said the scene was meant to both show Kyle in recovery and presage the violence that was about to occur off-screen .