
  • 网络Recruitment website;Job Network
  1. 凯业必达招聘网(CareerBuilder)与EMSI公司最近联合进行的一项调查显示,这三类职业是2013年本科毕业生的最佳工作之选。

    These three professions are among the best jobs that require a bachelor 's degree for 2013 , according to a new study by CareerBuilder and Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. ( EMSI ) .

  2. 建立高校人才招聘网的策略

    Tactics to Build Talents - wanted Network in Institutions of Higher Education

  3. 招聘网搜索系统的可用性研究

    An Usability Study on Recruitment Website Research System

  4. 说到兴奋处青岛招聘网大家肆无忌惮的哈哈大笑。

    When it comes to excited everyone act recklessly and care for nobody laugh .

  5. 青岛招聘网学会感恩,是一种美德。

    Institute of Thanksgiving , is a virtue .

  6. 如何花钱比如何挣钱更能见出一个人的品位高下青岛招聘网。

    How to spend the money to earn more than to see a personal taste .

  7. 随着计算机信息技术的发展,高校人才招聘网的建立势在必行。

    Building talents - wanted network must be enforced because of the development of computer technology .

  8. 那些被揪出的贪官敛财青岛招聘网无数,但他们过的是人的日子吗?

    Those corrupt officials have been uncovered more numerous , but they are the one day ?

  9. 青岛招聘网它像美国的卫星侦察仪,地面上什么东西它都看得清;

    It is like the United States satellite reconnaissance device , ground on what it can see ;

  10. 智联招聘网职业顾问孟光(音译)鼓励毕业生要勇于挑战自我。

    Meng Guang , a career consultant from Zhaopin . com , encourages grads to challenge themselves .

  11. 给予泉州招聘网他人帮助是让你自己在执行任务时得到所需帮助的最佳途径。

    The best way to get the help you need for an assignment is to give it .

  12. 是想知道你完整的职业背景,宿迁招聘网还是只想了解一些工作近况?

    Are they looking for your entire professional background , or just your most recent work experience ?

  13. 对于职场类小说的畅销,智联招聘网的高级职场顾问陈宁并不感到意外。

    The popularity of office novels does not surprise Chen Ning , a senior career consultant at Zhaopin .

  14. 北京夜场招聘网长期面向全国招聘各类模特商秘、夜场模特、舞蹈演艺人员等!

    Beijing model recruitment centre for long-term model of the recruit to all types of Peru , models , etc.

  15. 企业情报职业需求分析&基于招聘网的统计与挖掘

    An Analyze on the Social Needs of Information Profession & Based on the Statistic and Mining Data of Employment Website

  16. 当然,这只是对于一些连招烟台招聘网套路的分析,并非要你拘泥于这样的套路。

    Of course , this is just for some even routine analysis , not to you on such a routine .

  17. 识别雷达:他从来只吃那种味道最辛辣、会呼市人才招聘网产生碎屑和噪音的包装食品。

    How to identify : He dines on only the most pungent , debris-yielding , noisily packaged foodstuffs * at all times .

  18. 智联招聘网高级咨询师陈曦(音译)表示,在经济衰退期中,很多公司都裁掉了那些不能为公司带来利润的职员。

    According to Chen Xi , a senior consultant at Zhaopin . com , companies discard staff who cannot generate profit in economic slumps .

  19. 据智联招聘网职业顾问陈宁介绍,学生兼职市场的暗淡现状预计还会持续一段时间。

    According to Chen Ning , a counselor at Zhaopin . com , students can expect the gloomy part-time job situation to last for some time .

  20. 智联招聘网职业顾问钱亮亮鼓励同学们去做兼职,以便更好地利用在学校里学到的知识。

    Qian Liangliang , a career consultant at Zhaopin . com , encourages students to take part-time jobs which make good use of their campus knowledge .

  21. 狼吞虎咽之后,想到后面还烟台招聘网有活动,就不再恋酒菜,这一餐很快就结束了。

    Eat like wolves and tigers , the thought behind there are activities , will no longer love food and wine , the meal ended too soon .

  22. 当输入一个关键烟台招聘网词在搜索框中时,就会出现与该关键词相似的并且具有检索量的关键词,并且还会出现检索次数。

    When the input a keyword in the search box , will appear with the key words similarity and amount of retrieval keywords , and the retrieval times will appear .

  23. 据智联招聘网去年所做的一份报告显示,与薪酬、工作环境等因素相比,职场90后更强调“要做喜欢的工作”。

    Post-90s workers place more emphasis on " doing a job that they enjoy " than other factors , such as pay and conditions , according to a report by conducted last year .

  24. 或许,他们由于种种原因,技术水平并烟台招聘网没有多高,或因学业懈怠,技而不精,甚而至于曾经消极比赛过、打过默契球、假球。

    They may , for various reasons , the technical level is not high , or because of their negligence , ability and fine , even has negative game , played the ball , ball .

  25. 而宋江的路线当然也青岛招聘网是行不通的,想在不涉及社会政治经济革命和改革的情况下追求社会正义也必然头破血流。

    While the Song Jiang route of course is not going to work , want to do not involve the economic social and political revolution and reform case of pursuing social justice must head broken and bleeding .

  26. 据哥伦比亚广播公司报道,凯业必达招聘网开展的这项调查表明,很多人制造虚假借口,去年就有28%的员工身体状况良好却打电话请了病假。

    The survey from Career Builder demonstrated that that plenty of people were faking it observing that 28 per cent of workers called in sick over the last year whenthey were feeling just fine , CBS reported .

  27. 那样我们就可以不再对着青岛招聘网电话诉说想念,就可以每天清晨起来看见你的睡脸,然后一起吃一顿不太丰盛却很温暖的早餐。

    So we can no longer on phone tell miss , can see the early in the morning every day you sleep face , then go to eat a meal is not too great but very warm breakfast .

  28. 据新浪网2014年的报道,在调查智联招聘网2013年9月到2014年9月间发布的校园招聘广告里,有127条广告中包含明显的性别歧视,使用“仅限男性”或“仅限女性”的字眼。

    According to a survey of campus recruitment advertisements posted on job-hunting website between September 2013 and September 2014 , 127 advertisements contained obvious gender discrimination , using phrases such as " males only " or " females only , " media outlet reported in 2014 .

  29. 有迹象显示,人们对公务员的热情可能正在消减,招聘网在三月底发布的一份报告称,仅仅两个月,已有1万多名公共单位职员通过该网站提交了简历,其中包括公务员和公共机构工作人员。

    In a sign that civil service jobs may be losing their appeal , a report issued by recruitment website Zhaopin in late March said more than 10000 public sector employees , including civil servants and staff members at public institutions , had submitted their resumes to potential employers through the site in just two months .

  30. 智联招聘网广州分公司总经理李欣(音译)也建议,最好不要只是因为工作不称心的一面而辞掉它。李欣称:“一些年轻人辞职后会花时间寻找一份完美的工作。但是世上根本就没有完美的工作这回事。”

    Li Xin , general manager from Guangzhou branch of , also advises against leaving a job just because of the less pleasant side of it . " Some young people quit and take time to search for a perfect job , " said Li , " but there 's no such thing as perfect job . "