
  1. 动物之家的员工在INS上写道:卡普现在能够感受到那些拍过驾照照片,护照照片以及八年级小学毕业照的人的痛苦了。

    Carpe Diem feels the pain of anyone who has ever had their driver 's license , passport or eighth grade school photo taken , " animal shelter staff wrote on Instagram .

  2. 你会感到很糟糕,你的毕业照也会看上去很差劲。

    You 'll feel awful and your pictures will look like crap .

  3. 想你们了,看看那毕业照。

    Would like you to see according to the graduation .

  4. 那是我的中学毕业照

    That 's my high school graduation picture .

  5. 非常感谢你寄来自己的毕业照。

    Thanks for sending the graduation photos .

  6. 确切地说,很多中国女性租用婚纱仅仅是为了毕业照。

    Rather , many Chinese women are renting wedding dresses simply for their graduation pictures .

  7. 只是想分享一下毕业照中最让我骄傲的一张。

    Just wanted to share a photo from the most recent graduation that I am proud of .

  8. 如果你想知道你是否会拥有一段美满的婚姻,那么先看看你配偶中学时的毕业照

    If you want to know whether your marriage will survive , look at your spouse 's yearbook photos

  9. 山区小镇,没有一家照相馆的时候,我的小学毕业照是县上的照相师傅到我们完小拍摄的。

    When I graduated from the elementary school , there was still no photo studio in our mountainous town .

  10. 这张毕业照在被传到网上后迅速走红,她选择这个专业的决心更令人印象深刻。

    The photo went viral after it was posted online . People are impressed by her determination to pursue the academic degree .

  11. 那年头比较纯朴,芝加哥有一名个体照相师,专营结婚照、周年纪念照、毕业照和其他家庭大事照。

    In simpler times , there lived a self-employed photographer in Chicago who worked weddings , anniversaries , graduations and other family events .

  12. 在拍摄民国学生照之前,她们已经拍下了学士服毕业照。

    Before donning them and stepping in front of the cameras , they had already had photos taken of themselves in baccalaureate gowns .

  13. 他发现在毕业照上被评为’有魅力‘的人们后来所赚收入要高于长相一般的同事们。

    He found that those rated attractive on the basis of their graduation photographs went on to earn higher salaries than their less well-favoured colleagues .

  14. 不过,当我看到自己的毕业照时,我感触最深的一点是自己应该经常理发。

    Although , when I look at my graduation pictures , the main thing I realize is that I should have gotten a haircut more often .

  15. 这名清新美丽的中国学生的毕业照在上传学校主页后大受欢迎,造成网站页面一度瘫痪。

    She is the stunning Chinese student whose graduation pictures proved so popular they caused her university website to crash after being uploaded onto the homepage .

  16. 近日,北京大学古生物学专业毕业生安永睿在将自己的毕业照发布到网上之后,迅速走红。

    The graduation photo of An Yongrui , a paleobiology major at Peking University , has become an internet sensation after he recently posted it online .

  17. 来自南京大学的学生辅导员陈婧(音译)说她近日来见到很多同学都选择身着传统服饰拍毕业照。

    Chen Jing , a student counselor at Nanjing University , said she has seen many students wearing traditional costume in recent days as they pose for graduation photos .

  18. 与其他大学毕业生不同的是,安永睿发布的毕业照中只有他一个人,因为他是今年这所名校的元培学院该专业唯一的毕业生。

    Unlike other college graduates , An posed for his graduation photo alone , as he is the only paleobiology graduate this year at the prestigious university 's Yuanpei School .

  19. 在其中一张毕业照中,这名唯一的女生穿着婚纱,而其他的男生像新郎一样,都穿着西装。

    One picture of the graduating batch showed the lone female student wearing a wedding dress while the rest of the male members resembled grooms by wearing their respective suits .

  20. 除南京以外,近年来,上海、广州、武汉、沈阳等地的学生中也刮起一股复古毕业照的风潮。

    Beyond Nanjing , students in Shanghai , Guangzhou , Wuhan , Shenyang and other places have taken up the practice in recent years of posing for graduation photos in traditional costumes .

  21. 凯文维兰纽瓦的毕业照与别的毕业生和家人合影并无差别如果他不是坐在父母的墓前的话。

    Kevin Villanueva 's graduation photo would not have been any different from those of other fresh graduates surrounded by family had he not had his taken seated next to his parents'grave .

  22. 天津的毕业生们也选择用空中摄影机记录下他们的青春,借助后期平面设计让这些毕业照在视觉上更吸引人,看起来更具创意。

    Those from the Tianjin municipality also chose aerial cameras to memorize their youth , with the help of post graphic design to make the photos look more creative in a visually-appealing approach .

  23. 凯文·维兰纽瓦的毕业照与别的毕业生和家人合影并无差别——如果他不是坐在父母的墓前的话。

    Kevin Villanueva 's graduation photo would not have been any different from those of other fresh graduates surrounded by family - had he not had his taken seated next to his parents'grave .

  24. 安徽省一所高中的一组毕业照是目前为止最引人注目的毕业照作品之一,照片中来自40个班级的约2200名学生组成了一个巨型弧形。

    So far , a super arc-shaped group photo of around 2200 students from 40 classes in a local high school in east China 's Anhui province marked one of the most eye-catching works .

  25. 同样以高大的图书馆为背景,薛世凡的毕业照却有些与众不同——照片中只有她一个人,因为她是北京大学古生物学专业今年唯一的毕业生。

    Standing in front of the big library on campus , her graduation photo is a bit unusual - she is all alone . That 's because Xue is the only paleontology graduate from Peking University this year .

  26. 这个夏天,周静(音译)就要拿到南京师范大学金陵女子学院的学士学位了,她决定穿一身1911-1949年时的学生装拍毕业照。

    Zhou Jing , a female student who will receive a diploma from Ginling College of Nanjing Normal University this summer , decided to pose for her graduation photos wearing a costume students often wore between 1911 and 1949 .

  27. 所以,在没有令人满意的传统时,年轻的学生们开始用新奇的方法解决这一问题——拍一些毕业照上传到社交媒体上与同辈比比谁的照片最靓。

    So in the absence of fulfilling tradition , young students have taken matters into their own hands with novel trends - starting with photo shoots that allow graduates to upload their self-images to social media and compete with their peers for the hottest looks .

  28. 对于广西壮族自治区三江县的高中毕业生来说,拍摄毕业照不仅是为高中生活画上句号,更重要的是,他们可以借此在高考前放松一下。

    For high school graduates in Sanjiang County , south China 's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in particular , it 's not only a way to wrap up their school life , but more importantly , to relax a bit before the national college entrance exam .

  29. 除了穿着学士服和裙装拍毕业照以外,东南大学艺术学院的谢婧然(音译)则选择身着上世纪20年代引入上海的旗袍拍照。

    Besides posing for graduation photos in baccalaureate gowns and coat-skirt costumes , Xie Jingran , a student at the Nanjing-based Southeast University 's art school , also had a picture taken of herself wearing a cheongsam , or Qipao in Chinese , a tight-fitting dress introduced in the 1920s in Shanghai .

  30. 这个毕业班由机械制造专业的学生组成,他们因毕业照在网上掀起了波澜,这些照片更像一场婚礼或一组奇幻图片。

    The graduating class comprised of mechanical manufacturing students who made waves on the internet for their graduation photos that appeared more like a wedding or a fantasy photoshoot .