
  1. 插值技术提高激光旋转编码器分辨率的研究

    The Research on Interpolating Technology How to Raise the Laser Rotating Encoder Resolution

  2. 因此,研制莫尔条纹信号高插补系数快速电子细分装置成为提高光电轴角编码器分辨率与响应频率亟待解决的问题。

    So the fast interpolation set of the Moire stripe signal is : he problem that is anxious to be resolved .

  3. 19位编码器的分辨率为2.5,精度为0.8。20位自然二进制数送计算机,作自动控制用。

    The resolution of the 19 , bit encoder is 2.5 , with an accuracy of 0.8 .

  4. 采用移相电阻链细分和分段多次校正的方法对提高绝对式编码器的分辨率、精度和可靠性是有效的手段之一。

    The accuracy and reliability of the absolute encoder is enchanced significantly by means of interpolation of phase-shift resistance and sectionally and repeatedly correcting .

  5. 但是绝对式编码器存在分辨率与尺寸的矛盾,分辨率的提高依赖于圈数的增加。

    However , there is a contradiction of resolution and size in the absolute encoder , the resolution improvement depends on the number of laps increased .

  6. 本编码器角分辨率为0.078〃;测角精度,σ<0.8〃;

    About this 24-unit absolute photoelectric rotary encoder , It 's angle resolution is 0.078 " and the precision of testing angle is σ < 0.8 " .

  7. 莫尔条纹信号经过乘法四倍频后再由单片机软件细分8192份,实现了莫尔条纹信号高插补系数快速电子学细分,提高了光电轴角编码器的分辨率和精度。

    Redoubled , frequency-multiplied signal is interpolated to 8192 parts by single-chip computer . This acquires high interpolation times , and the resolution and accuracy of absolute photoelectric rotary encoders are improved as well .

  8. 由于单纯依靠制造上刻划更细的光栅来提高光电轴角编码器的分辨率是很难实现的,目前普遍采用光电信号细分技术来提高光栅系统的精度和分辨率。

    It is difficultly to enhance the resolution of encoders if commonly depending on thinner engraving grating . Therefore , at present , the primary technology to improve the encoders ' resolution is the interpolation technology of the moire stripe signal .

  9. 采用高速A/D配以光电编码器,使采样分辨率达0.1°CA,提高了系统的测量精度和分析精度,并建立了放热规律和喷油规律的数学模型。

    The high speed A / D and the optic electric encoder are adopted in the system to measure and analyses precisely . Its sampling resolution reaches as high as 0.1 ° CA. A mathematic model both for heat release rate and fuel injection characteristics is established .

  10. 为了提高编码器反馈信号的分辨率,本系统还进行信号四倍频处理技术研究,并设计了原理电路。

    To raise the resolution capacity of the encoder feedback signal , this paper still study the technology of having signal frequency 4 times handled , and designs the principle circuit .

  11. 而使用高分辨率增量编码器,只需在轴端安装,不会破坏系统的结构,而且分辨率高达6000一30000个脉冲/转的编码器,其角度分辨率可达0.06。一0.012。

    But the installation of coder can 't damage the structure of axis , and as to the 6000-30000p / r coder , its differentiate rate is up to 0.06c-0.012c .