
  1. 你是我心中深蓝色的海,宽广的没有边际。

    I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea .

  2. 我的河儿流向你—蓝色的海!

    My River runs to thee My River runs to thee - Blue Sea !

  3. 我的河儿流向你蓝色的海!

    My River runs to thee Blue Sea !

  4. 烈日加勒比蓝色的海-棕榈树的海滩;

    Hot sun-caribbean ; blue sea-palm tree beach ;

  5. 蓝色的海!会否欢迎我?

    Blue Sea ! Wilt welcome me ?

  6. 蓝色的海在呼唤着。

    The blue sea beckons .

  7. 她凝望着大海,背景是蓝色的海与天空。

    She was looking at the sea , and her form was outlined on the blue ocean and sky .

  8. 游客们纷纷跑到沙滩边,看这群小猪在蔚蓝色的海中嬉戏、划水,激起一片片水花。

    They show off their piggy-paddle to visitors who flock to their beach to see the extraordinary site of wild pigs making a splash in the beautiful azure sea .

  9. 她偷偷地走进花园,从每个姐姐的花坛上摘下一朵花,对着皇官用手指飞了一千个吻,然后他就浮出这深蓝色的海。

    She stole into the garden , took a flower from the flower-beds of each of her sisters , kissed her hand a thousand times towards the palace , and then rose up through the dark blue waters .

  10. 包围城市的闪闪发光的白色之间有一个令人难以置信的蓝色光环,波光粼粼的海的颜色环绕着裸露山体泥土的颜色。

    The earthen colors of the bare hills which surround the town 's gleaming whiteness is set between the aura of an incredibly blue sky and even deeper blue sparkling sea .

  11. 如果一个人不停地向前走,他可以碰到一个茂密的树林,里面有根高的树,还有很深的湖。树林一直伸展到蔚蓝色的、深沉的海那儿去。巨大的船只可以在树枝底下航行。

    Those who travelled beyond its limits knew that there was a noble forest , with lofty trees , sloping down to the deep blue sea , and the great ships sailed under the shadow of its branches .