
  • 网络UPS;PSE;power device;Power Supplies
  1. 液压抓具、电磁吸盘共用开关电源设备

    Sharing switch power device in hydraulic grab bucket and eletromagnetic sucking disc

  2. UPS及直流电源设备在线监测维护管理系统

    The Online Monitoring Maintenance Method of UPS and Direct Current Equipment

  3. 提出了UPS等电源设备维护时应注意的问题。

    Issues on UPS maintenance are given .

  4. Langmuir探针扫描电源设备驱动程序的设计

    Design of Device Driver of Scanning Power Supply for Langmuir Probe Diagnostics

  5. 介绍了针对通信用多逆变模块电源设备的远程监控要求,利用CAN总线与底层多逆变模块连接、通过Web服务器连入Internet的嵌入式远程监控系统。

    This paper presents a distributed embedded remote monitor and control system , which realizes the connection of lower terminals , inverter models which were connected via CAN bus , with Internet through Web server .

  6. NSRL电源设备控制器的研制

    The development of NSRL 's power supplies device controller

  7. 本文利用自行研制的MAO系列微弧氧化电源设备,制备了不同电参数条件下的铝、镁合金微弧氧化陶瓷层。

    Aluminum alloy and Magnesium alloy micro-arc oxidization ceramic layer are made under the different conditions of electricity parameter by employing the self-designed MAO series equipments .

  8. 随着电力电子技术飞速发展,AC-DC变换器等电源设备给电力系统带来了严重的谐波污染问题。

    With the development of power electronics , the AC-DC power supplies have brought serious harmonic pollution problems to the power system .

  9. 论述了机房电源设备的配置要求,UPS电源系统的组成,UPS运行方式及其计算机监控、诊断和维护。

    Describes the configuration demands of power supply equipment of computer room , the compose of uninterrupted power supply ( UPS ) system , UPS operation mode and its computer monitoring , diagnosis and maintenance .

  10. 随着通信事业的发展,特别是在大、中型通信枢纽楼中,通常会有十几套、甚至数十套通信电源设备,包含大容量UPS和开关电源系统。

    With the development of communications , especially in large and medium-sized communications building , there usually are dozens of power supply equipments in communication room , including large capacity UPS and switching power supply system .

  11. 首先,分析了通信监控系统的构成,并以电源设备为例,详细研究了基于Lua适配器的关键技术,特别对适配器的动态脚本编程语言及其与C语言的交互性进行了充分讨论和研究。

    First of all , analyzes composition of the communication monitoring system , taking the power equipment as an example to study the key technology of Lua adapter , especially , the interoperation of the programming language c and the Lua .

  12. 新形势下通信电源设备维护管理工作探索浅谈亚欧海底光缆S2段远供电源(PFE)及其维护管理

    On Maintenance and Management of the Power Supply Equipment in New Development Position The Summarize of PFE in S2 Section of Asia-Euro Under-Sea Optical Cable and Its Maintenance and Management

  13. 该监控系统通过A/D转换和GPIO接口测量电源设备参数进行数据采样。

    By measuring the parameter of power equipment with A / D converter and GPIO interface , the embedded system samples the wanted data .

  14. 每个外设单元控制与它相连接20m远的16路军备,操作员根据军备功能决定传送信息给中央单元,经解码后传送指令到外设单元并控制电源设备、指挥军备的爆炸。

    Every peripheral unit controlled 16 munitions located 20m away from it . Operator sent information into central unit according to armament function , and decoded instruction was sent into peripheral unit to control power supply device , and command armament blast .

  15. 介绍了YZT24/5.6/0.5通信电源设备的交流监测及控制盘、整流器盘、24V输出盘的测试方法。

    This paper introduces the A. C monitoring of YZT24 / 5 . 6 / 0 . 5 communication power supply and the test method of the control panel , the rectifer panel and the 24V output panel .

  16. 客运专线综合维修天窗设置方式分析铁路客车电源设备

    Analysis on Setting Mode of Comprehensive Maintenance Time for Passenger-dedicated Line

  17. 电源设备集中监控技术的研究与开发

    Research on and Development of Central Monitoring Technology for Power Equipment

  18. 现代通信电源设备与供电系统发展概述

    The Development of Modern Communication Power Equipment and Power Supply System

  19. 直流电源设备在线检测的必要性及实现方案

    The Necessity and Solution of DC Power Supply Equipment On-line Monitoring

  20. 电力工程直流电源设备评价参数测试系统设计

    Design of evaluative parameter test system for DC power supply equipment

  21. 等离子弧表面淬火电源设备的研究

    Research of Power Supply Equipment for Plasma Arc Surface Hardening

  22. 变电所直流操作电源设备的选择与维护分析

    DC Power Substation Operation and Maintenance of Equipment Options Analysis

  23. 通信电源设备集中监控系统中的开关量采集

    Switching Signal Acquisition of Centralized Monitoring Control System for Communication Power Supply

  24. 逆变电源设备中远程监控系统的研究

    The Study of Remote Control System of Inverter Power Supply

  25. 通信电源设备抗震性能实验与检测

    Experimentation and Test of Anti-seismic Performances of Power Supply Equipment for Telecommunications

  26. 关于通信开关电源设备的应急处理预备方案

    The Preparation Plan of the Emergency Treatment about Telecom Power Supply Equipment

  27. 合肥光源嵌入式高精度电源设备控制系统的研制

    The development of HLS embedded high precision power supply device control system

  28. 阿尔卡特通信电源设备的使用与维护

    The Use and Maintenance of ALCATEL Communication Power Supply

  29. 原油电脱水高压电源设备的研制

    Development of Curde Dehydration High Voltage Power Source Equipment

  30. 通信电源设备安装设计规范

    Code for design of telecommunications power supply equipment installation