
diàn yā zhí
  • Voltage value;magnitude of voltage
  1. 检测进气量多半采用电压比法,也有的采用电压值法。

    In testing values of admission , the method of voltage ratio , and also the method of magnitude of voltage .

  2. 并在此基础上,通过单因素分析,得到了电场作用下制备SiO2膜的最佳电压值。

    At this condition optimum voltage was also got .

  3. 控制部分主要采用PI控制,PI控制的输入为设定值与反馈回来的电压值。

    The control section uses the PI control that with two inputs the set values and the feedback voltage .

  4. AD任务用于采集电池化成时的电流电压值,用于和工艺文件给定参数比较。

    The task of AD conversion gets the value of current and voltage , so as to compare with the reference value set in processing parameters .

  5. 结果:补偿值大小受PMT电压值和染色条件的影响。

    Re-sults : The compensative value was influenced by PMT voltage and staining condition : of samples .

  6. 硬件的实现是利用热敏电阻通过恒流源激发将温度值转化为电压值,经24位的高精度A/D转换器,转化为便于处理的数字信号提供给DSP。

    Taking A / Dvantage of thermal resistance through the constant current source putting the temperature into voltage , and then by 24-bit high-precision A / D converter a convenient digital signal imported into DSP .

  7. 提出了一种求解解答主部x0的图介方法,可直接得出磁链幅值及相位随电源电压值的变化曲线,能显示出电路的全局性状可与数值计算方法起互补作用。

    A new diagrammatic method for determining the main oscillation x0 is recommended , which gives directly the curves of the amplitude and phase of flux verses source voltage , demonstrating the global behavior of the circuit .

  8. 给出了42V电压值车载电气系统的结构布置方案,并对其实施时间作了预测。

    The structure and layout scheme of 42V on-board electrical system is given with its implementation time forecast .

  9. 阳极氧化过程中,随着NaOH浓度的升高,出现电火花的时间缩短,出现电火花的电压值降低,阳极化膜表面的颗粒变小、孔隙率减小,膜层厚度减小;

    With increasing concentration of NaOH in the solution of the anodizing , the time and voltage of spark formation decrease and particle , porosity , thickness of anodic oxide film become smaller .

  10. 随着稳压管PN结温度的变化,其稳定电压值会发生相应的漂移,从使用上来说其变化值越小稳压性能越好。

    Along with the zener diode PN junction temperature change , its regulated voltage value can have the corresponding drifting . From the use said its change value is smaller , the constant voltage performance is better .

  11. 利用ANSYS的耦合场分析模块和参数化设计语言(APDL),对结构进行力电耦合仿真,获得其直流偏压和作为发射器时所需的交流电压值。

    Using coupling field of ANSYS and parameter design language ( APDL ), the structure is simulated with force electric coupling . The biased DC voltage and the AC excitation required by a transmitter are obtained .

  12. 在任意光强下系统一次性测出多个电压值和电流值,同时画出I-V曲线,并且标出曲线的最大功率点。双极性单相SPWM逆变器滤波电感电流值的近似计算方法

    At the same time the system painted I-V curve and computed the max power of the curve . An Approximate Calculation Approach of the Current of the Filter Conductor for a Bipolar Single-Phase SPWM Inverter

  13. 在接地信号源RSE测量系统中引入接地环路会导致所测的信号源电压值产生误差。

    The hazard of using an RSE system with a grounded signal source is the introduction of ground loops , a possible source of measurement error .

  14. 根据用户需要,也可提供60Hz及其他电压值的发电机。

    We also offer generators of60Hz and other voltage according to the user 's need .

  15. 该方法首先采用Ward等值原理,来确定外部网络在边界节点的等值注入功率和等值阻抗,然后采用牛顿法对等值网络进行潮流计算,并修正边界节点的电压值和等值注入功率。

    The method first uses ward equivalent principles to determine the injection power and equivalent impedance of external network boundary buses . Then compute the power flow of equivalent network by Newton method with proper modification of equivalent injection power of boundary buses .

  16. 利用光电池接收入射的偏振光,通过A/D转换芯片(ICL7170),将电压值显示在LED上,验证了马吕斯定律。

    Malus law was validated by incepting incident polarized light by photocell and displaying the voltage value on LED by A / D transform CMOD chip ( ICL7170 ) .

  17. 针对EMT敏感场,详细地从敏感场内激励电流、激励频率和目标物质的属性对敏感场的影响,以及目标物质位置,材料对检测电压值的影响等方面进行了对比与分析。

    Aiming at EMT conductive region , exciting current , exciting frequency and the property of object affect magnetic induction intensity , and the effect of location and material of object on detection voltage have analyzed detailedly .

  18. 利用带隙基准原理设计获得与绝对温度成正比(PTAT)电流,进而获得与温度成正比的电压值。

    According to the theory of the bandgap reference , a PTAT current generator was designed , then the proportional voltage value to temperature could be achieved .

  19. 并利用S3C2410的等待中断模式和自动XY坐标转换工作模式,读出与XY坐标有关的电压值,完成对触摸屏的控制。

    Also , the voltage relate with the X / Y coordinate are read by using Waiting for Interrupt Mode and Auto X / Y Position Conversion Mode , then the control of touch screen is complete .

  20. 文章从TFT-LCD的驱动原理出发,提出了一种低功耗、易调节的电源模块设计思想,所产生的电压值可实现编程控制。

    In this paper , the driving principles of TFT-LCD are discussed , and the design methodology of power block with low power consumption and easy - adjusting functions are proposed . The voltages generated by power block can be adjusted by programming .

  21. 用该模拟器进行单片机系统的ESD抗扰度实验,发现屏蔽前后,同故障现象出现的最小放电电压值相差几千伏,即模拟器内部继电器开关产生的辐射场对实验结果有影响。

    But in ESD immunity experiments of single chip microcomputer ( SCM ) system , the minimum discharge voltage causing the same failure phenomena increases several KV after the simulator was shielded . That is , the field induced by the relay switch of simulator can affect the experimental results .

  22. 并基于带隙基准源,为一个10位40MHz采样频率的流水线A/D转换器设计了两个电压值为1/2VDD±0.5V的参考电压源及其输出缓冲放大器。

    Based on a bandgap reference source , two voltage reference source s of 1 / 2 V_ ( DD ) ± 0.5 V and their output buffers are designed for a 10-bit 40 MS / s pipelined A / D converter .

  23. 其中,压力控制模块通过向电气比例阀输出0-10V的电压值来连续控制抛光压力,并且选用了S型拉压力传感器通过数据采集卡对其进行实时监测,构成闭环控制;

    The pressure control module is designed to control the polishing pressure in real-time , through output 0-10 voltage to the electric valve , which constitutes the closed-loop control with the S-type pressure sensor , data acquisition card for real-time monitoring .

  24. 根据水平管道中气/水两相流流型的特点,在分析实验数据测量边界电压值变化情况的基础上,对采集到的每幅数据进行了特征值提取,提出了离散系数(C.V.)

    Based on characters of flow regimes of gas / water two-phase flow in horizontal pipes , discrete coefficient ( C.V. ) , extracted from data of each frame , has been put forward to reflect the distribution of the cross section as a characteristic value .

  25. 阳极氧化过程中,随着阳极氧化溶液Na2SiO3浓度的升高,出现电火花的时间缩短,出现电火花时的电压值降低;阳极化膜的颗粒度变大甚至膜层出现裂纹,膜层厚度基本不变。

    The time and voltage of spark formation decrease with increasing of Na_2SiO_3 concentration in the anodizing solution , while the granularity of anodic oxidation film becomes bigger and cracks occur even on the film , whereas the thickness of the film is approximately unchanged .

  26. 而多组电压值的实时调节就需要多路输出智能电源来实现。

    However , multiple voltage regulators require intelligent multiple-output power supply .

  27. 线路电抗器几乎总是可降低线路操作过电压值。

    Line reactors almost always can reduce line-switching surge magnitudes .

  28. 全数字交-交变频器低频制动电压值的精确计算

    Accurate Calculation of Low Frequency Braked Voltage of Full-digital-control Cyclo-converter

  29. 磁力起动器中漏电闭锁装置检测电压值的选取

    Selection of The Detecting Voltage for Earth Leakage Blocking Device in Magnetic Starter

  30. 气测软件烃浓度与电压值的关系公式及其标定的探讨

    Discussion the formula between hydrocarbon concentration and voltage value and the calibration method