
  • 网络mobile payment platform
  1. 基于SOA的第三方移动支付平台的设计

    Design of third-party mobile payment platform based on SOA

  2. 中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团旗下的蚂蚁金服集团于上周二与泰国金融科技公司AscendMoney签署了战略合作协议,前者旨在将其移动支付平台和其他的金融产品扩展到海外市场。

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding 's financial arm Ant Financial Services Group last Tuesday signed a strategic partnership agreement with Thai financial technology firm Ascend Money , the former aims to expand its mobile payment platform and other financial products to overseas markets .

  3. 移动支付平台Square肯定是其中之一。

    Square is definitely one of them .

  4. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)有意收购印度领先移动支付平台Paytm的母公司大约5亿美元的股权,相关谈判已进入深入阶段。此举将标志着这家中国电子商务集团首次大举进军印度迅速扩大的初创企业领域。

    Alibaba is in advanced talks to buy an approximately $ 500m stake in the parent company of leading Indian mobile payment platform Paytm , marking the Chinese ecommerce group 's first significant foray into the country 's rapidly expanding start-up scene .

  5. 移动支付平台(电子钱包)的测试。

    The testing of mobile payment platform ( electronic purse ) .

  6. 第三方移动支付平台设计与原型系统实现

    Design and Prototyping of Third-Party Mobile Payment Platform

  7. 基于开放服务架构的移动支付平台

    Mobile Payment Platform Based on OSA

  8. 创新支付方式提升物流效率&移动支付平台研究

    Research on Mobile Payment Platform

  9. 移动支付平台的用户数量同期增长64.5%,至3.577亿人。

    The number of users of mobile payment platform grew 64.5 per cent in that time to 357.7m .

  10. 综合上述三种理论,本文认为移动支付平台采纳的影响因素有以下3个层次。

    Taking these three theories , the adoption of mobile payment platform is influenced by the following three levels of factors .

  11. 前置系统是融合移动支付平台的主要组成部分,它实现了融合支付平台和商户之间的信息交互功能。

    Front system is the main component of fusion mobile payment platform which implements the interactive function between fusion payment platform and merchants .

  12. 考虑到它的移动支付平台已开始帮助小企业处理信用卡支付,这一步看起来自然而然。

    The move seems like a natural next step , considering that the mobile payment platform started helping small businesses process credit card payments .

  13. 阿里巴巴希望借此举鼓励其用户转向移动支付平台,以阻止微信掠夺更多市场份额。

    With this move , it is trying to encourage its customers to shift to mobile and so prevent WeChat from gaining more ground .

  14. 本文对移动支付平台的功能需求和新的支付模型进行了分析,对总体设计方案进行了阐述。

    In this paper , the functional requirements and new payment model of mobile payment is analyzed , the overall design scheme is discussed in this paper .

  15. 影响消费者采纳移动支付平台的因素为功能价值和情境价值,社会价值不显著影响移动支付平台的采纳。

    Factors affecting consumer adoption of mobile payment platform are functional value and conditional value , social value does not affect the adoption of mobile payment platform significantly .

  16. 这反映出移动支付平台的快速扩张,它们正在推动中国城市跳过以信用卡支付为主的阶段,迈向无现金社会。

    This reflects the rapid spread of mobile payment platforms , which are pushing urban China towards becoming a cashless society , leapfrogging credit cards in the process .

  17. 根据前人的研究,感知价值、网络效应和跟风效应理论可以作为研究移动支付平台采纳的基础理论。

    According to previous studies , academic researchers use the perceived value theory , network effect theory and bandwagon effect theory to research the adoption of mobile payment platform .

  18. 支付宝钱包和微信安全支付等移动支付平台的快速发展使得移动服务被大家所熟知,本文主要是研究消费者采纳移动支付平台的影响因素。

    AliPay wallet and Weixin payment platform enable the mobile services to develop rapidly . This thesis mainly studies the factors that influence consumer to adopt the mobile payment platform .

  19. 然后本文介绍了移动支付平台的整体框架结构和交易流程,并论述了整个交易流程的各个环节都是具备了足够的安全性。

    Then , introduces the high level infrastructure and the transaction process of the mobile payment platform and discusses the security aspects that are included in the entire transaction processes .

  20. 中国经济中的新技术往往都是顶着政府和国企的阻力、而不是在它们的帮助下发展起来的——移动支付平台的情况就是如此。

    As is so often the case with new technologies in the Chinese economy , mobile payment platforms have grown despite , rather than because of , the government and state companies .

  21. 但本周,据最大移动支付平台之一腾讯微信宣布,转账功能将收取手续费,许多人或许对此早有预料。

    But this week , as some of us might have anticipated , one of the largest payment platforms WeChat , owned by Tencent , announced it will start charging users for transferring money out of their accounts

  22. 从总体上看,近期影响移动支付平台采纳的因素主要还是感知货币价值、感知方便性和感知移动性,移动支付平台作为软件不受社会价值的影响。

    Overall , the factors which impact the adoption of mobile payment platform are perceived monetary value , perceived convenience and perceived mobility . As software , the adoption of mobile payment platform is not affected by social value .

  23. 如第二张图表所示,受访者表示,他们最常使用移动支付平台的地方是超市和商场,但他们也喜欢使用移动支付平台缴纳公用事业费、订餐、买机票和火车票、外出就餐时支付餐费。

    Respondents said they most often used them for payments in supermarkets and shopping malls , but they are also popular for paying utilities , ordering food , buying travel tickets or eating out , as the second chart shows .

  24. 分析了一种基于短消息的移动小额支付平台的解决方案,用于移动电子商务中B2C的小额交易支付。

    A solution to mobile micro-payment platform based on Short Service Message ( SMS ) was described .

  25. 浙江省东部温州市的一家菜市场已经开始允许消费者用手机扫码购买所有商品,用支付宝(Alipay)支付。支付宝是电商集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的移动支付服务平台。

    A wet market in Wenzhou , in eastern Zhejiang province , has already started letting consumers wave their mobile phones at all of its goodies , and pay with Alipay , the mobile payments service affiliated to ecommerce group Alibaba .

  26. 一个基于短消息的移动小额支付平台解决方案

    Solution to mobile micro-payment platform based on short message service

  27. 移动小额支付平台的设计及安全性分析

    Design and Security Analysis of A Mobile Micro-payment Platform

  28. 最后采用基于密钥的安全控制方式,对移动手机支付平台的安全控制方案进行了设计实现。

    Finally , the key-based security control , security control program onthe mobile phone payment platform designed to achieve .

  29. 本文介绍了一套中国移动短信小额支付平台的解决方案。

    This paper introduces the suit of resolvent of micro payment platform .

  30. 移动支付的安全交易平台的研究与开发

    Research and development of secure transaction platform for m-pay