
  • 网络conductance;conductometry;Conductance Technique;conductivity probe
  1. 采用1HNMR,FT-IR,电导法及激光粒度散射法研究了新型微乳液中水的结构及相特性。

    The structure and properties of water in the novel reverse microemulsion system were investigated by means of 1H NMR , FT-IR , electrical conductometry and laser light scattering apparatus .

  2. 液相电导法测定氯化氢脱析速率

    Determination of hydrogen chloride desorption rate by liquid-phase conductometry

  3. 电导法测定G级油井水泥水化速度

    Hydration rate of class G oil-well cement measured by electrical conductance

  4. C(12)-6-C(12)·2Br/正庚烷/醇/水反胶团的微结构研究-电导法与红外光谱法

    Microstructure Study of C_ ( 12 ) - 6-C_ ( 12 )· 2Br / n-heptane / alcohol / water reverse micelles-conductivity and FT-IR

  5. 电导法测定HCl在H2O和1.2-丙二醇混合溶剂中的活度系数

    Study on activity coefficient of HCl in H_2O and 1.2-propanediol mixed solvent system with conductivity method

  6. 用电导法研究悬浮介质中大分子物质对红血球细胞(RBC)聚集的一种抑制效应

    An inhibition effect of macromolecules on RBC aggregation studied with conductive method

  7. 电导法研究TiO2溶胶对水中微量氯代甲烷的光催化脱氯的作用

    Photo-catalytic De - chlorination of Chlorinated Methane by Titanium Oxide Sol

  8. 用电导法配合Logistic方程测定若干甜橙品种的抗寒性

    Determination of Cold Resistance in Some Cultivars of Sweet Orange by Electric conductivity Method in Combination with Logistic Equation

  9. 研究电导法测定溶液中二级反应速率常数k的计算方程。

    In this paper , the equations of the method of electric conductance determination of kinetics of second order reaction in solution were studied .

  10. 氢气提取-电导法测定AlN粉末中硫量

    Powder Coating Determination of sulphur in aluminium nitride by hydrogen extraction-electric conductance method

  11. 电导法测定Er(ClO4)3在DMF中的活度系数

    Determination of activity coefficient of Er ( ClO_4 ) _3 in DMF with conductivity method

  12. 电导法和光谱法研究季铵盐Gemini表面活性剂在非极性溶剂中的聚集

    Aggregation of the Quaternary Ammonium Gemini Surfactants in Apolar Solvent Studied by Conductivity and Spectroscopy

  13. 高效毛细管电泳电导法快速检测复方维生素B片中的VB1、VB(12)、VB6和VC

    Saparation and determination of VB_1 , VB_ ( 12 ), VB_6 and VC in compound vitamin B tablet by high performance capillary electrophoresis conductivity detection

  14. 一种具有时滞的Logistic方程的平衡位置与全局稳定性用电导法配合Logistic方程鉴定4个紫花苜蓿品种的抗寒性

    Global Asymptotic Stability of a Special Logistic Equation with Delays ; Measurement of Cold Tolerance Based on REC and the Logistic Equation in four different alfalfas

  15. 电导法测定298K时NdCl3在DMF和H2O中的活度系数

    A Study of the Activity Coefficient of Rare Earths Salt NdCl_3 in DMF and H_2O with Conductivity Method at 298K

  16. 利用自行组装的实验装置,采用氢气提取-电导法测定了AlN粉末中硫量。

    With an experimental device self-assembled , sulphur content in aluminium nitride was determined by hydrogen extraction-electric conductance method .

  17. 用电导法就活性炭对四丁基溴化铵(TBAB)、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)的吸附作用做了初步探讨。

    The absorption of actived carbon for TBAB and CTAB is studied preliminary by electrical conductance .

  18. 本文采用电导法研究聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)与十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)的相互作用。

    The interaction between polyacrylamide ( PAM ) and sodium dodecyl sulfonate ( SDS ) had been studied on the basis of solution conductivity measurements .

  19. 用表面张力法、电导法以及稳态荧光法研究了烷基苯磺酸盐Gemini表面活性剂的表面活性和胶束化性质。

    The surface active and micellization properties of the alkylbenzene sulfonate Gemini surfactants were investigated by means of surface tension , electrical conductivity and fluorescence measurements .

  20. 对比分析了扰动观察法和增量电导法,优选扰动观察法作为光伏电池的MPPT跟踪方法。

    Perturbation and observation control method and conductance increment method are comparatively analyzed , and the former method is selected to realize MPPT tracking .

  21. 本文采用电导法和酸度法研究了嘉华G级油井水泥浆及加有缓凝剂酒石酸时水泥的水化历程,并对酒石酸的缓凝机理进行了分析。

    The hydration rate of Class G net oil-well cement slurry and the slurry with retarder tartaric acid is measured respectively by the methods of electrical conductance and acidity , and then the retardation mechanism of tartaric acid is discussed .

  22. 电导法测定298K时稀土氯化盐在水中的活度系数

    The Activity Coefficient of Rare Earths Salt in H_2O with Conductivity Method at 298 K

  23. 并通过电导法判断在萃合物中Au(Tu)+2与SO2-4以离子对形式存在。

    Conductance method showed that Au ( Tu ) + 2 and SO 2 - 4 exist in the form of ion pairs in extraction complex .

  24. 每次取样分别用电导法(EL)、褐变法(VSD)和荧光法(CF)测定针叶的抗寒性。

    Frost hardiness of needles was measured by the methods of electrolyte leakage ( EL ), visual scoring of damage ( VSD ) and chlorophyll fluorescence ( CF ) respectively every time .

  25. 建立了尿样中MDMA及其代谢物MDA的毛细管电泳高频电导法检测分析方法。

    A method has been built for the determination of MDMA and its metabolite in urine by capillary electrophoresis with high frequency conductivity detection ( contactless conductivity detection ) .

  26. 采用动态光散射法、电泳光散射法、电导法和HPLC法分别检测依托咪酯脂肪乳注射液的粒度分布、ζ电位、相变温度和药物含量等理化性质。

    The properties such as size distribution , zeta potential , phase inversion temperature and drug content of the etomidate fat emulsion injection were examined by the dynamic light scattering , electrophoretic light scattering , conduc - tance method and HPLC , respectively .

  27. 采用电导法、组织变褐法、生长恢复法及TTC还原法研究了北京园林中主要常绿阔叶植物的抗冻性。

    The methods of electric conductivity , tissue browning , growing recovery and TTC reduction were used to study the freezing tolerance of main introduced evergreen broad leaf plants in Beijing open gardens .

  28. 以固相电导法为手段研究了高聚合度聚氯乙烯(HPVC)的热稳定性。

    The conductometric measurement was described for studied of the early stages of thermal degradation of high degree of polymerization of polyvinyl chloride ( HPVC ) .

  29. 用电导法测定Si-SiO2低界面态密度和俘获截面

    Measurements of Low Densities and Capture Cross Section of the Surface States at the Si-SiO_2 Interface by the Conductance Technique

  30. 对电导法测定葡萄根系抗寒性的方法进行了试验研究,结果表明,根段切片的厚度、浸提液的量对测定结果有明显的影响,而浸提时间则在12h后与测定结果无关。

    Cold resistance of grape roots was determined by electro-conductive method . The thickness of slices and amounts of extract were evidently influenced the determined results , but after 12 hours extraction no relation was found between extraction time and determined results .