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  1. 今、古文之争贯穿中国传统文化发展史,今文经学多以经世标榜。

    There are many kinds of culture in Chinese history .

  2. 学海堂与今文经学在广州的兴起

    The Hsueh-hai T'ang and the Rise of New Text Scholarship in Canton

  3. 经过龚自珍、魏源等的再造,今文经学与现实政治密切结合;

    Gong Zi-zhen and Wei Yuan link it with the actual politics closely ;

  4. 他接受今文经学思想既有个人因素也有时代历史原因,他的今文经学思想独具特色。

    There are both personal and historical reasons for his accepting the modern version .

  5. 今文经学与晚清文学革命

    The Up - to - date Classic Writing Study and the Literature Revolution in Late Qing Dynasty

  6. 今文经学和古文经学对后世影响最大的差异在于历史观的不同。

    The greatest difference about the impact on future generations between New Text Confucianism and Old Text Confucianism is their different views of history .

  7. 康有为接受今文经学是其早期文化思想内容的内在逻辑要求,同时也因为他看到了今文经学讲微言大义的妙用。

    The author proposes that the acceptance of New Text School was the inherent logical corollary of his early cultural thoughts , which also enables him to discover New Text School .

  8. 而其解读思路与方法又表现出了与今文经学尤其是《公羊春秋》一致的价值指向&强烈的政治干预性。

    Ideas and methods of its interpretation have shown ; especially with the New Text School " Rams Spring and Autumn " point to the same value - Strong political intervention .

  9. 康有为进化思想的渊源主要包括近代西方自然科学进化观、中国古代变易思想和今文经学的朴素进化观以及柏格森的创造进化论;

    The origins of Kang Youwei 's thought of evolution include the evolution of natural science in the west , the change thought of ancient China , the naive evolutionism of Confucian classics and Bergson ? creative evolution .

  10. 本章共分四个部分,首先论述了西北形势的变化以及今文经学的兴起对西北史地学产生的影响;

    The chapter includes four parts : namely the influences that the situation 's changes of Northwest China and the rise of New Text in the study of Confucian classics have made to the Study of History and Geography of Northwest China ;

  11. 于是在嘉道之际,学术界出现了汉宋调和、今文经学的复兴和经世致用之学等新的学术思潮。

    During Jia and Dao Times of late Qing Dynasty , the new academic ideological trend appeared in academia , with the reconciliation of Han and Song , the rejuvenation of Confucian classical learning and the emergence of study for the purpose application .