
  • 网络electric fence
  1. 推广电围栏对我国西部农牧业发展的重要作用

    Popularizing Electric Fence is Important to Agriculture Development in West China

  2. 转眼间我就能体会一把电围栏的厉害。

    Invent goggles that allow me to see the electric fence .

  3. GB7946-1987带电铁丝网和电围栏的安装和安全运用

    Installation and safe operation of electrically energized entanglements and electric fences

  4. 电围栏在岩溶地区灌丛草地的放牧试验

    Utilization of Electric Fence in Grazing Management on Shrub Grassland of Karst Region of Guizhou Province

  5. 羊只遗失后数周,他决定在牧场的周边设置电围栏。一周以后他发现了照片所示的惊人一幕。

    After a few weeks of sheep disappearing the farmer decided to put up an electric fence .

  6. 政府的是防象沟、电围栏、食物园、生态环境恢复等4种。

    The government 's measures include electricity enclosure , defending elephant migration corridors , food garden and resuming environment .

  7. 经解密公开的档案宣称雅科夫是因不服从命令而被射杀;也有消息认为他是扑向集中营的通电围栏,自杀身亡;

    While declassified archives reveal that he was shot for failing to follow orders , others say he committed suicide by walking into an electrified fence .

  8. 传统电围栏系统中高压电线被交叉的地球电线达在这意味着每个第二线提供不阻的篱笆行的高度。

    In traditional electric fence systems , the high voltage wires are interleaved with earth wires up to the height of the fence line , which means that every second wire provides no deterrent .