
zhāo ān
  • offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels;(of feudal rulers) offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels
招安 [zhāo ān]
  • [(of feudal rulers) offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels] 招抚;招降。统治者劝诱武装反抗者归降

  • 奉宋江哥哥将令,着我持两纸书,招安 刘唐、史进。-- 李致远《还牢末》

  • 受朝廷招安

招安[zhāo ān]
  1. 他应该推动对塔利班武装人员的招安计划。

    And he should boost programmes to woo Taliban fighters .

  2. 然而这样的人,居然经历了不可思议的“劫杀”、“劝降”和“招安”。

    But such a man even experienced a reluctant draft , patient persuasions and the acceptance of the draft .

  3. 他们中很多人很可能只是临时征召入伍,有时被人们称为“小T”塔利班,这部分人很可能被政府招安。

    Many of them may turn out to be part-timers , sometimes called " small-t " Taliban , who could be enticed to the government side .

  4. 主要办法有政治高压、遮蔽扭曲、冷淡躲避、丑化改造和征服招安,从而有力地消解历史话语和人性话语的现实力量,达到对这类话语的有效整合。

    Political high-handed policy , distortion , indifferent hiding , vilified transformation and conquests clear up the real power of the historic words and human words strongly and achieve the valid conformity for this type of words .

  5. 分析梁山先后三位首领的性格与遭遇,了解梁山招安与反招安的斗争,有助于我们更好地明了作者的思想倾向。

    By analyzing the three leaders in order of time about their personalities and their sufferings , by learning something about how the army for and against amnesty , we can have a better understanding about the author 's opinions .