
  1. 我很忙,你自个儿去,好吗?

    I 'm busy , so why not go by yourself ?

  2. 那程子我很忙。

    I was very busy at that time .

  3. 那程子我很忙,没有工夫来看你。

    I was terribly busy those days and couldn 't find time to visit you .

  4. 要是有人打电话来,告诉他我很忙

    If anybody phones , tell them I 'm busy .

  5. 最近我很忙。

    I 've been very busy lately .

  6. 昨天下午我很忙。

    Yesterday I had a busy afternoon .

  7. Ikeptmyselfbusy.我很忙。/我要做的亊太多。上周大会开得怎么样?

    A : How did the conference go last week ? B : I kept myself busy .

  8. 如果万一有人打电话,告诉他我很忙。

    If anyone should call , tell him I 'm busy .

  9. 我很忙,所以无法帮着做家务。

    I can 't help do housework because I am busy .

  10. 这里已经很晚了而且我很忙,对。

    It 's late here and I 'm busy , yes .

  11. 我很忙,过会再聊。

    I 'm busy . I 'll talk to you later .

  12. 我很忙,我有许多衣服要洗。

    I 'm very busy . I have a lot of .

  13. 我很忙,所以我们就在这儿谈吧。

    I 'm busy , so iet 's just taik here .

  14. 这几个礼拜我很忙。

    I 've just been very busyThe last couple of weeks .

  15. 和别人玩吧,我很忙。

    To do it to another guy because I was busy .

  16. 走开不好意思我很忙的

    Go away . Excuse me ! I am very busy .

  17. 弗朗西斯:是的,我很忙。我在工作呢。

    Francis : yes , I am busy . I 'm working .

  18. 不,完全不是,(我很忙)

    You 're not busy doing anything , are you ?

  19. 我很忙,只能停留一会儿。

    I am busy and can only stay for a short time .

  20. 我很忙,没有时间!

    I 'm a busy man , I don 't have time !

  21. 恐怕明天上午10点我很忙。

    I 'm afraid I 'll be tied up tomorrow at ten .

  22. 你大概没注意到我很忙。

    I was busy , if you hadn 't noticed .

  23. 我很忙,所以我叫他走开。

    I was busy , so I told him to clear off .

  24. 我很忙,车多长时间能来呢?

    I 'm very busy , how soon will the bus come ?

  25. 如您所见,我很忙。

    As you can see , I am very busy .

  26. 我很忙的你在掩藏内心

    I 've been busy . You 've been hiding .

  27. 昨天我很忙,我在准备考试。

    I was busy yesterday . I was preparing for the exams .

  28. 不要用我很忙来推卸责任。

    Don 't allow " being busy " to derail your commitments .

  29. 如果我很忙,我可能要生气了。

    If I had been busy , I might have been annoyed .

  30. 也打高尔夫,我很忙,但很享受现在的生活。

    I 'm busy , but I 'm enjoying life .