
  1. 优信表示,一年之中,它总共处理了超过15万笔线上和线下汽车拍卖交易。

    Uxin said it handled more than 150,000 online and offline car auction transactions a year .

  2. 优信咨询公司中国经理威廉说道,对中国年轻人而言,银行业依旧非常有吸引力。

    William Wu , the China country manager for Universum , said that banking remains an attractive industry for young Chinese 。

  3. 优信咨询公司调查数据显示,谷歌是亚太地区商务专业和信息工程专业学生最向往的雇主。

    Google is the most desirable employer among business and engineering / IT students in the Asia-Pacific region , according to research and consulting firm Universum .

  4. 据美国媒体报道,职业调研公司优信咨询最新发布的调查显示,谷歌仍然是最受美国大学毕业生欢迎的雇主。

    Google Inc is still the most desired employer for US undergraduate students , according to a recent Universum Worldwide study on job preferences , US media reported .

  5. 根据优信引用的中国汽车流通协会的数据,同一时期,二手车交易数量增加了16%,增至约600万辆。

    The number of used cars changing hands rose 16 percent to about six million vehicles in the same period , according to figures from the China Automobile Dealers Association cited by Uxin .

  6. 优信咨询对中国、日本、印度、澳大利亚等九国学生的职业意向进行了调查,发现谷歌和微软的排名很高。在针对欧洲学生的调查中,这两家公司同样很受欢迎。

    Universum surveyed students in nine countries including China , Japan , India , and Australia about their career hopes . Google and Microsoft also rated highly in a separate Universum survey of students in Europe .

  7. 优信在中国运营二手车拍卖网站,主要面向经销商和企业。公司在周三表示将会利用这笔资金开设新网站,研发针对个人消费者的移动应用程序。

    Uxin , which operates used-car auction websites in China that focus on dealers and businesses , said Wednesday that it would use the funds to expand a new website and mobile app aiming at individual consumers .

  8. 优信咨询调研项目经理丹尼尔说,谷歌具备“千禧一代追求的公司品质”:工作氛围轻松友好,大力支持创造与创新。

    Google offers " the attributes that millennials look for " -- namely a reputation for offering a friendly work environment and for fostering creativity and innovation , says Daniel Ng , Universum 's research project manager for Asia-Pacific .

  9. 公司尚未公布持股情况,但是对于中国最大的网络搜索引擎公司百度,投资优信可以给它提供一个新的市场,它可以在这个市场上利用自己的大量数据和庞大的用户群。

    The terms of the shareholdings were not disclosed , but for Baidu , China 's biggest online search engine company , investing in Uxin gives it a new market where it can leverage its vast stores of data and large user base .

  10. 这项调查由优信咨询公司发起,55000多名学生参与调查,结果显示,将近四分之一的学生希望在国际企业工作,只有9%的学生想在刚起步创业的公司工作,5%的学生想要自己创业。

    The survey of more than 55000 students , conducted by research firm Universum , found that roughly a quarter want to work for an international company , while only 9 % want to work for a start-up . Five percent want to start their own business 。

  11. 优信首席执行官戴琨发表声明称,优信希望利用互联网技术的优势以及在二手车市场的丰富经验提高交易效率,帮助经销商更准确地识别潜在买家。

    Uxin hopes to use the strengths of its Internet technologies and experience in the used-car market to improve the efficiency of transactions , and to help dealers identify potential buyers with greater accuracy , Chris Dai , the chief executive of the Chinese company , said in a statement .

  12. 此前,优步官方微信账号在三月份已经被腾讯封号。

    Before this , Uber 's official WeChat account was already blocked by Tencent in March .

  13. 在优步的微信公众号被封杀后,优步的用户开始质疑腾讯公司的这一举措,他们称避开优步是一种垄断行为。

    Users of Uber who posted the shutdown of the Uber-related accounts have voiced their doubt about Tencent 's move , saying it is using its monopoly to fend off Uber .