
  • 网络biological basis;Biology Basics
  1. 意识的生物基础是什么?

    What is the biological basis of consciousness ?

  2. 它探究人类语言的生物基础,儿童学习母语的关键期和过程,语言和思维的关系。

    It takes upon itself the job of exploring the biological basis of human language , critical periods for child language acquisition , and the relationship between the language and thought .

  3. 生物基础实验中心构建与运行模式研究

    On the Construction and Operating Patterns of Biological Experimental Center

  4. 语言习得的差异性与生物基础的差异性有关系。

    The difference of language acquisition relates to the distinction of biological foundation .

  5. 生物基础实验教学体系的创新与实践

    Innovation and Practice of Basic Biological Experimental Teaching System

  6. 生物基础实验室仪器设备管理模式的探讨

    Study on the Managing Modes of Biological Instruments and Equipments of Basic Lab

  7. 生物基础实验中心建设与创新

    Innovating and Constructing of Fundamental Biology Experiment Center

  8. 由于这些解释没有任何生物基础,但对我的意义很大。

    These explanations lacked any basis in the language of biology that made so much sense to me .

  9. 语言本质上是内在的生物基础与外在的语言影响相互作用的结果。

    In essence , language results from the interaction of both the internal biological foundation and the external influence of language .

  10. 生物基础教育课程单一,是制约生物基础教育发展的一个重要因素。

    The single basic biological educational course is one of the important factors which restrain the development of the basic biological education .

  11. 研究表明语言的生物基础包括两部分:人类的发音器官和语言能力。

    Researches show that language is human-specific and its biological foundation consists of two parts : the vocal organs and language ability .

  12. 它实际上是一个能够阻止严重伤口出血的产品,但它有它的生物基础。

    It is actually a product to stop serious wound bleeding , but it has to have a bio base on it .

  13. 目的:探讨青年攻击行为发生的生物基础,为攻击行为的干预提供科学依据。

    Objective : To explore the incretion factors which influence adolescents'aggressive behavior , and to provide the theoretical foundation for the prevention of aggression .

  14. 夏秋汛东海北部近海的饵料生物基础与鲐、鲹鱼中心渔场的关系

    Relationship between offshore bait organism basis in North East China Sea during fishing seasons of summer and autumn and central fishing ground of mackerels and scads

  15. 通过采用由知识领域、知识单元、知识点三个层次来构建生物学基础知识体系的模式,探索了一般理工科院校非生物学类专业生物基础系列课程的构建方法。

    We explore the formation of the series of basic biological courses to non-biological majors in general science and engineering institutions with the mode of knowledge system of basic biology .

  16. 这些模型或局限于某种神经结构或者单个特性,或仅仅用到一些视皮层的框架结构跳过生物基础的信息加工过程。

    Some of these models are limited to a certain neural structure or a single feature ; others just use some framework of the visual cortex while skipping bio-based information process .

  17. 如果在大脑中显示了一个进攻或暴力倾向的生物基础,一个律师也许辩论,他的委托人不能控制他的暴力驱策。

    If a propensity towards aggression or violence is shown to have a biological basis in the brain , a lawyer may argue that his client could not control his violent urges .

  18. 在关系模型的基础上综述了酒精成瘾犯罪的特征以及罪犯的人格特征和行为特征,其生物基础、责任能力的评定以及对犯罪的预防。

    This paper summarized the characteristics of the alcohol addiction as well as criminal 's personality characteristic and the behavior characteristic , its living thing foundation , the responsibility ability evaluation as well as the crime prevention and criminal 's correct .

  19. 本文阐述了人工神经网络的生物基础、定义、模型及神经网络计算机与传统计算机的主要区别,并重点阐述了人工神经网络在控制中的应用。

    The author makes an exposition of the biological base , significance and model of artificial nerve net as well as the distinction between nerve net computers and traditional ones , concentrating mainly on the application of artificial nerve net in control .

  20. 第二语言习得的生物基础表明,凡生理和心理健全的人都具有语言习得能力。论述了第二语言习得理论在语言习得和语言教学中的作用

    The biological basis of the second language acquistition shows that all the people who are healthy in both physiology and psychology have the ability of studying language In order to solve the problems in SLA , the role of the theory of SLA in language teaching is discussed

  21. 冷水中生物的基础代谢速度要低很多。

    Basal metabolism is much lower for creatures in cold water .

  22. 广义人工生命的科学基础(II)&生物工程基础

    Science Basic of Generalized Artificial Life ( II ) & Biology Engineering Basis

  23. 霍尼韦尔正与中石油、中国国航以及波音公司(Boeing)合作,在中国建立航空生物燃料基础设施。

    Honeywell is working with PetroChina , Air China and Boeing to create an aviation biofuels infrastructure in China .

  24. 结论:腰椎间盘退变时,胶原含量的增多是引起椎间盘T2WI信号强度降低的生物化学基础之一。

    Conclusion : Increasing of collagen content is one of biochemical backgrounds to cause the decreasing of disc T_2WI signal intensity when lumbar intervertebral disc degenerates .

  25. 〔目的〕摸清T3航站楼施工工地的鼠密度本底情况,收集媒介生物控制基础资料,指导今后的灭鼠工作。

    Objective To probe the rodent composition and density at the construction site of Terminal 3 of Capital Airport and collect the fundamental data of medical vectors control for the rodent prevention and control at Capital Airport .

  26. 研究结果不但丰富了蚯蚓和绿藻作为模式生物的基础数据,更重要是为PFOS环境毒理学综合评价提供有力的科学依据,为这类污染物的治理提供决策支持。

    The study not only enrich the data on algae and earthworms , but also provide the scientific basis for the ecological risk assessment and decision support for the management of the pollutants .

  27. LH4-1油田是在新近系中新统珠江组生物礁基础上发育起来的稠油油田。

    LH4-1 Oilfield is a heavy oil field developed from the basis of the bioherm of Miocene Zhujiang Formation .

  28. 通过实验设计,对比T803A在矿物基础油和可生物降解基础油中的感受性,提出“勾连”理论。

    A theme of " tangles " was given by comparing the sensitivity of T803A in the mineral base oil and the biodegradable base oil .

  29. 生物医药基础学科探究性实验教学体系的构建

    Construction of the Exploring Experimental Teaching Systems for Basic Biomedical Courses

  30. 口服抗生素复方制剂的生物药剂学基础研究

    The Preliminary Study of the Bio-pharmaceutics of Oral Antibiotic Compound Preparation