
  1. CSP生产线设备故障诊断与监测实践

    Fault diagnosis and monitoring of the CSP production line

  2. 基于RCM的流程型生产线设备维修决策方法研究

    Research of Decision Method for Maintenance of Equipment in Flow Production Line Based on RCM

  3. 利用OpenGL技术,将上述设计的生产线设备转换为STL格式的文件,导入应用软件数据库并在该软件下完成虚拟装配,编写相关软件程序来完成生产线生产过程的仿真。

    OpenGL is used to transform the production facilities designed into the STL files , and the files are led into the application database of virtual simulation software developed , and virtual assemble is carried out by the software .

  4. 本文详细介绍了德国KarlMayer公司第三代拉伸整经一步法干法生产线设备及其生产工艺;对产品质量进行了评价,并就该生产技术存在的问题及发展前景进行了分析和预测。

    The equipments and technology of the drawing and warping combined method of the third generation of Karl Mayer were introduced with evaluation of product quality , analysis of problems of technology and forecast of future trend .

  5. 国产中密度纤维板生产线设备现状与发展

    The status and prospects of equipment for domestic MDF production line

  6. 高合金钢棒材生产线设备及主要特点

    Equipment and Technology Characters of the High Alloy Bar Product Line

  7. 玻璃纤维池窑拉丝生产线设备安装工程与建筑工程的配合

    Coordination between Direct-Melt Glass Fiber Production Line Installation and Building Construction

  8. 10kt/a腈纶一步法转向纺丝生产线设备的改造

    Modification of 10kt / a acrylic fiber turnable spinning line equipment

  9. 高精度铜带轧制生产线设备的研制

    Research and manufacture of high accuracy copper strip rolling line

  10. 试谈对大型熟料生产线设备的前期管理

    Prophase management of equipment of large scale clinker production line

  11. 非织造布生产线设备选型的探讨

    Discussion of the Choice of Nonwovens Production Line and Equipment

  12. AM用盘式刹车片生产线设备配套研究

    Matching Eguipments Analysis of AM Disc Brake Pad Production Line

  13. 该系统已成功地用于大型自动生产线设备上。

    Equipments for a large type automatic production line .

  14. 连续生产线设备故障诊断专家系统的动态模糊推理机制的研究

    Study of Dynamic Fuzzy Inference Mechanism of Fault Diagnosis Expert System for Production Line

  15. 瓦楞纸板生产线设备安装,机器调试。

    Corrugated line machine installation , machine adjustment .

  16. 薄板横切生产线设备工艺分析

    Technological analysis on cut to length strip line

  17. 大型热连轧轧钢生产线设备安装工艺优化研究

    Research on the Equipment Installation Technology Optimization of Large Scale Hot Mill Continuous Rolling Line

  18. 铜线坯连铸连轧生产线设备现状与发展趋势

    Present Status and Development Trend of Continuous Casting and Rolling Production Line for Copper Rods

  19. 热处理、酸洗磷化连续生产线设备及工艺探讨

    Discussion on the Equipment and the Process of Heat Treatment and Pickling and Phosphorization Continuous Production Line

  20. 负责维护塑料生产线设备,尤其需要确保设备运行稳定。

    Be fully dedicated to maintain plastics compounding line , especially focus on the equipment running smoothly .

  21. 南钢热轧窄带钢生产线设备及工艺特点

    The equipment and process characteristics of the hot rolled narrow strip production line in Nanjing Iron and Steel Company

  22. 介绍了从方案设计着手降低涂装生产线设备投资的几种方法,这些方法已被实践证明是切实可行的。

    Several methods about lowering investment in finishing lines at starting layout design , proved to be feasible , are given .

  23. 港口装卸生产线设备配置优化软件研究耐热铝合金导线在超高压配电装置母线上的应用

    Research on the Software Design about Optimum Allocation of Equipments on Port ; The Use of Heat-resisting Aluminium Alloy Conductors on the EHV Substation Eguipment Buses

  24. 介绍了手动、半自动、全自动生产线设备的研制过程,并对其成型制造原理进行了论述。

    The development process of product line of manual work , half automatism and full automatism are introduced , and the molding manufacture principles are discussed .

  25. 介绍我公司四条电工圆铝杆生产线设备组成及工艺技术情况,以及所采取的技术改进措施。

    The paper recommends the equipments for the four production lines of round aluminum pole and the production technology as well as the technical innovation measures taken .

  26. 配套高自动化、高产量机器人码坯系统,适用于单机年产量1~1.3亿块(折标砖)新型墙体材料自动生产线设备。

    Matching high-automatic and output robot setting system , it is applied to automatic production equipment with the new walling material of0.1-1.13 billion output for single equipment .

  27. 最后将生产线设备模型与产品工艺模型进行集成,形成万能轧线、重轨精整线、型钢整线的生产物流模型。

    Finally , the whole multi-function production line , including railway production line and profile bar production line , is formulated by integrating equipment model and product model .

  28. 目前,该成果已成功地用于多条大型自动生产线设备上,实践表明高效实用、经济效益显著。

    The result has successfully used in equipments of automatic production line , and the practice indicates that it is highly effective in use and notable in economic benefit .

  29. 钢管倒棱机是制管生产线设备中的主要设备之一,其作用是对钢管进行管内、外倒棱加工。

    Chamfering machine is one of the main equipment in the equipment of pipe production line , the role of it used to chamfer the inside and outside of pipe .

  30. 现今国内应用的主流中空玻璃生产线设备主要依赖于国外进口,不仅价格昂贵,而且设备使用维护成本高。

    At present the mainstream insulating glass production equipment in the domestic mainly depends on foreign import , which is not only expensive , but with high maintenance and using costs .