
  1. 我刚在一所大学完成了任教期,后被聘到张士柏英语网(pen)任教。

    I just finished teaching in a college and was invited to PEN ( Patrick English Network ) .

  2. com天天学英语网不少中国学生都曾有过因课容量有限问题而被选修课程踢出的经历。

    Many Chinese students have the experience of being kicked out of an optional course because its size is limited .

  3. com天天学英语网应用的费用是每月525日元(约合4.31英镑),可以手机的位置电池的剩余电量。

    The basic charge was Y525 (£ 4.31 ) a month , which provided the location of the phone and the amount of energy left in the phone 's battery .

  4. 沪江网,原名沪江英语网,于2001年上线。

    Originally known as HJenglish . com , YesHJ went live in2001 .

  5. 街上的灯光都熄灭了(兔笨笨英语网)。

    All the lights were out in the streets .

  6. 英语网聊语解构

    Deconstruction of on-line English-chatting language

  7. 爱思英语网日本电视剧剧情一到那里,方英甫就乘坐专线班车抵达学校。

    On her arrival , Fang saw the shuttle bus which was going to take her to the university .

  8. 随着好莱坞大片《盗梦空间》风靡全球,有越来越多的人着迷于探索梦境。爱思英语网。

    As the Hollywood blockbuster Inception wowed audiences around world , more and more people are interested in dream exploration .

  9. 然而句法结构、习惯表达及文化蕴涵等因素是中国读者理解和翻译英语网文标题时遇到的主要障碍。

    Among the factors that hinder the accurate comprehension and translation of such titles , syntax structure , idiomatic expression and cultural content are considered as the leading ones .

  10. 本文将以认知语用的认知语境和语境关联思想为指导,探讨如何克服这些障碍的途径,探讨认知语用在英语网文标题理解和汉译中的阐释力。

    Therefore , solutions to solve these problems will be discussed here in a cognitive pragmatic perspective so as to demonstrate the interpreting force of the theory in title comprehension and translation of Internet English articles .

  11. 新华社今年开通了一个英语电视网;一只有官方媒体背景的基金本周同意收购新闻集团(newscorp)旗下三家电视频道的多数股权。

    Xinhua launched an English - language television network this year and a state media-backed Fund agreed this week to acquire a majority stake in three television channels owned by News Corp.

  12. VU8中国英语学习网。

    VU8 Chinese English Learning Website .

  13. Nhn中国英语学习网我记得我跟那些在五角大楼烟雾弥漫的走廊里工作的勇敢灵魂谈话,跟那些登上93号航班最终成为英雄的人们的妻子们谈话。

    I remember talking to brave souls who charged through smoke-filled corridors at the Pentagon , and to husbands and wives whose loved ones became heroes aboard Flight 93 .

  14. 英语交际网语语音和拼写的演化趋势

    On the Evolution of English Phonetics and Spelling in Network Communication

  15. 英语学习网编译:钱不是问题,问题是没钱!

    Money is not the problem , the problem is money !

  16. 超凡英语学习网编译:我很难概括自己的个性。

    I find it hard to summarize its own personality .

  17. 在线英语学习网编译:喝醉了我谁也不服,我就扶墙!

    Drunk who has not satisfied me , I will help the wall !

  18. 英语学习网你永恒的信任让我们的爱火永不熄灭。

    Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive .

  19. 他一生大部分时英语帮帮网间用来积聚钱财。

    He ent most of his life gathering money .

  20. 超凡英语学习网编译:香皂对皮肤有害。

    Soap is Bad for Your Skin .

  21. 英语学习网糊涂一词在字典中的定义是:愚蠢的,傻,荒谬的。

    The definition for the word silly , according to the dictionary is : stupid , foolish and nonsensical .

  22. 英语阅读网跟着经济复苏和职位的增加,雇员的期瞅值在升高,这同时也影响了职员活动率。

    Employees'expectations have been rising as the economy recovers and the number of available positions increases , which affects turnover rates .

  23. 英语学习网编译:我就像一只趴在玻璃上的苍蝇,前途一片光明,但又找不到出路。

    I lie like a fly in the glass , the future is bright , but can not find a way out .

  24. 超凡英语学习网编译:如果你讲话太快,吞音或有口音,即使讲一口流利英语的外国人也很难听懂你的话。

    If you talk too fast , slur your words or have an accent , ever a foreigner who seems to speak perfect English will have a hard time following you .

  25. 然而,这一想法正遭受越来越多的专家的质疑,他们指出,孩子总是呆在家里,和父母在一起,是不健康的。收集整理:英语作文网。

    However , this idea is now being questioned by more and more experts , who point out that it is unhealthy for children who always stay with their parents at home .

  26. 大学英语四级网考对大学英语教学改革和学生英语综合能力提出了更高的要求。

    The Internet-based Test of Band Four offers new requirements for the teaching reform and students'comprehensive ability .

  27. 远程教育英语统考(网考)复习初探

    The beginning of English unified examination ( has a test in the net ) review explores a distance learning

  28. 在线英语口语学习网.她很勇敢,但终因寡不敌众,被那帮人打晕过去。

    The girl was brave enough , but as being outnumbered , she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang .

  29. 他的研究方法存在误差,因为说英语的维基网用户人数更多,不过这项研究的确揭示了在两种语言中一些特殊颜色的重要性。

    His method is biased as there are more Wikipedia users that are English speakers , but it does reveal the importance of certain colours in both languages .

  30. 中国官方的新华社昨日开播全球24小时英语电视新闻网,此举是中国加大国际影响力的最为雄心勃勃的努力。

    China unveiled its most ambitious effort for greater international influence yesterday with the launch of a global 24-hour English-language TV news network run by Xinhua , the state news agency .