
shēnɡ mìnɡ shù
  • Tree of Life;arbor vitae
  1. 温良的舌是生命树,乖谬的嘴使人心碎。

    A gentle tongue is a tree of life , but perverseness spirit .

  2. 说安慰话的舌头是生命树;奸恶的舌头使人心碎。

    A wholesome tongue is a tree of life : but perverseness therein is spirit .

  3. 在生命树上

    In the great Tree of Life ,

  4. 卡巴拉需要这些生命树的四棵,每棵为宇宙各自的世界。

    The Kabbala requires four of these Trees , one for each world of the cosmos .

  5. 箴13:12所盼望的迟延未得、人心忧.愿意的临到、是生命树。

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick , But desire fulfilled is a tree of life .

  6. 箴15:4温良的舌、是生命树.乖谬的嘴、使人心碎。

    A soothing tongue is a tree of life , But perversion in it crushes the spirit .

  7. 在河这边与那边有生命树,结十二样果子。

    On each side of the river stood the tree of life , bearing twelve crops of fruit .

  8. 中国神话中众多的生命树实际是建木一树的分化。

    Many life trees in the Chinese mythology are in fact split from the jian mu yi shu ;

  9. 所以我以为你们发现了什么地图他们把生命树滴药水转变。

    So what I thought you found the map they put drops of medicine changes the tree of life .

  10. 在这个故事的面包的生活是平行的生命树,在圣经中的故事。

    In this story the bread of life is parallel to the tree of life in the Biblical story .

  11. 温良的舌,是生命树。乖谬的嘴,使人心碎。

    A comforting tongue is a tree of life , but a twisted tongue is a crushing of the spirit .

  12. 所盼望的迟延未得,令人心忧。所愿意的临到,却是生命树。

    Hope deferred maketh the heart sick : but when the desire cometh , it is a tree of life .

  13. 义人的果实是生命树,智慧的人能夺取人心。

    The fruit of the just man is a tree of life : and he that gaineth souls , is wise .

  14. 发现神的眼睛它被刻在石头上-以及生命树-36-在纽约的北部。

    Finding the Eye of God carved in stone - and the Tree of Life - 36 - in upstate New York .

  15. 园子当中又有生命树和分别善恶的树。

    In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil .

  16. 你提到的轮子是由卡巴拉的象征组成,连同着塔罗牌和生命树的二十二条道路。

    The wheel you refer to combines the symbology of Kabbalah with the Tarot cards and the 22 paths in the Tree of Life .

  17. 包含在生命树之上的神性名称(动代码)断地进化去寻找最强烈的频率模式。

    The sacred names ( vibratory codes ) held upon the Tree of Life are continually being evolved to find the strongest frequency patterns .

  18. 现在恐怕他伸手又摘生命树的果子吃,就永远活着。神要将亚当夏娃与什么隔离开?

    He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat , and live forever .

  19. 因为上帝知道,如果亚当和夏娃吃了园子当中生命树的果子,他们就会在罪中永远活着,那将是更加悲惨的事。

    He knew that if Adam and Eve ate of the tree of life in the middle of the garden , they would live forever in their sin .

  20. 那些洗净自己衣服的有福了,可得权柄能到生命树那里,也能从门进城。

    Blessed are they that do his commandments , that they may have right to the tree of life , and may enter in through the gates into the city .

  21. 生命树包含了以神性名称形态存在的最高和最强烈的频率编码,层次的努力成就就能够获得频率编码(代码)。

    The Tree of Life contains the highest and strongest frequency codes in the form of the Divine Names which the efforts of the Hierarchy have been able to obtain .

  22. 天主将亚当逐出了以后,就在伊甸乐园的东面,派了「革鲁宾」和刀光四射的火剑,防守到生命树去的路。

    And he cast out Adam ; and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims , and a flaming sword , turning every way , to keep the way of the tree of life .

  23. 主啊,无限是属祢的,求祢保守我远离对智慧树的爱,免得诱惑我远离了生命树。

    My Lord , I leave the infinite to thee , and pray thee to put far from me such a love for the tree of knowledge as might keep me from the tree of life .

  24. 于是把他赶出去了。又在伊甸园的东边安设基路伯和四面转动发火焰的剑,要把守生命树的道路。

    So he sent the man out ; and at the east of the garden of Eden he put winged ones and a flaming sword turning every way to keep the way to the tree of life .

  25. 温良的舌,是生命树。乖谬的嘴,使人心碎。霍加皮运用他的长舌来抓取食物(树叶)。

    " a comforting tongue is a tree of life , but a twisted tongue is a crushing of the spirit . " But , like the giraffe , the okapi uses its long tongue to grab and eat leaves .

  26. 创世纪3:24说,神“又在伊甸园的东边安设基路伯和四面转动发火焰的剑,要把守生命树的道路。”??

    Genesis 3 : 24 says , .. " and he ( God ) placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims , and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life . "

  27. 然后上主天主说:「看,人已相似我们中的一个,知道了善恶;如今不要让他伸手再摘取生命树上的果子,吃了活到永远。」

    And he said : Behold Adam is become as one of us , knowing good and evil : now , therefore , lest perhaps he put forth his hand , and take also of the tree of life , and eat , and live for ever .

  28. 耶和华神使各样的树从地里长出来,可以悦人的眼目,其上的果子好作食物。园子当中又有生命树和分别善恶的树。

    And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight , and good for food ; the tree of life also in ( 1 ) the garden , and the tree of knowledge of good and evil .

  29. 贝尔的下两部影片会与泰伦斯马利克(TerrenceMalick)合作,马立克的上一部影片是《生命之树》(TheTreeofLife),而拍完蝙蝠侠三部曲对贝尔来说无疑是种解脱。

    His next two projects will pair him with Terrence Malick , whose last film was The Tree of Life , while the end of the Batman trilogy is clearly a matter of some relief .

  30. 在北欧神话Yggdrasil是一个伟大的梣树,又被称为生命之树。

    In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Great Ash Tree , also known as the Tree of Life .