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  1. 为了维护边防的安全和国家的安定,中央王朝移民实边,并调集军队驻守河西。

    To safeguard border security and State stability , Central dynasty migrants hard edges and mobilizing armies stationed in Hexi .

  2. 摘要古代社会里,中央政权通过“移民实边”加强对边疆治理,人口迁移多带有一定的政治色彩。

    In ancient times , the central government passed " nearby the immigration reality to strengthen to the border area government ", the population migration way has the obvious official color .

  3. 于是,他们纷纷提出诸如移民实边、修建铁路、兴办教育等建议,主要涉及农业、工矿业、交通、文化教育等内容。

    Therefore , they have put forward some suggestions such as migration to the frontier , building the railways , initiating the education and so on , mainly about agriculture , mining , transportation and cultural education .

  4. 清代在西北地区实施农业开发的过程中,主要采取移民实边、兴修水利、调拨生产工具、推广农业生产技术和农作物优良品种等措施,解决西北开发过程中所需要的人力和物力资源。

    In the Qing dynasty , agricultural development in northwest China depended on such measures as immigration , irrigation construction , tools transfer and agricultural technology and superior crop varieties extension to provide manpower and material resources .

  5. 这些城镇不是建立在军事驻防的基础上,而是在招民垦荒、移民实边与铁路、港口兴建的过程中,陆续发展起来的。

    These towns were not be established in the process of the foundation that military garrison ascended , but in process of recruiting people pioneer , migrating and railroad , ports being built , developed something to get up continuously .

  6. 为应对挑战、维护自身统治,十九世纪晚期,清朝政府加快全国行政、经济一体化进程,把行省制推向边疆,移民实边。

    In order to deal with the challenge , to maintain own rule , the Qing Dynasty government had sped up the political and economic integration advancement , pushed the province system to the border area in the later 19th century .

  7. 移民实边、鼓励垦荒,开设圩市、鼓励经商等一系列举措的实施,给边疆民众传统生活带来冲击,促进了边境生产的发展和边贸经济的繁荣。

    Immigration into , to encourage reclamation , open country fair , a series of initiatives to encourage the implementation of business , to the frontier people impact on traditional life and promote the development of the border and border trade produce economic prosperity .