
  • 网络Hiring Manager;Recruitment Manager;recruiting manager;staffing manager
  1. 经过几轮面试之后,招聘经理告诉我,每一位新工程师都要见一下CEO。

    After several interviews , the recruiting manager told me that every new engineering recruit had to meet the CEO .

  2. 官办中心的一个职员走到我身边,告诉我可以去找那位招聘经理谈谈。

    A staff of the employment centre came to the computer to tell me that I could talk with that recruiting manager .

  3. 有可能一些招聘经理会被有特定教育背景的求职者吸引,但这并不能保证。

    It 's possible that some hiring managers may be drawn to candidates with a particular educational r é sum é , but it 's no guarantee .

  4. 招聘经理们表示,SAT分数低不一定会葬送求职者的机会;

    A low score doesn 't necessarily kill a person 's chances , hiring managers say ;

  5. 另外,你也可以在LinkedIn上找到正确的招聘经理的名字。

    LinkedIn is another resource to find the correct name .

  6. SAT和其他学术测验成绩仍然具有重要意义,在一定程度上是因为,这些指标对招聘经理来说简单易懂(虽然并不完美)。

    SATs and other academic artifacts remain relevant in part because they are easy -- if imperfect -- metrics for hiring managers to understand .

  7. Sanders:一些招聘经理会重视认证。

    Sanders : Some hiring managers do look for certifications .

  8. 越来越多的招聘经理都希望找到有MBA学位的营销人才。

    Increasingly , hiring managers look for candidates with a master 's degree in business administration ( MBA ) with a marketing emphasis .

  9. 二三十年前,一家《财富》500强(Fortune500)公司的招聘经理更愿意给文科毕业生(比如舞蹈专业)一个机会。

    Twenty or 30 years ago , a hiring manager at a Fortune 500 company was much more willing to give , say , a dance major a chance .

  10. Anderson推荐招聘经理应该事先考察公司有哪些岗位可能出现大的空缺,然后马上开始招聘。

    Anderson recommends hiring managers see where there may be big gaps in the organization and start looking for possible replacements now .

  11. 商务社交网站LinkedIn近日的一项调查发现,目前有41%的招聘经理会将志愿者经历与从业经验同等看待。

    A recent LinkedIn ( lnkd ) survey found that 41 % of hiring managers consider volunteer experience equally valuable as paid work .

  12. 不论是你是招聘经理、HR从业人员,还是中介机构的招聘官,以下的章节将帮助你如何组成一个极具吸引力的职位广告,并增加招聘的成功率。

    Whether you are a hiring manager , a HR practitioner or an agency recruiter , the sections below will help you put together a more compelling job ad and increase your recruitment success .

  13. 不过也有好消息,美国大学和雇主协会(NationalAssociationofCollegesandEmployers,NACE)年度招聘经理调查的初步结果显示,2013年,雇主招聘的应届毕业生预计将比2012年增加13%。

    On the bright side , however , employers expect to hire 13 % more new grads in 2013 than in 2012 , according to preliminary results from the National Association of colleges and employers ' annual survey of hiring managers .

  14. 能够体现你在使用主流平台Salesforce和SAP方面的熟练度的关键词将成为想要寻找销售和营销职位人才的招聘经理最先搜索的东西。

    Keywords showing proficiency with the major platforms - Salesforce and SAP - will be the first things hiring managers search for when looking to fill open sales and marketing positions .

  15. 43岁的法斯克兹(MichelleVasquez)说,她上个月获得了应聘一份高级营销职位的电话面试,这要多亏了招聘经理的一个朋友推荐了她。

    Michelle Vasquez , 43 , says she landed a phone interview for a senior marketing job last month thanks to a referral from a friend of the hiring manager .

  16. KPMG全球招聘经理认为所谓对公司的忠诚意味着对自己的老板的忠诚,不论这个员工是否还在KPMG领薪水,他都同样会对他曾经的工作充满感情。

    But in an era of job-hopping and a scarcity of skills , loyalty increasingly means having a sense of emotional allegiance to an employer , whether or not that person is still physically on the payroll .

  17. 此外,凯业必达公司(CareerBuilder)2011年对2662名招聘经理进行的调查显示,28%的雇主表示他们不大可能提升办公区杂乱无序的人。

    Also , 28 % of employers say they 're less likely to promote someone with a disorganized workspace , according to a 2011 CareerBuilder survey of 2662 hiring managers .

  18. 你永远也不会知道招聘经理会得到什么样的反馈信息。

    You never know what gets reported back to the hiring manager .

  19. 招聘经理都想找到注意细节的候选人。

    Hiring managers are looking for applicants who demonstrate attention to detail .

  20. 反之,也可以用“尊敬的招聘经理”来称呼对方。

    Otherwise it is acceptable to use " Dear Hiring Manager . "

  21. 加入招聘经理所在的职业或志愿者团体。

    Join the same professional or volunteer group as the hiring manager .

  22. 大多数招聘经理都会选择性格外向的求职者。

    Most hiring managers would opt for the second , extroverted candidate .

  23. 不过有些招聘经理表示,有时候甚至连久经沙场的应聘者也会在阴沟里翻船。

    But some hiring managers say evenexperienced professionals have made other slip-ups 。

  24. 大多数公司正在招聘经理和其他店内工作人员,贾斯汀赫希指出。

    And most of them are hiring managers as well as in-store personnel .

  25. 招聘经理看到过你的求职申请了吗?

    Did the hiring manager even see the application ?

  26. 如果你是一名招聘经理,你是否会反对这种做法?

    If you 're a hiring manager , would you have any objection ?

  27. 如果你拿到了这份工作,招聘经理很可能就是管理你的人。

    The hiring manager will likely supervise you if you get the job .

  28. 要记得,招聘经理会收到很多发来的信件。

    Remember , the hiring manager receives many submissions .

  29. 过分积极地和招聘经理套近乎会让你看起来太心急。

    Getting in touch with the hiring manager excessively makes you seem desperate .

  30. 招聘经理可能会直接挂断电话而不会让你回电。

    Hiring managers might hang up instead of ask you to call them back .