
  1. 身为百万富翁的教育慈善家彼得兰普尔爵士(sirpeterlampl)最近表示,学费可能会再提高20%,以便为更多经过经济状况调查的优秀少年提供名额。

    Sir Peter Lampl , the millionaire educational philanthropist , recently said fees could be put up another 20 per cent to subsidise more means-tested places for talented youngsters .

  2. 我国优秀少年排球运动员一般智力特征的研究

    Research on Intelligence Characteristics of Chinese Excellent Junior Volleyball Athletes

  3. 优秀少年女篮运动员运动成绩与某些感知特征的相关分析

    Analysis of Junior Female Basketball Player Between Achievement and Some Perception Features

  4. 论未成年人犯罪我国优秀少年女篮运动员体型特征分析

    On Juvenile Delinquency Analysis on Figure Characteristics of Juvenile Women Basketball Elites in China

  5. 结果显示:优秀少年女篮运动员的体型特征为4.20-1.05-3.29,属于外胚性内胚叶型体型;

    The result shows : figure characteristics of juvenile women basketball elites is 4.20-1.05-3.29 ;

  6. 我国优秀少年甲组男子篮球运动员团队凝聚力研究

    The Study on Excellent Teenager In Group A Man Basketball Athlete Team 's Cohesion

  7. 201例优秀少年足球运动员左心室功能的超声心动图分析

    An echocardiographic analysis on the left ventricular function of 201 promising Junior Chinese footballers

  8. 因而,可用于选拔福建省优秀少年甲组举重运动员。

    Thus , it can be used to select the outstanding Junior Male Lifters .

  9. 对广西优秀少年跳远运动员认知心理结构的初步研究

    A Primary Research to the Cognitive Psychological Structure of Guangxi Outstanding Juvenile Long Jump Athletes

  10. 我国优秀少年男排运动员专项身体素质现状分析

    An analysis on Special Physical Quality of the Excellent Teenager Male Volleyball Players in China

  11. 我国优秀少年足球守门员出击技术运用情况分析

    Analysis and Application on the Technical Skill of Attack Move for Chinese Elite Juvenile Goalkeepers

  12. 我国优秀少年甲组男排运动员专项身体素质现状及其影响因素的研究

    An Research Special Physical Quality of the Excellent Teenager Male-Volleyball-players and Affecting Factors in China

  13. 我国优秀少年男子篮球运动员特质焦虑和状态焦虑的初步研究

    Initial Study on the Speciality Anxiety and State Anxiety of the Chinese Elite Boys Basketball Players

  14. 对我国优秀少年足球运动员身体素质、基本技术测试指标的研究

    Study on the Testing Data of the Fitness and Basic Techniques of the Chinese Elite Junior Football Players

  15. 我国优秀少年篮球运动员皮纹特征与皮纹选材

    Research on the Characteristics of Dermatoglyph of Elite Teenager Basketball Players and the Selection of Athletes of Dermatoglyph in China

  16. 运用现场观察和常规技术统计的方法,对目前国内优秀少年足球守门员出击技术运用情况进行统计和分析,并提出建议。

    The methods of observation and mathematical statistics were adopted to analyze the technical skill of attack move of the elite juvenile goalkeepers in China .

  17. 辽宁省优秀少年女子跳远运动员起跳腿蹬伸不够充分,同时起跳腿一侧髋角较大。

    Liaoning Province Outstanding Young Women Long Jumper jump with insufficient leg kicking , while the legs off the side of the larger hip angle .

  18. 经过比较分析,本文所选指标均可作为描述优秀少年跳远运动员的认知心理指标。

    After comparative analysis , the targets used in this article can all be use to describe the cognitive psychological structure of the outstanding juvenile long jump athletes .

  19. 主要运用临场观察统计法,对2002&2003年冬训中国内优秀少年足球守门员防守技术运用情况进行统计与分析,为进一步提高我国少年足球守门员技术水平提供参考依据。

    The application of defensive technical skills of excellent juvenile goalkeepers in the Winter-training of 2002-2003 is counted and analyzed by using the method of observation , interviews and documentation .

  20. 通过对我国优秀少年篮球运动员皮纹的研究,分析了他们的群体皮纹特征,建立了篮球运动员皮纹选材模式。

    This paper explored the dermatoglyph of Chinese elite juvenile basketball players , analyzed the dermatoglyph characteristics , and establishes the model of the dermatoglyph identification for the selection of basketball players .

  21. 该体系在方法学上是可靠的、可行的、能反映出我国优秀少年乒乓球运动员的身体素质水平,可以为检查训练效果、制定训练计划和选拔运动员提供客观依据。

    The system is reliable and feasible in methodology . Also , it will reflect physical level of Chinese outstanding juvenile table tennis athletes and will offer objective basis for checking training result , making training program and choosing athletes .

  22. 以两次全国性比赛及训练过程中相关因素的调研和实际测量所收集的信息作为研究的基础,诊断和评价我国优秀少年跳高运动员技术掌握的水平以及影响少年运动员持续发展的重要因素。

    Based on investigation and collecting information of practical measurement for relative factors during two National Games and training , this paper diagnoses and evaluates the technical level of our elite junior jumpers and important factors influencing their sustainable development .

  23. 经过对这些指标的统计分析得出广西优秀少年跳远运动员认知心理结构的六个组成因素是:反应能力、思维能力、综合能力、深度知觉能力、肌肉运动感受能力、运动知觉能力。

    The statistic analysis of these norms shows that the cognitive psychological structure of Guangxi outstanding juvenile long jump athletes consists of six components : reacting ability , thinking ability , comprehensive ability , deep perceptive ability , muscle movement experiencing ability , and athletic perceptive ability .

  24. 对全国优秀少年女篮集训队35名运动员进行了身体形态、无氧代谢能力和身体素质的测试,结果表明与世界先进水平比较,她们在体重和高大锋线队员的人数上都存在差距;

    It made a test on 35 elite female junior basketball players ' physical build , function and the anaerobic metabolism with the result showing that compared with world level , there are gap in player 's weight and the quality of high forwards between home and abroad ;

  25. 主要运用观察统计与逻辑分析方法,对目前国内优秀U-17少年守门员接扑球技术运用情况及存在问题分析研究。

    The methods of observation and mathematical statistics were adopted to analyze the technical skills of catching and diving of the elite U-17 juvenile goalkeepers .

  26. 事实上,他是个十分优秀的少年。

    In fact , he is a very outstanding youth .

  27. 听说你们代表团中有几位非常优秀的竞走运动员。我国优秀少年甲组男子篮球运动员团队凝聚力研究

    We 've heard you have some very good race-walkers in your delegation . The Study on Excellent Teenager In Group A Man Basketball Athlete Team 's Cohesion