
  • 网络mobile financial;Mobile Finance
  1. 高德纳银行和投资服务副总裁克里斯托夫?乌聚罗(ChristopheUzureau)表示,移动金融发展迅速。

    Christophe Uzureau , vice-president of banking and investment services at Gartner , says mobile finance has evolved rapidly .

  2. 打开移动金融时代的大门

    Open the Gate of Mobile Finance Era

  3. 在某些国家,移动金融交易已经占到了国民生产总值的25%。

    In some countries , mobile financial transactions already account for 25 per cent of GDP .

  4. 最后总结并分析了手机支付最终将成长为支撑运营商发展的革命性应用&移动金融的重要作用。

    Finally summary and analysis of mobile payments will eventually grow to support the development of a revolutionary application of operators - mobile finance an important role .

  5. 移动金融作为新兴的电子商务手段为加入世贸后的中国银行业带来了技术复兴的契机。

    Mobile banking , acts as the Silk Road of e-commerce , is bringing the juncture of technical resurrection to our banking system which would be opened after joining the WTO .

  6. 手机银行是一种典型的移动金融服务,具有巨大的发展潜力,因此受到了各关联方的广泛关注,各大银行纷纷联合移动运营商大力推广手机银行。

    As a typical mobile financial service , Mobile Banking has great potential for development . So that all related parties pay attention to Mobile Banking . And banks have combined with mobile operators to promote Mobile Banking .

  7. 我国的移动金融产业经过十几年的发展,从起初的移动支付试点,到现在移动金融平台的形成,移动金融的产业规模已经有了突破性的发展。

    Mobile banking industry has more than ten years of development history in China , from the beginning of the payment pilot to the formation of mobile financial platform , mobile financial industry scale has been the breakthrough development .

  8. 在此基础上,提取价格因素进行深入研究,结合信息服务的优先定价理论,构建了银行业移动金融服务的优先定价模型,最后以此定价模型为依据提出了有针对性的推广、宣传建议。

    On this basis , extract the price as a factor for the further research , and then built the pricing model of mobile financial services combining with the priority pricing theory of information services . Finally , propose targeted promotion and publicity proposals based on this pricing model .

  9. 移动商务在金融信息化中的应用分析

    On the Application of Mobile Commerce in Financial Informatization

  10. 移动互联网与金融的结合,目前主要表现为以银行为主导和以移动运营商等非银行机构为主导的手机银行。

    The combination of mobile internet and financial , which show as mobile banking the bank-led and mobile non-bank-led .

  11. 手机金融服务将继续快速发展,移动通信和金融行业的融合将加速。

    Mobile financial services will continue to grow quickly , and the convergence between mobile and financial sectors will accelerate .

  12. 伴随着移动互联网和金融电子化的发展,以及移动通讯设备的大量普及,移动支付应运而生,在中国乃至世界范围内受到广大用户的追捧。

    With the development of the Internet Teleology and Electronic Finance , as well as the more common use of the mobile terminal devices , Mobile Payment come into being in majority of users in China and within the worldwide .

  13. 在这样的大背景下,移动支付技术与金融业的结合日益引起各方的重视。

    Under such a context , the integration of mobile payment technology and financial sector receives growing attention .

  14. 伴随着移动支付与移动金融的普及,手机媒体的安全问题进一步遭到质疑。

    With the popularity of mobile payments and mobile financial security issues of mobile media being questioned further .

  15. 手持智能终端越来越多地被应用于移动办公、移动金融、移动证券等领域,但是这些服务都要求较高的安全性和可靠性。

    Hand-hold intelligent terminals are more and more used for mobile office , mobile financial , mobile stock services and so on . However , these services demand highly security and reliability .

  16. 按照应用模式,将移动商务应用分为:移动金融、移动广告、移动商务重构、移动娱乐、移动库存管理、产品定位与搜索等六类主要的应用模式,并分别进行了研究。

    According to the application mode , it divided the application of M-commerce into six kinds of application modes and discussed them respectively , which are mobile finance , mobile advertisement , mobile business reconstruction , mobile entertainment , mobile inventory management and the location and search of product .

  17. 全球移动商务业务纵览(一)&移动金融业务

    Overview of Global Mobile Business Service ( I ) Mobile Financial Services

  18. 移动支付是通过利用手机、笔记本电脑等移动通信终端设备,借助于移动网路和金融网络来进行信息的交换,以实现资金的交付转移。

    Mobile Payment is through the use of the mobile phones , laptops and other mobile communication terminal devices by means of the Mobile Internet to exchange data information with the financial network so as to realize the transition of the fund .

  19. 中移动表示,它将与浦发合作开展手机支付、移动银行卡、移动转账和其它形式的移动金融业务。

    China Mobile said it would work with Pudong Development on mobile phone payments , mobile bank cards , mobile fund transfer and other forms of mobile finance .

  20. 移动支付是指购买方为了购买实物或非实物的物品、服务,使用手机、PDA、移动POS等移动终端,通过移动网络,与金融网络进行数据信息交换,从而实现资金转移。

    Mobile payment refers to the process of purchasing practical or non-practical goods , services . Purchasers use mobile terminals such as the cell phone , PDA , mobile POS to exchange data information with the financial network through mobile network , in order to achieve the transfer of funds .