
  • 网络reporter;TV journalist;a TV reporter
  1. 身为电视记者的迈克同时尽力照料着一个11口之家。

    Mike juggled the demands of a family of 11 with a career as a TV reporter .

  2. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的电视记者布赖恩•斯泰尔特公开表示,新闻部门“似乎正随波逐流”,而且“比过去几年都更脆弱”。

    The division " appears adrift " and is " more vulnerable than it has been in years , " declared Brian Stelter , the New York Times TV reporter .

  3. 他第一次作为电视记者出国采访时就被扣作人质。

    He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist .

  4. 我的遭遇引起了舆论界的注意,广播、电视记者接踵而来。

    My story had attracted publicity , so there were radio and television interviews .

  5. 电视记者说一群游击队员控制住了这个城镇。

    TV reporters said a group of guerrillas had gained control of the town .

  6. 幸存矿工后来对电视记者叙述道,随着水不断涌入,受困矿工沿着V型巷道的斜坡争先跑向高处,另一些人则从水面上游到安全的地方。

    As the water poured in , the trapped miners scrambled for higher ground , up the incline of the v-shaped shaft , survivors later told television reporters .

  7. 在波尔图,她遇到了她的真命天子——一个葡萄牙的电视记者,他们结婚并且生了孩子。年纪最大的女儿叫做杰西卡(Jessica)。

    While she was there she met a Portuguese TV journalist whom she married and had a child with , her eldest daughter , Jessica .

  8. 2000年,电视记者芭芭拉?沃尔特斯(BarbaraWalters)曾盘问他是否是同志,但他拒绝透露。

    In2000 , TV journalist Barbara Walters grilled him about whether he was gay , but he refused to disclose it .

  9. RehanaDada是南非的一位科学和环境广播电视记者。

    Rehana Dada is a science and environment broadcast journalist based in South Africa .

  10. 与至少10名同事一起参加游行的有线电视记者KarenKwok说,未来的自由取决于现在进行什么样的抗争。

    Karen Kwok , a cable-television reporter at the rally who attended alongside at least 10 colleagues , said the future of freedoms ' depends on what kind of fight we put up . '

  11. 总统候选人参议员贾斯珀欧文(jasperirving,克鲁斯饰)即将把关于战争新战略的耸人听闻消息,告诉深入调查的电视记者(斯特里普饰),当时两人继续玩着激烈的智慧与逃避的猫鼠游戏。

    Presidential hopeful Senator Jasper Irving ( Cruise ) is about to give a sensational story about a new war strategy to a probing TV journalist ( Streep ) as the two carry on a fierce cat-and-mouse game of wit and evasion .

  12. 之前的获奖者有脱口秀女王奥普拉温拂瑞和英国电视记者大卫福罗斯特。

    Previous recipients have included Oprah Winfrey and Sir David Frost .

  13. 亲王接受他最喜欢的电视记者采访。

    The wince was interviewed by his favourite television reporter .

  14. 电视记者面对意外的即兴采访

    TV Journalist 's Extempore Interview in an Accident

  15. 电视记者查理·罗斯近日采访了阿萨德。

    Television journalist Charlie Rose recently interviewed Assad .

  16. 摄影和电视记者的一般信息

    General information for photo & television correspondents

  17. 电视记者们看上去有些困惑不解。

    The TV reporters looked slightly baffled .

  18. 电视记者,孟买,11月2日

    TV reporter , Mumbai , Nov. 2

  19. 考克斯在恐怖片《尖声惊叫》中扮演一个追踪连环杀手的电视记者。

    Cox plays a TV reporter chasing down a serial killer in horror flick Scream .

  20. 他站在那里同一个电视记者,并告诉大家什么事。

    He stood there with a TV reporter and told everyone what was going on .

  21. 被指控凶手的电视记者招待会?

    TV press conference for accused killer ?

  22. 议会开会时现在允许电视记者进入会议厅。

    Television cameras are now being allowed into the chambers whilst parliament is in session .

  23. 英国资深电视记者马丁贝尔在奔赴战区时总是带上浴池塞。

    Veteran British television journalist Martin bell always took bath plugs with him into a war zone .

  24. 他说:市长试图掩盖市府的腐败丑闻,但是瞒不过一位电视记者的敏锐眼睛。他还是挖出了这一丑闻。

    2 : The mayor tried to sweep the corruption dirt at city hall under the rug .

  25. 他在断瓦焦砾中接受电视记者的访问,回到家时恐惧万分。

    He gave interviews to TV reporters amid broken bricks and burned books and returned home horrified .

  26. 论电视记者的现场效应试论电视新闻的现场直播

    Important for TV Reporters to be at the Live Spot Discuss on the TV Live Broadcast of News

  27. 他的回答显示出外来务工人员和电视记者生活在不同的世界,他们之间甚至无法交流沟通。

    His answer showed migrant workers and TV reporters live in different worlds and they cannot even communicate with each other .

  28. 柴静是个老练的电视记者,她把片子拍成一个批判性的调查而不是一个行动的呼吁。

    Chai , an experienced television anchor , framed her story as a critical investigation rather than a call to action .

  29. 他表演得很出色,并受邀在2010年美国电视记者年会上表演。

    He did very well and was invited to perform at the Radio and Television Correspondents ' annual dinner in 2010 .

  30. 副总统马哈茂德·马基在电视记者招待会上表示,政府急切地希望回应公众的呼声。

    Vice President Mahmoud Mekky told reporters at a televised news conference that his government is eager to respond to public demands .