
  • 网络information collection;Web crawling;Acquisition of information
  1. 个性化Web信息采集就是针对这个问题而提出来的。

    Customized web crawling has been brought forward for addressing this issue .

  2. 基于元搜索引擎的个性化Web信息采集

    Customized web crawling based on meta search engine

  3. 基于Internet的生态环境信息采集系统研究

    Study of the Ecological Environment Information Collection System Based on Internet

  4. 遗传算法在主题Web信息采集中的应用研究

    Research of a Focused Crawler Using Genetic Algorithm

  5. Web信息采集中的哈希函数比较

    Hashing Comparison in Web Crawling

  6. 本文研究如何将Web中的信息采集到结构化数据库中,对Web信息采集的三个过程:网页爬取,页面净化和信息抽取展开了详细论述。

    Collection information from the Web has three processes : Web crawling , page cleaning and information extraction .

  7. 基于本体的Web信息采集

    Ontology-Based Web Information Gathering

  8. 对专家系统和信息采集处理分别用PROLOG语言、BASIC语言、汇编语言编写。

    PROLOG , BASIC and assembly language are used to program the system .

  9. 温室环境信息采集系统的USB接口设计

    USB interface design for greenhouse environment data acquisition system

  10. 基于XMLDOM的网上汽车零部件信息采集系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Information Collection System of Parts of Cars Based on XML DOM

  11. 基于GPRS的信息采集系统智能终端的设计

    Design of an Intelligent Terminal of Information Collecting System Based on GPRS

  12. 首先,GPS定位是物联网信息采集中的一个重要部分。

    Mobile monitoring terminal for testing . Firstly , GPS positioning information is an important message of iot information collection .

  13. 基于WSN的公交车辆信息采集系统网络性能评价方法

    Evaluating the Performance of Public Transportation Data Collection Network Based on WSN

  14. 基于RFID的智能化城市公共交通系统&信息采集与发布系统

    Research of Information Collection and Broad-casting System : Intelligent Urban Public Transit System Based on RFID

  15. 基于PDA的烟叶生产信息采集与管理技术研究

    Research of Information Collection and Management Technology for Tobacco Leaf Production based on PDA

  16. 以硅材料为基础的微机电系统MEMS被人们认为是21世纪革命性的新技术,是实现信息采集、处理、执行一体化,使之成为真正的系统。

    The new technology MEMS based on silicon integrate the collection , process and executing of the information .

  17. 交通信息采集系统中基于分组交换技术的GPRS应用与系统设计

    The system design and application of GPRS based on the packet switching in the traffic information center system

  18. 本文研究了设施农业空间位置分布规律,提出了一种基于便携式GPS的设施农业信息采集方法,并对本系统的模块及实现进行了研究。

    This paper summarizes the rules of the agricultural buildings'spatial distribution , provides a Portable GPS-based collection method and studies its function module and realization .

  19. 伴随着信息采集技术的迅猛发展,GIS将拥有庞大的数据库,从而为计算机从事城市规划和发展方面的工作提供有力的手段。

    With the rapid development of information collection systems , GIS will hold gigantic database and make a powerful measure for city planning and city grow .

  20. 在PDA上实现了数字城市空间管治信息采集的系统功能。

    Data collection system functionality is implemented for the space governance of the Digital city in PDA .

  21. 在交通信息采集中PathfinderProXRDGPS技术的应用

    Application of the Pathfinder Pro XR DGPS Technique to Traffic Information Collection

  22. RTU信息采集的分析和改进

    Analysis and improvement of RTU information collecting

  23. RFID技术作为一种先进的信息采集技术,在对象自动标识、信息存储等方面有独特的优势,为精益生产中的信息采集提供了有力的技术支撑。

    As an advanced information acquisition technology , RFID technology has unique advantages in automatic identification and information storage , and provides strong technical support for lean production .

  24. 保证关键信息采集和存储的实时性、有效性、安全性、可靠性以及数据的连续性。3、开发设计无线RFID读写器。

    Ensure that key information collection and storage of real-time , effectiveness , safety and the continuity of data . Third , development and design of wireless RFID read-write device .

  25. 文章从基于GIS地质环境评价的基本术语及相关概念出发,进而从多源地学信息采集与信息获取,模型分析与研究两个方面阐述了地质环境评价的GIS系统。

    This paper begins with the basic terminology based on GIS geo_environmental evaluation and related concept , and then discusses the GIS system of geological environmental evaluation from multi-geography of information , model analysis and research .

  26. 作为现代信息采集的重要技术,无线传感器网络(WSN)从诞生以来,一直是研究和应用的热点。

    As an important technology of modern information collection , Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ) has been hot spots of research and application from its birth .

  27. 通过多年检索教学实践经验,对Internet学术信息采集中的常见文件格式进行了总结,为科技工作者利用网络信息资源提供帮助。

    Through many years ' practice of the retrieval teaching , this paper sums up the common file format in the collection of the academic information from Internet in order to provide the helps for sci-tech workers to use the network information resources .

  28. 服务层表示数控资源集成服务平台,代理层表示DNC通信平台和机床信息采集平台。

    Server layer represents as CNC resources integrated service platform . Agent layer represents as DNC communication platform and CNC information collecting platform .

  29. 为了在嵌入式中获得数字图像的远程通信和Internet传输,实现了基于uClinux嵌入式操作系统的图像信息采集网络仪器和通过拨号方式的嵌入式远程图像通信系统。

    In order to complete remote image communication through Internet , the network instrument based on uClinux operation system for gathering image and remote image communication by dialing to Internet in embedded system was completed .

  30. 通过问卷调研、一对一访谈等形式,对影响C2C网商卓越程度的各项因素指标进行信息采集并展开具体分析。

    Through the questionnaire , one-on-one interviews and other forms of C2C influence to give excellent degree of each factor indexes of information acquisition and analysis .