
  • 网络Voltage regulation;voltage regulation rate;Line Regulation
  1. Spectre仿真结果表明,设计构成的LDO输出电流典型值达到3.0A,最低压差可达1.3V,电压调整率为0.015%,负载调整率为0.05%。

    Spectre simulation shows that a typical output current of 3.0 A , a low dropout voltage of 1.3 V , a line regulation of 0.015 % , and a load regulation of 0.05 % have been achieved for the regulator .

  2. 内埋式永磁交流发电机低电压调整率的条件分析

    Analysis of Conditions for Low Voltage Regulation of Interior-Type Permanent Magnet Alternator

  3. 一种低温漂低电源电压调整率CMOS基准电流源

    A Novel CMOS Current Reference with Low Temperature and Supply Dependence

  4. 结果表明,由电流型PWM控制器构成的微机电源具有良好的电压调整率、负载调整率和系统稳定性等优点。

    The results show that this PC power supply has high load regulation rate and high stability .

  5. 在1kVA的样机上进行实验研究,其结果在额定阻性负载下的稳态总谐波畸变率(THD)为2.49%,空载与额定负载间阶越变化下的电压调整率为6.75%。

    The total harmonics distortion ( THD ) for a 1 KVA prototype at rated resistor load is 2.49 % with the voltage regulation for a step change from null load to rated load of 6.75 % .

  6. 变压器短路阻抗及电压调整率计算

    Calculation of Short Circuit Impedance and Voltage Regulation Rate of Transformer

  7. 低电压调整率交流永磁发电机的设计

    Design of permanent magnet alternator with low voltage regulation

  8. 地铁变流技术特点及直流电压调整率的探讨

    Discussion on Characteristic of Current Converting for Subway and DC Voltage Regulating Rate

  9. 恒流源采用深度负反馈技术,其稳定度、电压调整率和温度漂移分别小于0.1%,0.1%和0.05%/℃。

    Its stability , voltage relative regulation and temperature drift are less than 0.1 % , 0.1 % and 0.05 % respectively .

  10. 这为设计额定负载时低甚至零电压调整率的永磁同步发电机提供了可靠的依据和有效途径,减小了设计中的盲目性。

    The findings offer the reliable foundation and effective method to the design of the zero even negative voltage regulation on rated load .

  11. 电压调整率电压调整率描述的是最大和最小稳态电压差与额定电压之间的百分比。

    Voltage Regulation Voltage regulation is a measure that states the difference between maximum and minimum steady-state voltage as a percentage of nominal voltage .

  12. 通过对三种方案在固有电压调整率、效率、稳压特性、有效材料使用量等各种性能的比较,最终选择了40极45槽。

    The combination of 40 poles 45 slots is selected after comparisons of inherent voltage regulation-rate , efficiency , characteristics of keeping constant voltage and effective material usage .

  13. 在测量一些稳态电压调整率非常小的电机时,会出现测量用电压表的最大绝对误差大于稳态电压调整的范围。

    When we measure the electric machines with little steady voltage adjusting rate , the absolute error of the voltmeter reaches out of the range of the steady state voltage adjusting .

  14. 应用双反应理论对混合励磁永磁同步发电机的外特性和固有电压调整率进行了深入的分析研究,推导了固有电压调整率与混合励磁永磁同步发电机性能参数之间关系的数学计算模型。

    In this paper , the voltage characteristic and inherent voltage regulation are deeply analyzed and the mathematical model of relation of inherent voltage regulation and performance parameters is presented on the basis of double-reaction theory . voltage of work ;

  15. 以电压调整率的绝对值作为异步发电机的电压稳定性判断指标,在负载功率因数给定的情况下,两次利用一维优化法确定发电机的最佳短并励电容值。

    The absolute value of the voltage regulation is defined to identify the voltage stability of the induction generator , and the optimal short-shunt capacitance is determined for loads with given power factors , by using one-dimensional optimization method twice .

  16. 通过改变电机的结构参数,对其电磁场进行计算,找到永磁电机电压调整率的变化规律,为加电励磁的混合励磁永磁电机做准备,达到稳定输出电压的目的。

    By changing the structure parameter , the change rule of voltage regulation for PMSG is obtained through calculating the electromagnet field , which makes good preparation for adding electricity excitation to hybrid excitation permanent magnet generator and achieves the purpose of steadying the output voltage .

  17. 电压及电流调整率优于±0.02%;

    Both the voltage regulation and the current regulation are better than + 0 . 02 % .

  18. 如输出电流(电压)、负载调整率、输出纹波、电网调整率、负载和输入功率因数、电磁兼容性等方面提出了更高的要求。

    Higher requirements have been put forward such as output current ( voltage ), load regulation rate , output ripple , power regulation , load and input power factor , electromagnetic compatibility and other aspects .

  19. 不同精度的电压表对发电机稳态电压调整率试验结果的影响

    Test Result of Steady State Voltage Adjusting Rate of Generator Affected by Voltmeter with Different Precision

  20. 通过研究电压对变压器功率损耗的影响,提出了临界电压调整负载率的概念,用于决定配电变压器运行时电压调整的方向。

    By the study of the influence on the voltage to the transformers'power losses , this paper presents the conception of critical voltage spread load rate , which is used to decide the direction of the voltage spread .