
  • 网络marriage after graduation;marry-upon-graduation;Finish marriage family;marriage-upon-graduation
  1. “毕婚族”主要是指一毕业就结婚的一类群体。

    Marry-upon-graduation is a new expression which refers to those young people who marry immediately after graduating from college .

  2. 他们选择配偶也格外地谨慎,长相、经济条件都是他们考虑的因素,而不像“毕婚族”,仅仅是为了爱情而结婚。

    Many spent their time looking for spouses with good economic backgrounds or attractive faces , instead of looking for love .

  3. 当今的“毕婚族”与二十世纪八九十年代的年轻人形成了明显的对比。

    This is in sharp contrast to the 1990s and 1980s when many urban youngsters put off marriage until they were " old enough "