
  • 网络A story;One story
  1. 我要给你们讲一个故事。

    I am going to tell you a story .

  2. 他在回忆儿时听过的一个故事。

    He was remembering a story heard in childhood .

  3. 在给这些男孩们盖好被子叫他们乖乖睡觉前,我会给他们唱首歌或讲一个故事听。

    I sing to the boys or read them a story before tucking them in .

  4. 这节课是从一个故事开始的。

    The class began / started with a story .

  5. 他颠来倒去地重复着同一个故事。

    He repeated the same story over and over . ; He kept harping on the same story .

  6. 他讲了一个故事,比我讲得更好笑。

    He capped my story with an even funnier one .

  7. 我能讲一个故事来和你的故事媲美。

    I can match your story with another .

  8. 但是当你和你的朋友分享一个故事时,你更关心他们的反应。

    But when you share a story with your friends , you care a lot more how they react .

  9. 在我的第一节文学课上,史密斯夫人让我们读一个故事,然后在45分钟内写下来。

    In my first literature class , Mrs. Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it , all within 45 minutes .

  10. 他没有介绍科学理论,而是讲了一个故事,他试图在故事中阐述自己的观点,也许是为了吸引读者的注意力。

    Instead of introducing scientific theories , he tells a story , within which he tries to make his points , perhaps in order to keep the reader 's attention .

  11. 被老板或教授派去街头采访一个故事时,你可以思考一下话题并列出十个与之相关的问题。

    When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the-street interviews for a story , think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it .

  12. 有这样一个故事:一个人看见一只蝴蝶。

    Here is a story : A man sees a butterfly .

  13. 科尔特斯先生:我们正在谈论刚刚读到的一个故事。

    Mr.Cortez : We are talking about a story we just read .

  14. 这就是为什么同一个故事有很多版本。

    That is why there are many versions of the same story .

  15. 在电报还是最快的远距离通讯方法的那个年代,有着这样一个故事。

    A story happened when the telegraph was the fastest method of long-distance communication .

  16. 人们把作家用不同方式讲述的同一个故事称作他们的“版本”。

    When writers tell the same story in a different way , it is called their " version " of the story .

  17. 现在你可以理解"版本"这个词的意思了,也了解到多个作家可以用不同的方式讲述同一个故事。

    Now you can understand what the word " version " means and how more than one writer can tell a story in a different way .

  18. 这时,有人对他讲了这样一个故事:

    At this time , a man told him such a story .

  19. 他曾经含着泪给我讲述了这样的一个故事。

    He once holds the tear to narrate a such story to mine .

  20. 在校园里广为流传着这样一个故事:有一次,一个学生给他的父母发了一封电报,上面写道:“妈妈,我的功课没有一门及格的,我已经被学校开除了,请爸爸做好准备。”

    A story around campus has it that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading : " Mom-flunked all courses . Kicked out of school , Prepare Pop . "

  21. 美国国家公共电台的听众们就经常会有“车道时刻”:他们收听一个故事或讨论时太着迷了,直到节目中间休息的时候他们才舍得下车。

    NPR listeners often have " driveway moments " : they are so engrossed in a story or discussion that they can 't get out of the car until there 's a break .

  22. 如同使用RUP一样,解决方法是建立一个故事的模型。

    As with the RUP , the solution is to build a model of the story .

  23. 看板支持:规划工具现在支持看板,包括一个故事版(storyboard)和在制品(WIP)限制。

    Kanban Support : The planning tools now support Kanban including a story board and Work-In-Progress ( WIP ) limits .

  24. 这个就叫“乌比冈湖效应”,名字源于Garrison,Keillor的一个故事,故事里有个地方的小孩子比一般孩子都优秀。

    This has been called the " Lake Wobegon effect " based on Garrison Keillor 's story about a place where all the children are above average .

  25. 老师让我们每人编一个故事。

    The teacher asked us each to make up a story .

  26. 为了回答这个问题,霍布斯讲了一个故事。

    And to answer that question , Hobbes tells a story .

  27. 流传着这样一个故事,讲的是很久以前有个国王。

    The story goes that long ago there lived a king .

  28. 这是有史以来最没有悬念的一个故事。

    This is one of the great anti-glamour stories in history .

  29. 我们决定用一个故事的方式也许是个好主意。

    We decided that a story form would be a good idea .

  30. 在软件开发过程中,你同样也有一个故事要讲述。

    In software development , you also have a story to tell .