
  • 网络Biomagnetism;biological magnetic
  1. 生物磁感应成像中的高精度鉴相方法研究

    The Study of High Resolution Phase Detecting Method in Biological Magnetic Induction imaging

  2. 应用室外盆栽试验方法,将土壤磁效应与生物磁效应相结合,研究了磁处理土壤对土壤小麦系统健康的影响。

    By using outdoor pot-culture method combined with biological magnetic effect analysis , this paper studied the effect of soil magnetization on soil-wheat ecosystem health .

  3. 激光极化~(129)Xe的生物磁共振成像研究进展

    Progress in the study of biological MR imaging using laser-polarized 129 Xe

  4. 本文阐述了使用SQUID二次梯度计进行生物磁研究的方法。

    An approach to measure biomagnetic field by using a SQUID second order gradiometer has been explored .

  5. 磁共振成像是一种生物磁自旋成像技术,它可以直接作出各种体层图像,不会产生CT检测中的伪影,无电离辐射,对机体没有不良影响。

    MRI is a Bio-magnetic spin imaging technology which can make all kinds of tomography images . It does not produce artifacts during the CT test , no ionizing radiation and without adverse effects on the human body .

  6. 新型水基磁流体的制备及其生物磁热效应研究

    The preparation of novel aqueous ferrofluid and biomagnetic heat effect

  7. 超导性能在生物磁方面的应用

    Biomagnetic Application of Superconductivity

  8. 目前,生物磁分离技术正在成为科学研究的一个重要手段。

    With the rapid progress of life sciences and biotechnology , magnetic separation technique has become an indispensable tool .

  9. 介绍了生物医学磁测量系统技术,包括生物磁测量技术的发展,人体磁测量装置的原理、构成以及生物磁测量系统的应用。

    The technique of biomagnetic measurement system is introduced , whichincluding the development , the principle , the structure and the applications of thebiomagnetic measure system .

  10. 用磁感应的方式测量组织的电导率是生物磁感应成像的基础,其测量精度将决定成像的质量。

    Measuring the conductivity of biological tissues in the way of magnetic induction is the basis of the magnetic induction imaging . The precision of measurement decides the quality of imaging .

  11. 微振治疗仪是以中西医结合治疗及微动观为依据,并结合应用远红外及脉冲生物磁的临床理疗仪器,适用于临床治疗及术后康复理疗。

    Ambient vibration instrument based on combining traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment and budge view as the basis , and integrated application of far infrared and pulse biological magnetic clinical therapy instruments , suitable for clinical treatment and postoperative rehabilitation therapy .

  12. 生物兼容性磁流体通常使用水做介质载体。

    Biocompatible ferrofluids normally use water as a carrier medium .

  13. 生物浸出磁黄铁矿的研究概况

    Survey of bioleaching of pyrrhotite

  14. 本文从浸出机理、动力学和强化措施等方面阐述了生物浸出磁黄铁矿的研究现状。

    The present paper discusses current researching status of pyrrhotite bioleaching in detail in terms of its mechanisms , kinetics and intensifying measures .

  15. 70年代发现的分布在趋磁细菌体内的磁性纳米颗粒,将生物与磁的关系确切地联系起来。

    Magnetic nano particles found in the body of magnetic bacteria in the 1970 's provide definite proof of the relationship between magnetite and biology .

  16. 脑膜瘤临床生物行为与磁共振(MRI)比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Clinical and Biological Behaviors and Magnetic Resonance Images of Meningiomas

  17. 生物活性铁磁微晶玻璃和耐化学腐蚀的放射性玻璃可用于癌症治疗。

    Bioactive ferromagnetic glass ceramics and chemically durable radioactive glasses are expected to be useful for cancer treatments .

  18. 制备出来的纳米胶囊材料在荧光成像、生物检测、磁共振成像、光动力学疗法等方面有着潜在的应用。

    The as-prepared nanocapsules have potential applications in fluorescence imaging , biological detection , magnetic resonance imaging and photodynamic therapy .

  19. 磁性高分子微球是一种兼具磁性材料、高分子材料的功能性材料,其在肿瘤靶向治疗、生物分离,磁共振成像等生物医学领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Magnetic polymer microspheres are a kind of novel functional materials , which exhibit excellent applications in biomedical fields including tumor target therapy , bioseparation , magnetic resonance imaging and so on .

  20. 生物电和生物磁的原理及其临床应用

    Living creature electricity with principle and its clinical applications of the living creature magnetism

  21. 生物传感用巨磁电阻传感器及其磁珠检测性能磁性薄膜/石英音叉复合磁传感器研究

    Detection of Commercial Magnetic Microbeads with Giant Magneto Resistance Sensors Study on Composite Magnetic Sensor Using Magnetic-film and Quartz Tuning Fork

  22. 阐述生物电、生物磁的产生原理及特性,以及临床应用;

    This text expatiates creation principle and characteristics of the living creature electricity , living creature magnetism , and clinical application ;

  23. 细胞毒性及磁性测试表明该空心微球具有良好的生物相容性及磁响应性。

    The in vitro biocompatibility and the magnetic tests of the hollow microspheres indicated that the hollow microspheres showed good biocompatibility and magnetic response .

  24. 金属配合物由于其结构的多变性以及在工业催化剂、生物体系以及光电磁材料等方面广阔的应用前景而引起化学工作者们的广泛兴趣。

    Particular attention has been devoted to metal complexes due to the variability of their structures , industrial catalysts in biological systems , as well as optical electromagnetic materials and other potential applications .

  25. 金溶胶因其独特的物理、化学性质在光学、光电子学、传感器、信息存储、催化、生物标签、铁磁材料以及医药学等方面倍受关注。

    Gold colloids have attracted great interest because of their unique physical and chemical properties , which render them ideal candidates in the fields of photonics , optoelectronics , sensor , information storage , catalyst , biolabeling , magnetic ferrofluids , and medicine .

  26. 本文生命频率是指一切人类特质及活动的波动韵律,其中包括生物磁学中人体生物磁的振动频率。

    In this paper ,' life-frequency ' refers to the fluctuation rhythm of all human qualities and activities , including the magnetic vibration frequency in human biological in biomagnetism .

  27. 近年来,尺寸可控的磁纳米粒子在磁性流体、催化剂、生物科技/生物医药、磁共振呈像(MRI)、数据存储、环境修复等方面引起了极大的兴趣。

    Magnetic nanoparticles are of great interest for researchers from a wide range of disciplines , including magnetic fluids , catalysis , biotechnology / biomedicine , magnetic resonance imaging , data storage , and environmental remediation .

  28. 尤其是磁性纳米材料在生物医药领域的应用引起人们极大的兴趣:包括磁响应成像、生物分离和磁热治疗。

    In addition , magnetic nanoparticles have been of great interest for biomedical applications including magnetic resonance imaging , bio-separation , and hyperthermia treatment .