
  1. 我会穿泡泡装洗泡泡浴!

    LG : I would take a bubble bath in my bubble dress !

  2. 记得表姐小时候有一次吹个大泡泡,结果泡泡破了,整个都糊在脸上了。

    I still remember that my cousin once blew a big bubble and the bubble burst , covering her face with gum !

  3. 儿时的我总爱做各种各样的不可思议的梦,像漂烟、像浮云,美丽如诗,如同刚吹起的泡泡&肥皂泡泡。

    Childhood , I always love do all kinds of incredible dream , like smoke , like clouds floated , as beautiful as poetry , as has just blown bubbles – soap bubbles .

  4. 我爱吹泡泡:吹完泡泡大白鲸对着摄像机挥手。

    I 'm forever blowing bubbles : Beluga whale waves for the camera as performs tricks by pushing out circles of water .