
  1. 天都黑了我才不接电话呢。

    You think I 'd answer ? It was dark out .

  2. 客人来的时候通常天都黑了。

    Most of the time when people come here , it 's dark .

  3. 天都黑了

    Well , it 's getting to be night .

  4. 艾玛:外边天都黑了。

    Emma : It 's dark outside already .

  5. 等我醒来时,天都黑了。

    When I woke up it was evening .

  6. 老师天都黑了,您乖乖的,早点睡吧,晚安!

    Days teachers are black , you Guaiguai , Zaodian Shui bar , good night !

  7. 他回来的时候天都快黑了

    It was getting dark when he came back in .

  8. 他们醒来时天都快黑了。

    It was nearly dark when they woke up .

  9. 我们走了几个小时,到那的时候天都已经黑了。

    We walked for hours and when we finally arrived , it was almost dark .

  10. 在黎明前我们就开始工作了,工作结束时天都已经黑了。

    We started work before dawn and by the time we finished it would be dark .