
  1. 在最后的毕业时刻,你们必须面对累世积累的恐惧和黑暗,用意志将它们转化成光。

    In the final graduation one must always face their cumulative fear , face their darkness , and turn it into light through will .

  2. 你们的灵魂做出了决定,要在地球毕业的重要时刻主动承担自己的角色。

    The maxim is that by soul agreement , you have a proactive role to play in the planetary graduation .

  3. 时间过得很快,还是到了要回去参加毕业音乐会的时刻,莎曼塔不愿意放弃准备了那么多年的毕业表演机会。

    Time flies , or to go back to the graduation concert of the moment , Sha Manta reluctantPrepared to give up performance opportunities for so many years of graduation .

  4. 乔布斯打趣道,这次演讲是他离大学毕业最近的时刻,并分享了三个转变他人生轨迹的故事——这些都可以作为别人的成功指南。

    Jobs , who quipped that the address was the closest he 'd ever come to a college graduation , shared three stories that connected the dots of his life -- and could possibly serve as a roadmap for others .

  5. 好了,毕业舞会开始的时刻差不多到了。

    Well , it 's almost zero hour for the graduation party .

  6. “好了,毕业舞会开始的时刻差不多到了。”

    " Well , it 's almost zero hour for the graduation party . "