
  • 网络Electronic Paper
  1. 电子纸技术及其研究现状与展望

    Technology of Electronic Paper and Prospects for the Same

  2. 电子纸技术及其在包装领域的应用展望

    A Perspective on E-paper Technology and Its Applications in Packaging

  3. 电子纸技术及其应用

    Electronic - paper technology and its applications

  4. 柔性电子纸技术

    Flexible e - Paper Technologies

  5. 在投资约10亿美元开发电子纸技术和进行相关收购后,这家总部位于台北的公司在全球小型电子书显示屏供应市场中占到了逾三分之二的份额。

    After investing about $ 1bn in developing the technologies behind e-paper and related acquisitions , the Taipei-based company accounts for more than two-thirds of the supply of small screens for electronic books .

  6. 业内观察人士表示,基于“数字墨水”显示屏的电子纸技术,可能成为未来10年最重要的技术成就之一。

    According to industry observers , electronic forms of paper based on screens that provide displays based on " digital ink " could turn into one of the big technology hits of the coming decade .

  7. 随着嵌入式系统的发展,嵌入式显示设备也在不断地更新换代,从CRT到LCD,再到近年来出现的电子纸显示技术。

    With the development of embedded systems , the monitors for embedded devices also upgrade continuously from CRT to LCD and then electronic papers which appear in recent years .

  8. 微胶囊电泳显示是一种可逆、双稳态、柔性的电子纸显示技术。

    Microencapsulated electrophoretic display is a reversible , bistable , flexible display technology .

  9. 刘思诚表示:当何寿川看到(早期的电子纸)技术时非常吃惊;他认为这种技术可能会大有作为。

    When Mr Ho saw the [ early e-paper ] technology he was amazed ; he thought it could turn into something very big , Mr Liu says .