
  • 网络biopharmaceutics;Biopharmacy
  1. DNA改组(DNAshuffling)在生物药学中的应用

    DNA Shuffling and Its Application to Biological Pharmaceuticals

  2. 因此,DNA和ATP的检测在临床诊断、疾病预防和生物药学等方面具有重要的意义。

    So , the detection of DNA and ATP plays a critical role in disease diagnosis , prevention and biomedical research .

  3. RNAi作为调节特定基因表达的基因组免疫方法,成为生物药学的研究热点,同时也是机体抗病毒感染在基因水平的有效防御机制。

    RNAi , as a genomic immune phenomenon involving the modulation of specific gene expression and an efficient gene-level defense mechanism against viral infection , has become the focus of study in biomedicine .

  4. 现在,由于大多数天然药物被高度提纯,且与合成的化学药物无甚区别,所以临床医生对生物药学的兴趣也相应减弱。

    As most of the natural drugs are now highly purified and differ little from synthetic chemical drugs , the interests of the clinicians in pharmacognosy are correspondingly limited .

  5. 生物药学家和研究者以极大的努力彻底地了解铜及其配合物在生物体系中的作用,希望获得更多地信息以利于人类疾病的预防和治疗。

    Biomedical scientists and researchers have made tremendous efforts to completely understand the role of copper and its complexes in biological systems , which give much information relevant to the prevention and / or treatment of human diseases .

  6. 多金属氧酸盐(POM)是一类结构独特、性质多样的无机簇状化合物,它在工业催化剂、生物、药学、材料科学等领域中有重要的应用价值。

    Polyoxometalates ( POM ) possess good redox properties and structural versatility and have been widely applied in many fields such as medicine , catalysis , and materials sciences .

  7. 在化学、生物技术和药学领域中,其应用已经获得迅猛发展。

    In the areas of chemistry , biological technique and medicine study , its application also development sharply .

  8. 蛋白质的定量分析是生物化学、药学和其它生物学科及生命科学研究中经常涉及的内容,也是临床化验和食品检验常规的分析项目。

    Quantitative analysis of protein is often concerned with biochemistry , pharmacy , other branches of biochemistry and life sciences , is the routine analytical item in clinical assay and food survey .

  9. 如何采取有效措施确保药品质量、疗效和生物等效性成为药学工作者的工作重点。

    How to take effective measures to ensure drug quality , efficacy , and bioequivalence as the focus of the pharmacy workers .

  10. 这些新发展趋向对研究金属蛋白的结构-功能关系提供了重要的信息,同时也为这些理性设计的新颖金属蛋白分子拓宽了其在生物化学、生物工程和药学上的应用。

    These developments provide important information and knowledge in understanding the structure-property-reaction-function relationship of metalloproteins and in extending the biochemical , biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications by rationally designed novel metalloproteins .

  11. 研究药物小分子和血清白蛋白生物大分子的相互作用,对于药物代谢动力学、生物化学、制药学和临床医学具有重要的参考价值。

    The study of the interaction between small drug molecules and biomacromolecule is valuable for the fields of pharmacokinetic 、 biochemistry 、 pharmacy and clinical medicine .