
  • 网络Solenoid Switch;SWITCH;solenoid
  1. 汽车起动机电磁开关粘连故障分析及应急措施

    Malfunction Analysis and Emergency Measure on the Conglutination of Automobile Starter Electromagnetic Switch

  2. HT346型电磁开关应用分析

    Analysis of Application to Type HT 346 Electromagnetic Switch

  3. 高频电力电子开关与电磁开关的互补使用

    High Frequency Power Electronic Switch Complemented with the Electromagnetic Switch

  4. 电磁开关系列产品光电自动检测系统

    Automatic detection system of optoelectronic for measuring a serial product of electromagnetic switch

  5. 电磁开关壳体螺栓焊的研究

    Switch shell of Electromagnetic Search for Bolt Welding

  6. 当发动机运转时,电磁开关与蓄电池接通。

    When the engine is running , the solenoid is connected to the battery .

  7. 矿用汽车起动机电磁开关的防爆研究矿车智能自动刹车器的研究与开发应用

    Study on Mineral Explosion-proof Electromagnetic Switch Research and Development of Intelligent Automatic Brake for Mine Cars

  8. 从理论上分析了填料装置中电磁开关的动态响应特性对物料定量控制精度的影响。

    And the effect of the dynamic characteristics of the electromagnetic switch on the quantitative controlled material flow was analyzed theoretically .

  9. 指出了静触点结构、回位弹簧弹力以及通电方式是影响电磁开关粘连的主要因素;

    The structure of fixed contact , return spring and conduction ways are the major factors influencing the power-on of electromagnetic switch .

  10. 提出了一种互补式开关新技术,它由两个新电路构成,即高频开关变换器与电磁开关触点状态无传感器实时采样电路。

    It is consisted of two circuits : the high frequency converter and the electromagnetic switch contact state sensing circuit without any sensor .

  11. 提出了螺栓焊的新机理和螺栓设计原则。设计了电磁开关壳体螺栓焊的焊接模具;

    This paper propose the new mechanism of bolt welding , and the design of clamping yokes for hilt welding of electromagnetic switch shell .

  12. 探讨了电磁开关几种装配工艺设计的可行性和可靠性,提出了理论和实践相结合的重要性。

    This paper discusses the feasibility and reliability of assembly designs for solenoid switches , and presents the importance of the combination of theory with practice .

  13. 喷墨动力供给电气部分采用自主研发的电磁开关控制模块,加长了使用寿命,降低了耗材成本,达到了高质量、低成本喷印的目的。

    Inkjet supplies electrical power using self-developed parts of the electromagnetic switch control module , longer service life and reduce material cost , to achieve high-quality , low-cost printing purposes .

  14. 另外,重点阐述了电磁开关控制式喷墨供给模块的实现原理和理论分析,并成功设计制作了该模块的实物。

    In addition , focusing on the electromagnetic switch control inkjet supply module implementation principle and theoretical analysis , and has successfully designed and manufactured in kind of the module .

  15. 柔性电气开关技术是将高频电力电子开关应用于电磁开关,以屏蔽方式实现两种技术理想化互补。

    The technology of flexible electrical switches is to use the high frequency power electronics switches in connection with the electromagnetic switch , associated with the shield method to gain ideal complementary effects .

  16. 通过理论计算设计出一种满足使用要求的螺管式电磁开关,并应用实验方法研究了电磁吸力与气隙间距以及线圈中电流强度之间的关系。

    A solenoid electromagnetic switch is designed through theoretical calculation , then the relationship between magnetic force and air-gap distance , and the relationship between magnetic force and current intensity are studied by experiment .

  17. 现代电气工程领域应用的许多设备都包含运动的导体,如电机、电磁开关、电磁线圈炮、磁悬浮列车等,对这些设备进行参数分析和优化设计都离不开对其中的电磁场进行求解。

    Many devices in the modern electrical engineering field contain moving conductors , such as the electric machine , electromagnetic switch , coil gun , maglev train and so on . To analyze and optimize their parameters , the electromagnetic field in these devices must be calculated .

  18. 用PLC实现电磁式开关电寿命试验的方法

    A Method of the Electrical Life Test of a Electro-Magnetic Switch Realized with PLC

  19. 电磁螺线管开关阀门固定在TCC位置

    Solenoid Switch Valve Latched in TCC Position

  20. 聚酰亚胺悬臂MOEMS电磁光开关的优化设计

    Optimized Design for a PI-Cantilever Electromagnetic Actuation MOEMS Optical Switch

  21. 电磁型开关控制在煤矿的应用

    Application of Electromagnetic Switch Control in Coal Mines

  22. 电磁感应开关在矿井提升机中的应用

    Application for Electromagnetic Induction Switch in Mine Hoist

  23. 高速电磁开关阀开关特性的机理研究

    Investigation on the Mechanism of Switching Characteristic of High Speed On Off Solenoid Valve

  24. 煤矿控制电磁型开关系统的方法很多。

    There are many methods for the control of electromagnetic switching systems in coal mines .

  25. 涡流对电磁轴承开关功放纹波电流的影响

    Effects of Eddy Current on Ripple Current of the Switching Power Amplifier for Magnetic Bearings

  26. 传统两电平脉宽调制电磁轴承开关功放的电流纹波较大,导致电磁轴承中产生的纹波损耗较大。

    Different from conventional two-level PWM switching power amplifier , the switching power amplifier can achieve current ripple reduction .

  27. 论文提出了设计基于单晶硅扭转摆结构的两种不同驱动方式的开关:静电驱动开关和电磁驱动开关。

    Two different drive models of the seesaw type switches are proposed in this thesis ; they are the electrostatic switch and the electromagnetic switch .

  28. 研制的微电脑控制系统通过检测和触发等电路进行反馈控制,通过电磁阀开关控制气动机构对工件施加压力。

    The control system produces feedback regulation by use of such electric units as detecting driving circuits , orders pressure to work piece with solenoid valve and pneumatic mechanism .

  29. 电磁感应开关是一种简便实用,安全可靠的无触点开关.介绍了电磁感应开关的工作原理、动作过程及制作安装方法。

    The electromagnetic induction switch is a non-contact switch which is simple , practical , safe and reliable . Working principles , operation proce-dure and installation methods of the electromagnetic induction switch are present-ed.

  30. 根据三电平理论设计了一种电磁轴承PWM开关功放。

    This paper introduces a three level PWM power amplifier designed for Active Magnetic Bearings ( AMB ) .