
  1. 战争最深重的苦难现在开始了。

    The worst agonies of the war were now beginning .

  2. 现在开始圣诞节倒计时。

    The countdown to Christmas starts here .

  3. 现在开始写吧。

    Start writing now .

  4. 从现在开始,我们不得不节约开支。

    We 're going to have to economize from now on

  5. 他们现在开始意识到那些心地善良的陌生人帮了他们多大的忙。

    They are now realising just how much they owe to kind-hearted strangers

  6. 从现在开始要跟时间赛跑。

    It 's now become a race against the clock .

  7. 现在开始招女兵了,我听说她们表现很好。

    Girls are being recruited now . I heard they are shaping up very well .

  8. 这种事情我从前会付之一笑,但现在开始觉得挺烦的。

    Whilst I used to laugh it off , I 'm now getting irritated by it .

  9. 我现在开始觉得,我们不该就那样让她走了。

    I 'm beginning to feel now we oughtn 't to have let her go away like that .

  10. 我平昔对诗歌很少研究,现在开始感到一点兴趣了。

    I didn 't go in for poetry seriously , but now I 'm beginning to take an interest in it .

  11. 我从来没有做过饭,也不想从现在开始做。

    I 've never done any cooking and I 'm not about to start now .

  12. 我极力想让你们理解的一点就是:除非你们现在开始用功,不然你们就不会通过这次考试。

    The point I 'm trying to drive in is that you won 't pass the examination unless you start doing some work .

  13. 那为什么不从现在开始跟着我呢?

    So why not follow me from now on ?

  14. 因此,我们应该学会用耳朵、眼睛和心灵尽可能多地倾听,从现在开始努力让自己成为好的听众。

    So we should learn to listen with our ears , eyes and hearts as much as we can , and try to make ourselves good listeners from now on .

  15. 从现在开始的每一天我们都要提着脑袋过日子了。

    We 're gonna spend every day from now on looking over our shoulders .

  16. 从现在开始,我要去追寻我的摄影梦。

    I 'm going to live my dream as a photographer from now on !

  17. 噢,同时,从现在开始,美国也要取消太平洋自由贸易区谈判。

    Oh , by the way , the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty-starting now .

  18. 现在开始升级,开机的时候按住MENU键。

    To begin the update , turn your camera on while holding down the MENU button .

  19. 从现在开始,我将使用交互式Ruby控制台irb>>进行说明。

    From here on , I will use the interactive ruby console irb > > for my explanations .

  20. 所以从现在开始,每场比赛都只安排两轮PK环节。

    So each episode now features just two rounds of competition .

  21. 现在开始探索通用SCSI驱动器。

    Now on to the generic SCSI driver .

  22. 从现在开始,我们将在VMwareServer内创建一个虚拟机作为系统迁移的目标。

    From here on , we 'll be creating a virtual machine within VMware Server as the destination for system migration .

  23. 从现在开始,Jason和Markus可以接受和交付共享它们的变更。

    From now on , Jason and Markus can Accept and Deliver to share their changes .

  24. DM杂志在我国是一个年轻又旺盛的媒介形式,经历了最初的坎坷历程,到现在开始了快速的发展。

    DM magazine is a young vigorous form of media in China . After the bumpy course in the initial stage , it has preceded a rapid development .

  25. 从现在开始,我要把精力放在描述用JazzyAPI实际建立一个拼写检查器上。

    From here forward , I 'll concentrate on describing the steps to actually build a spell checker using the Jazzy API .

  26. 现在开始学习时间在国际互联网的Polyglot!

    Learn about time with Internet Polyglot now !

  27. 从现在开始,几乎所有需要的更改都涉及编辑大部分包含词汇paintbrush的文件。

    Almost all the needed changes from here on involve editing most of the files that include the term paintbrush .

  28. 要想摆脱困境,希腊必须从现在开始一场有序的违约,主动退出欧元区,并重新采用德拉克马(drachma,原希腊货币)。

    To escape , Greece must now begin an orderly default , voluntarily exit the eurozone and return to the drachma .

  29. 完成了域配置文件之后,现在开始使用virsh工具启动域。

    Now , with the domain configuration file complete , let 's start a domain with the virsh tool .

  30. 从现在开始,可以大大地扩展GeonamesQParserPlugin,将其与邮政编码和许多其他位置规范一起使用。

    From here , the GeonamesQParserPlugin could be expanded significantly to work with postal codes and many other location specifications .