首页 / 词典 / good

  • punishment;torture;corporal punishment
  • 对犯罪的处罚:~罚。~法。~律。~事。执~。服~。

  • 特指对犯人的体罚:~讯。受~。~具。


(刑罚) punishment:

  • 免刑

    exempt from punishment;

  • 判刑

    sentence; pass sentence;

  • 死刑

    capital punishment; the death penalty;

  • 刑满释放

    be released after serving a sentence;

  • 他被从死刑减为无期徒刑。

    His punishment of death was commuted to life imprisonment.


(对犯人的体罚) torture; corporal punishment:

  • 酷刑

    cruel [savage] torture;

  • 受刑

    suffer corporal punishment;

  • 用刑

    put sb. to torture; torture;

  • 犯人在受刑。

    The criminal is undergoing torture.


(姓氏)a surname:

  • 刑明

    Xing Ming

  1. 试论非监禁刑及其执行体制的改革

    On the Outside-Prison Punishment and the reform of execution system thereof

  2. 短期自由刑改革方式比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Reformative Approach of Short-term Punishment against Freedom

  3. 曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。

    Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude .

  4. 凯瑟琳吃了苦头才知道服过刑会给一个人带来什么影响。

    Kathryn knows to her cost the effect of having served a jail sentence

  5. 他被处以石刑,以身殉难。

    He suffered martyrdom by stoning .

  6. 我出狱后找不到任何工作,曾经服过刑的身份对我很不利。

    When I got out I couldn 't find any work , and for being an ex-con , that was a strike against me .

  7. 目前我国的资格刑种类简单并且针对性不强,剥夺政治权利的内容不尽合理。

    China 's qualification penalty types of pertinency , simple and contents of deprivation of political rights .

  8. 使用兴奋剂入刑修正案规定,引诱、教唆、欺骗运动员使用兴奋剂参加国内、国际重大体育竞赛,或者明知运动员参加上述竞赛而向其提供兴奋剂,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处罚金。

    It stipulates that anyone who lures or cheats athletes into using banned substances in either domestic or international competitions faces up to three years ' imprisonment and a fine .

  9. 杀人犯威廉·帕默尔被公开执刑时,据说他看了看绞刑架上的活动门,然后问施刑者:“你确定那门安全吗?”

    For example : At his public execution , the murderer William Palmer is said to have looked at the trapdoor on the gallows and asked the hangman , " Are you sure it 's safe ? "

  10. 介绍了Devcon(得复康)高效橡胶修补刑及其在输送带维修中的应用效果。

    The paper introduced a kind of high performance rubber repairing putty named Devcon and its applied effect in the repairing of driving belt .

  11. 接着有三个人被捆在刑柱上准备行刑。

    Eg. then three were tied to the pillar for execution .

  12. 自由刑量刑监督制度之完善

    Amelioration of the Supervisory System of Sentencing the Penalty against Liberty

  13. 这名罪犯在监狱中服了10年刑后被假释了出来。

    The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison .

  14. 他们对所有参与非法协议的人都罚了款或判了刑。

    They fined or imprisoned all those party to illegal agreements .

  15. 中国增设社区服务刑之必要性及立法构想

    On the Necessity of Community Service Legislation and Some Legislative Designs

  16. 别忘了因为表现好再减点刑。

    And don 't forget a third off for good behavior .

  17. 对资格刑适用的期限、条件也略有探讨。

    Application term and condition of Qualification Penalty is also touched .

  18. 美国加州刑法典与我国刑法典的比较

    American California penal code and our country penal code comparison

  19. 因此,必须对现行刑事诉讼法进行修订。我国刑法对单位犯罪中犯罪单位的处罚只规定了罚金刑。

    So , we must revise current criminal procedure law .

  20. 建立罚金刑的执行体系;

    Establish the penal sum penal carry out the system ;

  21. 报应刑、教育刑及与犯罪的斗争

    On Retribution Penalty and Education Penalty and Fight against Crime

  22. 国外社区服务刑的运用及其借鉴

    The Application and Drawing on the Experience of Foreign Community Service Punishment

  23. 第一部分介绍了罚畜刑的发展演变过程。

    The first part introduces the evolution of Livestock penalty .

  24. 刑法中的资格刑问题的立法与理论研究

    Legislature for Qualification-Penalty in Criminal Law and Its Theoretical Research

  25. 从自理到宪律:对清代民法与民事诉讼的考察&以《刑案汇览》中的坟山争讼为中心

    Inspect on Civil Law and Civil Action in Qing Dynasty

  26. 他也许会减你的刑。

    He might be able to cut you a deal .

  27. 在一起世人瞩目的石刑案件上,巴西也未能成功对伊朗施加影响。

    Brazil was also unsuccessful at influencing Iran over a high-profile stoning .

  28. 刑案侦查的思维特征是由刑案侦查的特殊性决定的。

    The thinking characteristics of criminal investigation is decided by its peculiarity .

  29. 资格刑的适用期限及适用对象;

    The qualifications punishment applied deadline and applied object .

  30. 第三部分,罚金刑的利弊分析。

    Part 3 the analysis of advantages and the disadvantage of fine penalty .