
  • 网络signal parameter measurement
  1. 虚拟仪器设计方法与信号参数测量原理

    Electric Parameter Measure Principles and Design Method of Virtual Instrument

  2. 单片机实现交流信号参数的测量

    Parameter measurement of alternating current signal by monolithic computer

  3. 宽带数字接收机是以高速硬件电路为平台,结合相应的测量算法完成信号参数的测量。

    The broadband digital receiver measures the signal parameter in proper arithmetic which is working on the high-speed hardware .

  4. 多频信号的参数测量是现代测量与仪器领域的一个重要问题。

    The measurement of noisy multifrequency signal parameters is one of an important subject in the field of instrumentation and measurements .

  5. 目前,器件模型通常采用基于小信号S参数测量的建模方法,这些方法仅适用于研究器件的的弱非线性。

    At present , the modeling methods based on small S-parameter have been used widely , but these methods could only be used in weak non-linear circumstance .

  6. 分析结果表明,与传统补偿方法相比,改进的采样法不仅能有效地抑制采样的周期误差,而且DFT算法的乘法计算量减少了一半.适用于周期信号的电参数测量与频谱分析。

    Analytic results show that compared with the original method , the model halves the original calculating amount of multiplication , and the proposed method can decrease effectively the sampling periodic error and be applied to electric parameter measurement of periodic signal and for analysis of frequency spectrum .

  7. 根据各种雷达侦察设备的工作原理,分析其对各种射频脉冲信号检测、参数测量和脉冲描述字(PDW)的形成原理。

    The detection , parameter measure , and the Pulse Description Words ( PDW ) forming of every kind radio frequency pulse signal done by various electron reconnaissance equipments are analyzed basing on their operational theory .

  8. 脉冲信号发生器主要参数测量不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of uncertainty of measurement for main parameters of pulse generator

  9. 本文介绍了一种单相或三相周期形交流信号电参数综合测量仪。

    In this paper , an electric parameter synthesize surveying instrument is introduced .

  10. 三角波信号波形参数的测量不确定度

    The Uncertainty Evaluation of Characteristics of Triangle Waveforms by Using Least Square Methods

  11. 近几年使用的卫星统一载波测控体制用载波和副载波来统一完成各种测控功能,其中副载波信号技术参数的测量是确保卫星测控系统正常运行的重要一环。

    The united-carrier telemeter and telecommand system of satellite uses carrier and sub-carrier to complete all the function .

  12. 定量地分析了分段线性映射混沌系统实现信号(参数)测量的基本原理、输出混沌序列(符号)与被测量间的数值对应关系及系统的测量精度等问题;

    Then the mechanism of measurement implemented by subsection linear map chaotic system , the coordinating relationship between chaotic output signal ( characters ) and the values being measured , and the precision of system measurement are further analyzed quantitatively .

  13. 对于雷达脉冲信号参数的实时性测量问题,由于DSP处理速度的限制,文中采用FPGA硬件实现。在FPGA内部直接实现比较器,运算器等模块,大大简化了测量系统,系统的灵活性也得到增强。

    Limited by the processing speed in DSP , radar pulse parameters measurement in real time is implemented in FPGA hardware , with the modules such as comparator and computing device implemented in FPGA directly . This scheme simplifies the measurement system greatly and enhances the flexibility .

  14. 线性调频脉冲压缩雷达信号的识别和参数测量

    The identification and parameter measurement of chirp signals

  15. 6路被测电网信号电力参数的实时测量;

    Electric power parameters real-time measurement ;

  16. 虚拟示波器中信号时频参数的测量

    Measuring Frequency and Pulse-width in Virtual-scope

  17. 心电信号临床诊断参数自动测量迄今为止没有一种方法能够达到手动测量的精度.在前人的基础上引入数字滤波器,改进算法,使精度提高,并且算法计算简单、快速。

    An algorithm for ECG inflexions detection was improved with higher precision , simpler and faster calculation by introduction of a digital filter .

  18. 然而,传统的测量仪器如示波器,万用表,逻辑分析仪等都只是针对某一些信号或者电参数的测量。

    However , the traditional measuring instruments such as DSO , DMM , Logic Analyzer have only focus on a certain number of signal or electrical parameters .

  19. 数字信号处理技术的发展使得雷达信号高精度参数测量和脉内细微特征分析成为可能,高速处理器件的发展为雷达信号实时处理奠定了基础。

    High precision parameter measurement and in-pulse characteristic analysis of radar signal is possible with the development of digital signal processing technology , and high-speed processor lays the base for real-time processing of radar signal .

  20. 由于雷达侦察接收机面临的是未知的信号环境,因此,如何对被截获雷达信号参数进行精确测量是雷达侦察接收机的首要任务。

    As the environment is unknown for the radar reconnaissance receiver , therefore , how to measure intercepted radar signals ' parameters accurately is the the most important task for radar reconnaissance receiver .

  21. 将脉冲激励信号应用于EMT系统,选取不同物场模型进行实际测量,对8个检测线圈中响应信号的特征参数进行测量及定性分析。

    Experiment on EMT system with impulse excitation has been done . At different object fields , the response curves of 8 coils are measured and the qualitative analysis was made .