
  • 网络high-quality nursing service;quality nursing care
  1. 医院感染;优质护理服务;预防控制;

    Hospital infection ; High-quality nursing service ; Prevention and control ;

  2. 目的:通过开展优质护理服务示范工程,提高护理质量和住院患者满意度。

    Objective : To improve nursing quality and patients'satisfaction by developing high-quality nursing service demonstration project .

  3. 对优质护理服务的调查分析

    A survey and analysis on high quality of nursing service

  4. 沟通班;优质护理服务;满意度。

    Communication post ; Quality care services ; Satisfaction .

  5. 目的探讨开展优质护理服务对早期慢性肾功能衰竭患者治疗的影响。

    Objective To investigate the impact of quality care on early chronic renal failure patients .

  6. 获卫生部“2010年优质护理服务考核优秀医院”。

    The hospital was certificated as " excellent nursing hospital " by Ministry of Health in2010 .

  7. 人性化全程优质护理服务的实践与体会优化护理人力资源配置提高护理质量

    The Practice And Experience About Personal all-process Advanced Care ; Managing nursing human resources and improving nursing quality

  8. 讨论:全国优质护理服务示范工程活动全面启动以来,取得了初步成效。

    % - 99 % . Discussion : National " quality care demonstration project " activities started has achieved initial success .

  9. 合理有效地利用护理人力资源是提供优质护理服务、成功实现护理管理的重要保障。

    Utilizing nursing human resources reasonably and effectively is the key point to guarantee high quality of nursing service and successful nursing management .

  10. 优质护理服务示范病房责任护士的工作目标(84.6%以上)与岗位职责(95.0%以上)得到了护理人员的广泛认同。

    High quality nursing service demonstration ward nurse work target ( 84.6 % ) and responsibility ( 95.0 % ) has been widely recognized nursing staff .

  11. 结论1.主基二元法绩效考核法突出了当下护理工作模式改革中的重点&加强基础护理,提供优质护理服务给定了相应的考核维度。

    Main-Basic Duality performance evaluation method highlighted the key of the reform of nursing mode , that provides the high quality nursing service , offering corresponding assessing dimension .

  12. 优质护理服务活动的开展增加了患者满意度,护患关系得到改善,降低了护士的工作压力,也促进了护士对护理专业的理解和热爱。

    High quality nursing service activities increased patient satisfaction , improved nurse-patient relations , reduced the work stress of nurses , also promoted nurses ' understanding and love for nursing professional .

  13. 本次调查研究显示优质护理服务示范病房责任护士将来发展成为临床护理专家的比例较高,可能与此原因有关。

    The survey research shows that the high quality nursing service demonstration ward nurse in the future become a higher percentage of clinical nurse specialists , may be associated with this reason .

  14. 其二为卫生部在河南省开展全面调查的基础上,派出专家组对河南省三级医院开展优质护理服务情况进行抽查。

    Second for the ministry of health in henan province to carry out a full investigation , on the basis of sent the panel to the tertiary hospitals in henan province to carry out the high quality nursing service spot check .

  15. 对医院老年病房实行的护士夜间听班制度进行总结和探讨,为改革病房护理管理、创建老年病房的优质护理服务提供经验和依据。

    This article summarized and discussed the assistant duty system at night in the gerontological ward , which provide experience and foundation for the reform of nursing management in the ward and providing high quality of nursing service in the gerontological ward .

  16. 目的有效地规避和化解护理风险,为老年病人提供安全、优质的护理服务。

    Objective To introduce the risk management in elder people care thereby to provide safe and high-quality nursing services .

  17. 随着全球人口老化,优质长者护理服务的需求也急剧上升。

    With the global aging of our population , the demand for quality care services for our seniors is quickly on the rise .

  18. 结果与结论提高护士的整体素质,实行全方位优质的护理服务,患者满意度大幅度提高。

    Results and Conclusion After the studies , overall level and service quality of our nurses were improved dramatically and the patients were satisfied .

  19. 方法以整体护理的理论基础为指导,为入住老人提供优质的医疗护理服务。

    METHODS Regard the theories foundation of the nursing of the whole as to guide , for into live the old man lift to provide the high quality medical treatment and nursing service .

  20. 目的:如何使病人用低廉的费用享受到优质的医疗护理服务,满足以病人为中心的要求和高质量有效率的服务,已成为卫生行业的重大课题。

    Objective : How to make the patient enjoys the superior quality of the medical treatment nursing service by the cheap expenses , satisfy " take patient as the center " of request and high quantity serve efficiently , have become an important topic of the health profession .

  21. 通过查房,明显提高了危重病人的护理质量,病人得到了更为优质的服务,护理服务满意率提高;

    The three level nursing round promoted the improvement of nursing quality to the critical patients so that the satisfaction rate was increased .

  22. 为探讨优质高效的新型护理服务模式,对全院护理人员实施星级服务管理。

    A new model of nursing servings with excellent quality and high efficiency was investigated to perform management of star servings to the nurses .

  23. 结论加强人力资源管理,有利于加强和提高护士的责任心和综合素质,发挥其团队精神,为病人提供优质、高效的护理服务。

    Conclusion Strengthening human resource management was beneficial to improve nurses ' sense of responsibility and general quality , mobilize team spirit and provide high-quality and high-efficiency nursing service for patients .