
  1. 所以尽管我们赞助了Winner,Roast公司,我们买了电台广告权,我们捐出了一辆车,我们举办了一个派对,但我们却没拿到票。

    So yeah , we sponsored the Winner Roast , we bought radio advertising , and we gave way a car , we had launched a party and we had no tickets .

  2. 电台广告会比其他的方式更好,更能找到我们的目标客户。

    Such kind of promotion is better for its easy access to the target customer .

  3. 寄生振荡抑制电阻器他们已将广告内容寄往电台广告部。

    They have sent the text of the advertisement to the advertising department of the radio station .

  4. 还有路牌广告、霓虹灯广告、交通广告、电影广告、空中广告、汽球广告、邮递广告、幻灯广告、电台广告等。

    Besides , there were also road sign ads , neon sign , transportation sign , slide ads , etc.

  5. 我和贝琪.赖特给戴维.沃特金斯打电话,请他开放他的工作室,让我制作一个电台广告。

    Betsey and I called David Watkins and asked him to open his studio so that I could cut a radio ad.

  6. 佩里在加州访问期间的电台广告中说:创业难。但是我听说在加州创业难于上青天。

    But I hear building a business in California is next to impossible , Perry says in a radio ad that accompanied his tour in California .

  7. 因此本研究选题对于提升广告播出系统的价值,同时提升电台广告收入,具有十分重大的实践意义。

    Therefore , the topics of this study is practically meaningful to promote the value of broadcast advertisement system and bring up the incomes of broadcast advertisement .

  8. 我们提供多元化广告服务,包括:平面设计、电视电台广告制作、媒体策划、刊登广告、公关及展览服务等等,能有效地满足客户不同需要。

    Well-equipped with professionals in client service , creative , media and PR , we strive to work out effective marketing strategies and advertising plans to meet the different needs of our customers .

  9. 他们突破传统的销售方式给消费者一种有新意的方式,将产品不放在摩尔中正常地销售。产品的基本市销售场是电视购物、电台广告和在线购物,而不在购物中心中交易。

    It has become more difficult for retailers , as well as for those whose products are not normally sold in the mall , to break through to consumers in a meaningful way .

  10. 除了做电视广告,西纳夫公司也做电台广告,该广告在每场足球赛后播出,把表现最差的球员称为“球场上的死人”。

    Sinaf also takes part in a radio sport show where at the end of each football match , the worst player receives the title of " the dead man on the field " .

  11. 只有很稳固、名度很高的服饰公司能成功地通过广播电台做广告。

    Only very established , well-known clothing companies can successfully advertise through radio .

  12. 许多本地公司在当地电台做广告。

    Many local businesses advertise on local radio .

  13. 我们在贸易报刊和地方广播电台投放广告,但还是在报纸上投放广告效果最好。

    We 'd put ads in the trade press and on local radio , but we had the best results from advertising in a newspaper .

  14. 我不喜欢收听商业电台,因为广告打油诗太多了。

    I don 't like listening ot commercial radio because there are so many jingles .

  15. 定时播出的电台和电视广告。

    Regular advertisements on radio and television .

  16. 政府建议容许候选人在电视和电台卖选举广告。

    Election advertisements would be allowed on television and radio for the first time , under a government proposal .

  17. 影响较大的省、市级14家传播媒体中,有11家报纸、电视台和广播电台刊播烟草广告或软广告;

    Direct or indirect tobacco advertisements were also found in 11 of 14 mass-medias such as newspapers , radio stations and TV stations .

  18. 这些具体的营销策略,是建立的对整个市场营销环境分析的基础之上的,是将A电台音乐广播广告产品的具体营销活动与理论相结合提出的。

    These specific marketing strategy is the establishment of the marketing environment on the basis of the analysis is the A radio music radio advertising product-specific marketing activities , combined with the theory put forward .

  19. 主要提出了市场策略、营销机构策略、产品策略、定价策略和监督策略五大营销策略,并将五大营销策略进行细分,详细的阐述了A电台音乐广播广告产品具体的策略。

    The main objective of the marketing strategy , marketing , corporate strategies , product strategy , pricing strategy and marketing strategy are given . This section oversees the five segmented marketing strategies , detailed description of the A radio music radio advertising product specific strategy .

  20. 可以发现,A电台音乐广播广告产品是一项可以很好推广的产品,通过制定的营销策略,并针对营销策略评价提出的补偿性措施,今后该产品的营销活动前景广阔。

    Through this research and analysis , we can find that the A radio music radio advertising is an excellent product . Through the development of marketing strategies and marketing strategies for the evaluation of proposed compensatory measures , the product could better and better in the future .

  21. 电台具有独特的广告形式被称为“有价证券”或每讯广告。

    Radio has a unique advertising format known as " PI " or per inquiry advertising .

  22. 有一次在美国开车,我的随身音乐播放器坏了,感觉所有的电台都在播广告,简直让人崩溃。

    For a while , I hated that , because my iPod wouldn 't play in my car , and all the stations drove me mad with constant advertising .

  23. 就是这样我才花了一些时间去研究美国的公共电台,那些电台完全没广告。

    It took me a while to discover the USA 's many public radio stations , which don 't broadcast any adverts .

  24. 央广传媒发展总公司是中央人民广播电台全资公司,授权经营中央人民广播电台广告等全部可经营性资源,是中央人民广播电台对外加强市场开发的重要载体。

    Yangguang Media Development Corporation , wholly-owned by CNR , is authorized to operate advertisements and other business resources , and plays an important role in marketing China National Radio .

  25. 同时,广告收入是目前广播电台的主要收入来源,现代广播电台节目中广告内容地位非常重要,为对广告主提供更好的服务,也需要为广告主提供便捷的播后查询功能。

    At the same time , advertisement revenue is the main income of broadcast station . So advertisement is the important content of the program .