
  1. 回来过后,我和我的伙伴

    And coming home , my cofounder and I ,

  2. 哈里斯声称梅威瑟告诉她,他要找人“照顾”我和我的伙伴。

    " He would'have me and my guy friend taken care of , ' " she claimed Mayweather told her .

  3. 只要我和我的伙伴互称尊敬对方,谁也不能剥夺我们的快乐。

    So long as my partner and I claimed to respect one another , no one could deny us our pleasure .

  4. 我和我的伙伴经常无法登陆伙伴已经登陆的服务器。

    It is often the case for myself and the people I play with that we cannot access realms our friends are already logged into .

  5. 我和我的合作伙伴对接下来怎么做个持己见。

    My partner and I have totally different ideas about how to proceed . ?

  6. 布拉德:我和我的终身伙伴都憎恨学校,我迫不及待地盼望着放学。

    Brad : One thing my Constant Companion and I agreed on was that we hated school . I couldn 't wait until I got out .

  7. 我把和我共事的伙伴们看作一家人。

    I consider the people I work with family .

  8. 我只是刚才和我的伙伴一起玩我不知道

    l was just playing with my friends . l don 't know .

  9. 这是因为我和我工会里的伙伴们整个晚上都在魔兽世界的怪堆里激战着,那都是些各种各样丑陋的生物。

    I spend evenings traveling around the World of Warcraft with a carefully selected handful of guild mates vanquishing demons and all sorts of ugly creatures .

  10. 2001年,我开始考虑自己创业,实际上,我和我的商业伙伴在2004年建立了这家公司。

    I first began to think about starting my own business in two thousand and one and I actually set up the company with my business partner in two thousand and four .

  11. 我父亲打电话给我时,我正在和我的商业伙伴讲话。

    I was speaking with my business partner , who had just told me about Farrah .

  12. 确切来讲,我是在到普林斯顿来的前一天,或者前两天创立它的,我和我的一个伙伴在高中高年级的时候,开始为当地互联网提供商工作。

    Actually I start it the day before I went to Princeton I think , two days maybe , before A buddy of mine and I as high school seniors , had started working for a local ISP .