
xínɡ shì pàn jué shū
  • Criminal Judgment;paper of sentence;sentence in writing
  1. 刑事判决书研究

    A Study of Paper of Sentence

  2. 认知理论在刑事判决书说理中的应用&以许霆案为例

    Application of Cognitive Theory in Criminal Judgment Reasoning : Taking Xu Ting Case As an Example

  3. 刑事判决书既具有司法文书的一般特征,又有刑事司法性这一独特特性。

    It not only has the common characteristics of judicial documents , but also the unique characteristics of criminal justice .

  4. 本文首先对刑事判决书风格释义,分析其构成要素及其决定和影响因素;

    This text makes an interpretation of the color of criminal judgement , and analyzes the elements that form the judgement 's color and the factors that influence the color .

  5. 如完善公诉人提出量刑建议制度和法庭量刑评议表决机制,加强刑事判决书中对定罪量刑的说理。

    For instance , the system for public prosecutors to propose on sentencing and the court sentencing council voting mechanism should be improved , and the reasoning on conviction and sentencing in the criminal judgment should be strengthened .

  6. 然后对当今两大法系刑事判决书风格进行比较研究,找出二者风格差异的原因所在;刑事判决书用于处理刑事案件,因而有其自身的特点。

    Then the text compares the two law systems on the world and find out the reasons of their differences . Since criminal verdict is used for criminal case , it is different from other legal documents in some aspects .

  7. 长期以来,我国学术界把刑事判决理由归为刑事判决书中所展示的理由部分的论式,限制了对刑事判决理由功能的分析。

    For a long time , the statement that criminal judgement reason is reason section in the criminal judgement paper restricts the analysis for function of criminal judgement reason .