
  • LOCAL TEACHER;The English Teacher
  1. 昨天英语老师严厉责罚了他。

    He received a harsh punishment from his English teacher yesterday .

  2. 我的英语老师很开明。

    My English teacher is open-minded .

  3. 英语老师待学生诚恳耐心,大家都愿意亲近她。

    As the English teacher is sincere and patient , every student of the class wants to be friends with her .

  4. 站在黑板前面的那个人是我们的英语老师。

    The man standing before the blackboard is our English teacher .

  5. 她是一名英语老师,也是我的母亲。

    She was an English teacher . She was also my mother .

  6. 我不确定哪个更能惹怒她,我的狂妄还是因为我的英语老师让我变得十分自负?

    I am not sure if she was more upset by my hubris or by the fact that my English teacher had let my ego get so out of hand .

  7. 一位年轻的英语老师救了他们的命。

    A young English teacher saved the lives .

  8. J:是的,她是我们的英语老师。R:她呢?

    J : Yes , she 's our English teacher . R : And her ?

  9. 埃尔温·琼斯是另一位鼓励我写作的英语老师。

    Elwyn Jones was another English teacher who encouraged me to write .

  10. 我的英语老师曾经告诉我,单词有很大的力量。

    My English teacher once told me that words have great power .

  11. 你的英语老师给你的班上介绍了一个剧本。读一下吧。

    Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class.Read the play .

  12. 我的英语老师总是尽力让我将自己的长处发挥出来。

    My English teacher always tries her best to bring out the best in me .

  13. 我的英语老师是莱恩小姐。

    My English teacher is Miss Lane .

  14. 吴先生是一位英语老师。

    Mr Wu is an English teacher .

  15. 后来,在威尼斯街上,有一位叫维尔内特先生的英语老师经营着一家剧院。

    Then , at Venice Street , there was an English teacher called Mr.Vurnette.He ran a theater .

  16. 我们的英语老师怀特先生已经完成了他在我们学校两年的教学,下个月就要离开了。

    Our English teacher , Mr.White , has finished his two years ' teaching at our school and will leave next month .

  17. 我们英语老师有40岁模样。

    Our English teacher is approximately in her forties .

  18. 请允许我先自我介绍一下,我叫C,是你们的英语老师。

    Allow me to introduce myself , my name is C.

  19. 英语老师Sharp在将自己的苹果手机和笔记本电脑交由警方调查以前,曾试图将很多证据删除掉。

    Sharp allegedly tried to delete information that she had synced from her iPhone to her school-issued laptop before handing the computer over to investigators .

  20. 所有作文都由两位有多年教学及阅卷经验的英语老师严格按照高中英语作文评分标准进行评阅,取平均分,用SPSS统计分析。

    All these compositions are marked by two teachers experienced both in teaching English and marking writing , and the average is calculated . SPSS is employed to analyze data .

  21. 斯莱特(Slater)和爱玛(Emma)这对美国夫妇已经在中国生活了4年了,职业都是英语老师。

    Slater and Emma are an American couple that have lived in China for four years . They are both English teachers .

  22. 要我说,如果你真的要给出一箩筐人名,至少要参考TomHanks的感言,也说说四年级的英语老师。

    I say if you 're going to give us a laundry list of names , at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way , as Tom Hanks once did .

  23. 最近碰到了一个超好的英语老师,他叫Collus。

    I have met a good English teacher called Collus recently .

  24. 我们的英语老师Bmce是位英国人。

    Our English teacher , Bruce , is from Britain .

  25. 是的,她就是我们的英语老师岳老师。

    Yes , she is our English teacher & Miss Yue .

  26. 吴老师是你们的英语老师,是吗?

    Mr Wu is your English teacher , isn 't he ?

  27. 这个新英语老师给人留下非常好的印象。

    The new English teacher has created a very favourable impression .

  28. 我的英语老师让我借一本英英词典。

    My English teacher asked me to borrow an English-English Dictionary .

  29. 我们的英语老师一向特别注意发音。

    Our English teacher always makes a special point of pronunciation .

  30. 看!你的英语老师在和你的爸爸交谈。

    Look ,! Your English teacher is talking with your father .