
  1. 最后是一般共同犯罪的主犯的刑事责任。

    Finally , there is a common crime , the general principal of criminal responsibility .

  2. 集群犯罪不同于一般的共同犯罪,它的发生有其深层的社会原因和特殊的心理动因。

    The colony crime is different from general complicity , its emergence has deep social reason and special psychological motive .

  3. 第一小部分是一般情形下共同犯罪实行过限的认定。

    Part one discusses the identification of the surplus behaviors in complicity under general circumstances .

  4. 司法实践中,实行过限的一般情形在共同犯罪中比较普遍,认定及处罚的一般标准已形成通说。

    In judicial practice , the surplus behavior has become quite popular in accomplice , and the recognition and punishment has formed its own standard .