
  • 网络telephone interview;phone interview
  1. “我们担心的是,长期服用从细胞内部作用于VEGF的药物可能存在危险并导致心脏病和中风,”易努拉-阿瑞斯通过电话采访表达了她的忧虑。

    " The concern is that long-term exposure to a drug that targets VEGF from inside the cell could be dangerous and cause heart attacks and strokes ," Iruela-Arispe said in a telephone interview .

  2. 西蒙·德·普利(SimondePury)是一位国际拍卖商,他的Instagram账户@simondepury有13.1万个关注者,他在电话采访中说:

    Simon de Pury , an international auctioneer who has 131000 followers on his Instagram feed , @ simondepury , said in a telephone interview :

  3. 电话采访由市场调研公司objectiveresearch进行。

    The telephone interviews are conducted by a market research company , objective research .

  4. 电影公司广泛应用观众追踪数据始于20世纪80年代,当时只有一家公司提供这种服务,那就是全国调查集团(NationalResearchGroup)。那会儿的调查手段主要依靠电话采访。

    When studios began to widely use tracking data in the 1980s , a single company provided it & the National Research Group , which relied on telephone polling .

  5. 喜欢穿白西装、打亮色领带的莫比乌斯从他在新加坡的办公室接受了《财富》杂志(Fortune)记者的电话采访。

    Mobius , who favors white suits and bright ties , spoke by phone with fortune from his office in Singapore .

  6. “我们发现这很有趣而且也拓展了我们的视野,这里有一些我们仍然不知道的东西,”E在周日的一次电话采访中说到。

    " We find that intriguing , knowing that there 's things there that we don 't even know about ," Erdmann said in a phone interview Sunday night .

  7. 与CNN记者进行电话采访时,她正身处盖尔伟,沿着爱尔兰的海岸线骑行。

    CNN spoke to her by phone in Galway , during her recent tour of Ireland 's coastline .

  8. 新城市主义对解决中国城市发展问题的启迪&对新城市主义创始人PeterCalthorpe的电话采访

    The Reference from New Urbanism to Chinese Urban Development & Phone-interview with the Founder of New Urbanism , Peter Calthorpe

  9. 美国联合航空公司的发言人卡伦·梅(KarenMay)在电话采访中说,该公司不会公布涉事飞行员或乘务员的名字。不过该公司发布了以下声明:

    The airline will not be releasing the names of the pilot or the flight attendant involved , Karen May , a spokeswoman for the airline , said on the phone . United did issue the following statement :

  10. 调查是由全球扫描民调公司(GlobeScan)和美国马里兰大学国际政策态度项目(PIPA)为BBC进行的,他们通过面对面或电话采访的形式随机对25个国家的民众进行了调查。

    It was conducted for the BBC by GlobeScan and PIPA , who conducted face-to-face and telephone interviews with randomly selected people in 25 countries .

  11. Martin在接受电话采访时称,这非常令人遗憾,我认为他们的论证方法是有缺陷的,并没有科学依据,也是没有根据的。

    ' It 's really unfortunate . I find their line of reasoning flawed , ' said Mr. Martin in a telephone interview . ' It 's not based on science and there 's no foundation for this . '

  12. 当被问及巴西作为旅游目的地对孕妇是否安全时,阿尔维斯在电话采访中说:“我想是的,毫无疑问。”他强调,巴西政府决定暂不发布有关兹卡的旅游警告,与世界卫生组织(WTO)的政策是一致的。

    Asked in a telephone interview if Brazil was a safe destination for pregnant women , Mr. Alves responded , " I think so , without a doubt , " emphasizing that his government 's decision to refrain from travel alerts regarding Zika coincided with World Health Organization 's policies .

  13. 国际公共意见调查公司Ipsos在12月12日至14日期间电话采访了1000位成年人。

    The poll of 1,000 adults was conducted by telephone Dec. 12 to 14 by Ipsos , an international public opinion research company .

  14. “我们想知道通常情况下乳制品是否对生育有所影响,”Chavarro在一次电话采访中说道。

    " We wanted to know whether dairy foods in general affected fertility ," Chavarro said in a telephone interview .

  15. 周六,墨西哥疾病预防与健康促进部(PreventionandHealthPromotion)副部长巴勃罗·库里·莫拉莱斯(PabloKuriMorales)博士接受电话采访时表示,墨西哥已经诊断出15个兹卡病例,其中10例出现在靠近危地马拉边境的恰帕斯州。

    Dr. Pablo Kuri Morales , Mexico 's undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion , said in a telephone interview on Saturday that Mexico had diagnosed 15 cases of Zika , 10 of them in the state of Chiapas , on the border of Guatemala .

  16. 北卡罗来纳州共和党众议员罗伯特·皮滕格(RobertPittenger)在接受电话采访时表示,在众议院征集签名的过程很容易,议员们都担心这笔交易会赋予中国直接进入美国金融基础设施的途径。

    Representative Robert Pittenger , Republican of North Carolina , said in a telephone interview that it had been easy to gather signatures on the letter in the House , with members worried that the deal would give China direct access to America 's financial infrastructure .

  17. 头晕目眩的拉森正在澳大利亚拍摄《金刚:骷髅岛》(Kong:SkullIsland),她在电话采访中说,自己已经准备好参加下一波的奥斯卡奖活动,尽管她还不知道到底都是些什么活动,需要自己做什么。

    A groggy Ms. Larson , reached by phone in Australia , where she is filming " Kong : Skull Island , " said she was ready and willing to join the next wave of Oscar glad-handing , although she didn 't know quite what form that would take .

  18. 达娜-法贝尔的BruceSpiegelman从事于这项研究,在一个电话采访中他说,研究人员一直在寻找能转化褐色脂肪细胞的基因。

    Dana-Farber 's Bruce Spiegelman , who worked on the research , said in a telephone interview that researchers have been trying to find the genes that turn brown fat cells on .

  19. 尽管如此,“天下没有不散的宴席,”该剧的剧创和编剧朱利安·费洛斯(JulianFellowes)在电话采访中说道。

    Even so , " you can 't expect anything to go on indefinitely , " Julian Fellowes , the creator and writer of the program , said in a telephone interview .

  20. “通过作用于孕激素受体,我们非常有可能预防乳癌,特别是在高度危险的BRCA-1区域〉”在电话采访时Lee说。

    " By targeting the progesterone receptor , it 's very possible that we can prevent the breast cancer , especially in the high risk BRCA-1 area ," Lee said in a telephone interview .

  21. Lieberman在电话采访中说:“语言似乎能压制大脑的这些基本情绪通路的反应&在这里是指扁桃体状物质”。

    " This seems to dampen ( 6 ) down the response in these basic emotional circuits in the brain & in this case the amygdala ," Lieberman said in a telephone interview .

  22. MariamKukunashvili在接受来自墨西哥的电话采访时说,他还要求提供设备冷冻他的精子,这样他老的时候才会有足够的精子供应。

    He also inquired about equipment to freeze his sperm tohave sufficient supply when he 's older , she said in a telephone interview from Mexico .

  23. 接受电话采访的《烟草控制框架公约》菲律宾联盟(FCAP)和其他烟草控制组织认为,没有合法的理由阻止这项措施通过。

    Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Alliance Philippines ( FCAP ) and other tobacco control groups called saw no legitimate reason that will prevent the passage of the measure .

  24. DouglasBettcher博士,世卫组织无烟草行动临时主任和HaikNikogosian博士,世卫组织公约秘书处首长将可安排接受电话采访。

    Dr Douglas Bettcher , Director a.i. , Tobacco Free Initiative , WHO and Dr Haik Nikogosian , Head of the Convention Secretariat , WHO will be available for phone interviews .

  25. 游客人数增加是好事,但是如何分散游客也是个问题,国家公园管理局的发言人凯西·卡帕(KathyKupper)在华盛顿接受电话采访时说。

    The wealth of visitors is great but spreading it around can be a challenge , Kathy Kupper , a spokeswoman for the park service , said on the phone from her office in Washington , D.C.

  26. 在电话采访中,Lamamra说,这位索马里领袖已经成为给无法治的非洲国家带来稳定的障碍。

    In a telephone interview , Lamamra said the Somali leader had become an obstacle to efforts to bring stability to the lawless Horn of Africa nation .

  27. 罗德信托(RhodesTrust)首席执行官、牛津大学罗德楼舍监查尔斯·康恩(CharlesConn)在接受电话采访时说,“我们不仅会和史蒂夫的项目进行协调,还会与其他项目协调,以确保不让候选人为难。”

    Charles Conn , the chief executive of the Rhodes Trust and warden of Rhodes House at Oxford University , said in a telephone interview , " We work together not only with Steve 's program but also other programs to make sure we don 't put candidates in awkward positions . "

  28. 杜克大学灵长类动物学家ElwynSimons在电话采访中说:“我们很惊讶它的大脑竟然如此之小。”由他负责的本次研究被刊登在美国国家科学院报中。

    " What was astonishing is how small this brain is ," Duke University primatologist Elwyn Simons , who led the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , said in a telephone interview .

  29. 在电话采访中Baty表示在去年的时候哈佛和加州理工的差距已经是非常小了,而今年最大的变化是加州理工获得了很大的研究收入的增长。

    The difference between Harvard and Caltech last year was minuscule , Baty said in a telephone interview . Whats happened this year is Caltech has seen a significant increase in its research income .

  30. 该中心的首席科学家JohanGiesecke在一次电话采访中说到:“我们需要说明的是疫苗既经济又实用,但女性在开始性生活之前就应该接受免疫”。

    " We are saying the vaccine is probably cost effective and should be given to girls before they start their sexual life ," Johan Giesecke , the agency 's chief scientist , said in a telephone interview .