
  • 网络wiring diagram;connection diagram
  1. 该平台具有良好的人机界面,用户只需通过鼠标的点击、拖动等操作就可实现电力系统电气接线图的绘制。

    The platform has a good user interface . Power wiring diagram can be drawn simply by mouse click , drag and other operations .

  2. 在软件图形平台上可以绘制和编辑电力系统的电气接线图。

    The wiring diagram of power system can be edited by this software .

  3. 配电馈线地理图到电气接线图的转换

    Conversion from GIS Based Feeder Maps to Electric Diagrams

  4. 面向重型机床电气接线图的计算机辅助设计

    The CAD of Electric Wiring Diagram for the Heavy - Duty Machine Tool

  5. 为了将配电馈线的地理接线图转换为电气接线图,建立了基于图论的配电网模型。

    In order to convert GIS based feeder maps into electric diagrams , a distribution network model based on the graph theory is developed .

  6. 接着详细介绍了系统中各个单元的硬件设计,并在附录分别给出了电气接线图。

    Then it further elaborates on the hardware design of each unit in the system detailed and provides the electric circuit diagram in the appendix .

  7. 研究了电力网通用图形化建模方法,提出了基于所绘电气接线图的电网拓扑结构识别的算法,为各种电气计算软件的开发奠定了基础。

    Based on the power system diagram which is plotted in the application software , an effective algorithm for power network topology identification is also presented .

  8. 该软件实现了诸多的图形编辑功能,能够在软件图形平台上绘制和编辑电网的地理接线图和电气接线图。

    This software has realized a great deal of graphic editing function , and can draw and edit network geographic connect and electrical connect graph on software platform .

  9. 该系统利用关系数据库模型存储设备的参数信息,并直接将数据反映到发电厂、变电站的电气接线图中,构建了厂站中心设备元件的通用拓扑关系。

    In the system , relation database model is adapted to memory the parameter information of the device . The information will be sent to the power system main connection drawing , and then the general topological relations are established .

  10. 介绍网络化矢量图形SVG产生和转换的技术,并结合具体实例阐述用Delphi实现的将自定义电气化接线图转换成SVG格式网络化图形的程序设计技术。

    This paper introduces technologies of transforming other graphics ' format files into Scalable Vector Graphics of Web . It gives an example of changing electrical drawing to SVG file by using Delphi to present the theories and skills .

  11. 图形平台中提出的捕捉点模型很好地实现了电气主接线图的网络拓扑自动跟踪。

    The automatic tracking of power network topology is well implemented by use of the snap model put forward in the graphic platform .

  12. 对于第一类和第二类因素,采用了绘制电气主接线图、设计总平面布置图、汇总设备材料工程量、计算设备安装工程概算、计算土建工程概算等工作来得出相关的数据;

    The first two kinds of data are acquired by drawing main electric connection diagrams , designing main plane arrangement diagrams , collecting device material data and calculating budgetary estimate of civil engineering .

  13. 该文从分析设备编号规则和电气主接线图的间隔特点入手,提出间隔建模的思想,总结出面向间隔模型的图元位置序号的确定方法。基于电气主接线图的变电检修管理图形平台

    This paper presents a clew of setting up the gap model through analyzing the character of electric main wiring diagram and summarizes the gap model oriented method about how to ascertain the serial number of primitive . Graphic frame of substation equipment maintenance and repair management system based on VBA

  14. 借鉴电网络理论中关联矩阵的概念,结合配网理论线损计算的特点,构造出关联矩阵A。这是将庞大而复杂的电气模型(网络接线图)转换成数学模型的关键。

    Referring to the idea of Association Matrix in electrical network theory and combining character of Line-loss computing , the association matrix A , which is a key step to transfer Electrical Model to Math Model , is designed .