
  • 网络signal converter;Signal Transducer
  1. 地铁制动实验台PWM信号转换器的研制

    Research and Development of PWM Signal Converter for Underground Railway Braking Testing Platform

  2. 为了延长RS232的通讯距离,并将RS232节点组成通讯网络,目前广泛使用RS232/RS485信号转换器。

    To extend the communication scope for RS232 interface and build a communication network consisting of RS232 node , the signal converter of RS232 / RS485 is being widely used .

  3. 用纳米SiO2包埋Hb作成CO敏感膜,同时结合光学信号转换器,利用Hb与CO反应后吸收光谱的变化来检测CO浓度。

    The sensing element was prepared by embeding hemoglobin in nano-SiO2 film . Using the optical transducer , the concentration of CO was determined based on the change of the spectrum of Hb .

  4. 图中显示了没有仪表板时的信号转换器。

    The figure shows the signal converter without dashboard .

  5. 信号转换器及接口电缆问题;

    The trouble of signal translator and interface cable ;

  6. 一种差分信号转换器的设计

    The design of a kind of difference signal convertor

  7. 新型标准电流信号转换器的设计

    The Design of a New Standard Current Signal Converter

  8. 一种数控系统监测信号转换器的设计

    Monitor Signal Converter Design of Numerical Control System

  9. 12路40Gb/s甚短距离并行光传输信号转换器研究

    Research on signal converter of 12-channel 40Gb / s very short reach parallel optical transmission system

  10. 模拟/数字信号转换器

    DAC - Digital to Analog Converter

  11. 而且我们每晚都会通过笔记本电脑及简易制作的卫星信号转换器发博客来证明我们还活着。一切都是太阳能驱动的,

    And we blogged live every evening from the tent via a laptop and a custom-made satellite transmitter , all of which were solar-powered :

  12. 装置由机架总成、信号转换器(信号放大和A/D转换)、便携式计算机、显示打印部件和信号传输线等组成。

    It is comprised of frame assembly , signal converter ( used for signal amplification and A / D conversion ), portable computer , display and printing parts and signal transmission line .

  13. 注:该通道可能包括一个滤波器,一个模拟信号多路转换器和一个或多个放大器。

    Note : This path may include a filter , an analog signal multiplexer , and one or more amplifiers .

  14. Advantage综合录井仪绞车信号数模转换器的研制

    Development of the drawworks signal D / A converter for advantage comprehensive mud logging unit

  15. 为使流量计输出信号与模数转换器输入信号相匹配,在输入通道中设计了I/V转换电路,A/D转换采用串口转换器TLC0834。

    In input channel , I / V transfer circuit was designed to match the output signal of flow-meter and the input signal of A / D chip-TLC0834 .

  16. 样品测定后,信号经过A/D转换器和微机数据处理系统,以数字显示和打印出所测得的结果。

    After samples are determined , output signals are transferred to A / D converter and data-processing system . The final results are displayed on a digital display and printed on a recorder .

  17. 斑纹图样的变化被光电传感器阵列测量,其传感信号经过A/D转换器送进计算机内进行处理,然后,驱动车窗马达进行相应的动作。

    An array of photodiodes is adopted to measure the intensity change of the speckle pattern , whose output signals are processed by a computer through an A / D converter to control the car window motor .

  18. BeagleBoard不产生驱动这个设置的模拟信号,所以使用转换器或模拟监视器是没有意义的。

    The Beagle Board does not emit the analog signal that would drive this setup , so using a converter or analog monitor would be fruitless .

  19. 重点研究并模拟产生符合K分布的海杂波模拟噪声信号,通过D/A转换器产生符合K分布杂波的模拟信号波形。

    The paper focuses on and simulates the sea clutter noise signal which compiles the K distribution and produces the analog signal waveform which complies with the K distribution clutter by the D / A converter .

  20. 基于线性调频信号的数模转换器时钟抖动误差分析

    Analysis of clock jitter error in digital-to-analog converter based on Linear Frequency Modulated Signal

  21. 温度和压力传感器采集现场温度、压力信号并经A/D转换器转换成数字量用于对现场天然气流量进行温度、压力修正;

    The temperature and pressure sensor gathered on-the-spot temperature and pressure signal , and A / D converter converted analog signals into digital signals to revise the on-the-spot flow of natural gas ;

  22. DAC是由数字信号到模拟信号的转换器,它联系着数字和模拟世界。

    DAC is a digital-to-analog signal converter , which links the digital and analog world .

  23. 一种将普通电视信号转换成VGA信号的特殊转换器

    A special converter for converting general TV signal into VGA signal

  24. 串口可以用来接收GPS坐标,或者连接外部设备,例如A/D(模拟信号到数字信号)或D/A(数字信号到模拟信号)转换器。

    The serial port can be used to sink GPS coordinates , or with an external device , as an A / D ( Analog to Digital ) or D / A ( Digital to Analog ) converter .

  25. 分析了宝钢现有各种工控机VGA信号的格式,介绍VGA-TV信号转换的过程及通用VGA-TV信号转换器的设计思想和实现方法。

    Various forms of the VGA signals for industrial computers at Baosteel are analyzed , and the process of VGA TV signal translation is briefed , along with design thought and the way of implementation .

  26. 提出了一种基于DSP的CCD信号高速数据采集与处理系统的设计方案,对其中的高速CCD信号数字转换器、DSP控制以及数据通讯接口等内容进行了讨论,提出了更为有效的异步控制方式。

    Introduced a design method of CCD singal gathering and processing system based on DSP . In this paper , the authors analyse and deduce the CCD image digitizers , DSP processor , communications interface and a method of asychronous communications .

  27. 传感器输出的测量信号是中频的交流模拟信号,在下位机系统设计了鉴幅、滤波、放大电路将测量信号转化为模数转换器可以接受的直流信号。

    The amplitude discrimination circuit , the filter circuit and the amplifying circuit are designed to transform AC analog signal that the eddy current sensor output to DC analog signal , thus , the DC analog signal can be received by AD converter .