
  • 网络Tianjin Road;Tientsin Road;Tientsin Rd
  1. 基于IVE模型,自行设计调查内容、时间和地点,对天津在路机动车进行实地调查,获取一定样本的机动车信息,进行统计和分析。

    Based on IVE model , the content , time and location of this study were designed by ourselves .

  2. 从混沌到理性&天津红旗路文化会所设计

    From chaos to logos & The designing of Tianjin Red-flag-road culture chamber

  3. 天津友谊路国际金融中心空调系统模拟分析

    Simulation and analysis of HVAC system for Tianjin Youyi Road International Finance Center

  4. 这条是通往天津的路。

    It 's the road to Tianjin .

  5. 天津在路机动车活动水平调查研究

    Tianjin on-road vehicle activity study

  6. 本文介绍了正在兴建的天津咸阳路污水处理厂消化池结构利用大型计算机程序完成的该池较复杂的结构计算及设计

    A large scale computer program is used to solve the complicated structural calculation and design of Tianjin Xian yang sewage treatment plant digestion tank structure

  7. 他可以买一张地图,在地图上可以找到去天津宾馆的路。

    S2 : He can buy a map , he can find the way with it .

  8. 天津市咸阳路污水处理厂设计的技术要点

    Xianyang Road Wastewater Treatment Plant

  9. 文摘:介绍了天津市咸阳路污水处理厂工程设计的情况。

    Abstract : The engineering design of the Xianyang Road Wastewater Treatment Plant in Tianjin city was presented in this paper .

  10. 通过对天津十一经路立交桥连续曲线钢筋混凝土箱梁的纠偏加固设计,为此类工程提供了实践经验。

    The design of deviation rectifying and stabilizing on block curved reinforced concrete box girders of Shi-Yi-Jing Rd Grade Separation in Tianjin provides practical experiences for constructions of this kind .

  11. 在天津港四号路区域建立完整的ITS实施平台。

    Tianjin Port on the 4th Road in the area create a complete platform for ITS implementation .

  12. 研究结果表明,天津市实际在路机动车中轿车占显著比例,高达61%;

    The results show that , the fraction of passenger vehicles observed on road is high to 61 % ;